The name of Jesus is under attack today by Judaizing Hebrew roots heretics who try to say that God's real name is Yeshua and Yahweh.
These names are a fraud. The true and original Hebrew translation for Jesus' name is NOT Yeshua. This is a modern Hebrew translation, which is not Biblical Hebrew. Hebrew was a dead language for more than a thousand years. This was revived recently during the mid 1900's. There is not a shred of proof for the name Yeshua, no archeological findings or anything. It is totally made up and theorized. His name is Jesus, just as it is in the original Greek, which is what our New Testament was written in. Iesous is where we derive our name Jesus from. It is Iesus in the 1611 KJV. Same name, just brought into the English language for us. Many will bring up that there was no J, but it is still the same name Jesus, just pronounced differently, just as it is in Spanish and German.
Acts 4 states, "Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. NEITHER IS THERE SALVATION IN ANY OTHER: FOR THERE IS NONE OTHER NAME UNDER HEAVEN GIVEN AMONG MEN WHEREBY WE MUST BE SAVED."
Now, onto Yahweh. To these Hebrew roots devils (who ultimately want to bring you back under the law, cause that is ALWAYS where it leads) Jehovah” is no longer Jehovah: He is “Yahweh” or “YHVH.”
Years ago (1840-1940), apostate Liberal theologians drummed up the pagan idea that the Almighty God, Creator of Heaven and Earth – the “Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end” (Revelation 22; Colossians. 1; John 1) – was simply a local “tribal god” of some Hebrew “Bedouins” who came out of Egypt. This tribal deity – like Mohammed’s moon god (“Allah”) – was a local deity given a pre-eminent place, like Mohammed gave to the “chief god” of the 360 gods in the “Ka’aba.” This tribal god was called “Yahweh.” Then this word “Yahweh” was passed down from one liberal “campfire” to another liberal “campfire” by the FCCC (1906) and the NCCC (1960) and by all of the revisors on the translating committees of the RSV (1957) and the NRSV (1989).
“Yahweh” was the ”ticket.” Yahweh has always been the hallmark of all apostate Liberals connected with any ecumenical movement. The idea was to reduce “I AM THAT I AM” (Exodus 3:14) – the infinite eternal presence of a living God – to an “Ah is because ah is.” Or as the rotten stinking “New” King Jimmy Bible has it: “I am WHO I AM.” The New King Jimmy Vision (Falwelll, 1982-1983) simply joined up with the unsaved Liberals (Weigle, Tillich, Oxnam, Sockman, Albright, E.S. Jones, Norman Vincent Peale, Pike, Fosdick, Dahlberg, Blake, Weatherhead, et. al.) and adopted their reading as published in the Reprobate’s Sap-headed Version (RSV, 1952) and the Nutty Reversed Sap-headed Vision (NRSV, 1989). When Elmer Towns, Ed Hindson, Jerry Falwell, Wally Chriswell, A.V. Henderson and Truman Dollar served on the “Overview Committee” of the NKJV they simply joined hands with the FOUNDER of Neo- evangelicalism: Harold Ockenga.
They immediately dumped the God of Israel as He defined Himself in his first revelation of His NAME (Exodus 3:14, 6:3). There are seven “Jehovahs” in the Scripture (see below). Not one of them is “Yahweh” or a tribal God. Not one of them said that He was just “WHO HE was.” He said there never was a time when He was NOT. “And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you” (Exodus 3:14). For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones” (Isaiah 57:15) “For the moth shall eat them up like a garment, and the worm shall eat them like wool: but my righteousness shall be for ever, and my salvation from generation to generation” (Isaiah 51:8).
Where does this "judaism" come from? What is the source for these Judaizers to carry on like this? Well, it comes from prideful people who want to be seen as special and superior since they claim to have a knowledge of Hebrew that you don’t have. Saved apostates like Robertson, Wuest, Trench, Thayer, Westcott, Nestle, Moulton, Vincent, Aland, Metzger, Hindson, Willmington, Nida, Warfield, Hodges, and the RSV, ASV, NASV, NKJV, NIV committees did exactly the same thing with the “Greek” for 100 years. “WE are THE authorities!” “WE know the original languages – you don’t” “Knowledge puffeth up, “ “pