DalisMoustache · 70-79
When people "love" God and "his" commands more than people then there is no limit to the misery they will impose.
We only have to look at the history of our main religions to see this. But of course, all we shall hear is that the "true" believer will never do such things.
We only have to look at the history of our main religions to see this. But of course, all we shall hear is that the "true" believer will never do such things.
LadyGrace · 70-79
What are you getting at, with this question? Men create war regardless of God's will.
Axeroberts · 56-60, M
@LadyGrace some people like to find a way to blame God for human behaviour 🙄
LadyGrace · 70-79
You got that right, brother.
some people like to find a way to blame God for human behaviour
You got that right, brother.
Kstrong · 56-60, F
Joining in prayer for the peace of Israel
Adstar · 56-60, M
It's a fight over land and who controls it..
And islam has nothing to do with the God of Abraham.. Islam is a false cult established by a very faulty and violent man called muhammad..
And islam has nothing to do with the God of Abraham.. Islam is a false cult established by a very faulty and violent man called muhammad..
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DalisMoustache · 70-79
@Adstar No, I presume nothing as such. I merely point out the FACT that whatever our theology it has been mediated to us by others. If not Luther and Calvin, then others.
If this is not acknowledged, you are left with some purely circular claim that goes something like:- "I am a true believer therefore the spirit guides me into the true interpretation". Purely circular and amounting to nothing more that self- justification.
Where is my "projection"?
If this is not acknowledged, you are left with some purely circular claim that goes something like:- "I am a true believer therefore the spirit guides me into the true interpretation". Purely circular and amounting to nothing more that self- justification.
Where is my "projection"?
Adstar · 56-60, M
Yeah the Other is the Holy Spirit.. You had a few goes trying new boxes to fit me into and you failed miserably.. Why because you do not know the Truth..
You don;t know how the LORD Works.. You don't seem to know that God foreknows who will accept His gospel Way of salvation and who won't.. God can personally intervene with someone He foreknows will come to accept His truth by helping Him along the way to salvation.. Everyone being lead to salvation goes through a series of steps.. God impresses upon the individual to take the first step and if the person accepts the first basic truth they are elevated and then God impresses upon then another step.. This process goes on until the person comes to a step that they refuse to take and therefore they are given over to deceptions and delusions or they continue up the stairway to finally come to the step of salvation by the Atonement of the LORD Jesus.. Sadly most people come to a step they cannot accept and therefore they will never enter into eternity with The LORD Jesus..
Jesus is the Lamb of God.. and just like the first lamb of the first Passover back in Egypt His meat / Word Must be consumed / accepted totally for the angel of death to Passover that household / for one to be saved from the second death.. But most people come to a hard to accept truth.. And listen to the deceiving doctrines of false messengers because they sound better to their ears and to their opinion of what God should do and who God should be..
@Adstar No, I presume nothing as such. I merely point out the FACT that whatever our theology it has been mediated to us by others. If not Luther and Calvin, then others.
Yeah the Other is the Holy Spirit.. You had a few goes trying new boxes to fit me into and you failed miserably.. Why because you do not know the Truth..
"I am a true believer therefore the spirit guides me into the true interpretation"
You don;t know how the LORD Works.. You don't seem to know that God foreknows who will accept His gospel Way of salvation and who won't.. God can personally intervene with someone He foreknows will come to accept His truth by helping Him along the way to salvation.. Everyone being lead to salvation goes through a series of steps.. God impresses upon the individual to take the first step and if the person accepts the first basic truth they are elevated and then God impresses upon then another step.. This process goes on until the person comes to a step that they refuse to take and therefore they are given over to deceptions and delusions or they continue up the stairway to finally come to the step of salvation by the Atonement of the LORD Jesus.. Sadly most people come to a step they cannot accept and therefore they will never enter into eternity with The LORD Jesus..
Jesus is the Lamb of God.. and just like the first lamb of the first Passover back in Egypt His meat / Word Must be consumed / accepted totally for the angel of death to Passover that household / for one to be saved from the second death.. But most people come to a hard to accept truth.. And listen to the deceiving doctrines of false messengers because they sound better to their ears and to their opinion of what God should do and who God should be..
LadyGrace · 70-79
God's grace is available to all, but some will neither accept it nor want it. We are not "born in grace". Grace is a gift at the acceptance of it. The Bible is very clear that grace is not accepted by some. John 1:12 confirms that:
John 1:12 - "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name."
We are born in Grace. Chosen before the foundation of the world. It is arealisationnot a decision to accept it or not.
God's grace is available to all, but some will neither accept it nor want it. We are not "born in grace". Grace is a gift at the acceptance of it. The Bible is very clear that grace is not accepted by some. John 1:12 confirms that:
John 1:12 - "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name."

Everything in the Bible was a prophecy, it’s not just angels and blessings

Perhaps a good passage to reflect on Isaiah 45.1-7.
The Israelites have been taken to Babylon and threaten roughly. The prophet asks why?
The LORD uses all sorts of people to do his will.
And reminds us, there none beside him, and that he creates all things.
The Israelites have been taken to Babylon and threaten roughly. The prophet asks why?
The LORD uses all sorts of people to do his will.
And reminds us, there none beside him, and that he creates all things.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@SW-User You miss my point. Perhaps intentionally.

@LordShadowfire No, I am quite prepared to discuss creation elsewhere, as you know I’m a theoretical physicist.
This is about the plight of people in Palestine.
This is about the plight of people in Palestine.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@SW-User I just think it's incredibly fucking tone-deaf to talk about praying to God to end this conflict, when it's pretty obvious that if he did create everything, he likes conflict and death.

Hold onto the last five words in your post.
Axeroberts · 56-60, M
there is no explaining human behaviour
Wolf900 · F
Please dont blame God. Defo human behavior.

@Wolf900 All we can do is pray for compassion and peace.
4meAndyou · F
Peace cannot come from there. They are in the grip of madness.

Or ultimately their only hope.
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
Reading these comments shows exactly how wars start. Exhausting!!
4meAndyou · F
In the Old Testament, Yahweh was also a God whom His people called upon in war: see Jericho.
Hamas pretends they have a God...but apparently their God approves of beheading babies.
Hamas pretends they have a God...but apparently their God approves of beheading babies.

@4meAndyou Despite the horrid plight of the people in the Gaza strip, the behaviour of Hamas is inhuman.
4meAndyou · F
@SW-User 100 percent agree. Monstrous, in fact. Their behavior NOW basically cancels out ALL the wrongs ever done to the Palestinians, IMO.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
Given the fact that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are three of the Abrahamic religions, I'd say yes. It reminds me of a Zen story I heard several years ago.
There was a great guru traveling north through the desert, who was followed by several dozens of his disciples. During their pilgrimage, they stopped at an oasis. There, they met another guru who was traveling south with a group of his own disciples.
The two gurus sat in quiet meditation together, occasionally breaking the silence to make friendly conversation. Seeing this, their followers decided to get to know one another, and began discussing meditation techniques they had been taught, as well as philosophical teachings.
An hour into the conversation, arguments began to break out among the disciples. Some of the arguments turned into fist fights, and the two gurus were forced to end their peaceful meditation and intervene. As they stepped in to break up the fight, one of the disciples asked his master, "Why do you and that other guru disagree on so many basic fundamental truths of the universe?"
The master smiled and said, "We don't. Our disciples do."
There was a great guru traveling north through the desert, who was followed by several dozens of his disciples. During their pilgrimage, they stopped at an oasis. There, they met another guru who was traveling south with a group of his own disciples.
The two gurus sat in quiet meditation together, occasionally breaking the silence to make friendly conversation. Seeing this, their followers decided to get to know one another, and began discussing meditation techniques they had been taught, as well as philosophical teachings.
An hour into the conversation, arguments began to break out among the disciples. Some of the arguments turned into fist fights, and the two gurus were forced to end their peaceful meditation and intervene. As they stepped in to break up the fight, one of the disciples asked his master, "Why do you and that other guru disagree on so many basic fundamental truths of the universe?"
The master smiled and said, "We don't. Our disciples do."
Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
Abraham’s god was always a cruel pitiless thing.
DalisMoustache · 70-79
@Ceinwyn Certainly the Abrahamic Faiths have been guilty.of the most consistent and worst atrocities.
Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
@DalisMoustache They have indeed.
DalisMoustache · 70-79
Under my previous incarnation here as Smile1949 I posted a thread on Universal Salvation.
What comes to one will come to all.
Such is the "only way"......😀
Once people believe in the "sheep" and the "goats" and that their God approves of the division, then atrocities will naturally follow.
What comes to one will come to all.
Such is the "only way"......😀
Once people believe in the "sheep" and the "goats" and that their God approves of the division, then atrocities will naturally follow.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
The Old Testament is filled with genocide and murder all commanded by the Abrahamic god. If there is a God, I don't believe Yaweh is it.
Axeroberts · 56-60, M
@JimboSaturn if one believes them literally
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@Axeroberts I've literally never heard anyone tell me to believe them in any other way.
Axeroberts · 56-60, M
@LordShadowfire it's up to you how you want to believe it.
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Renaci · 36-40
Abraham being the father of all three religions is ultimately responsible for primary, secondary and tertiary death caused in the name of those religions.
But if you go the supernatural route then yeah it's ultimately all God's fault.
But if you go the supernatural route then yeah it's ultimately all God's fault.
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@ProphetOfFarblesnozz This is too serious a tragedy to be frivolous.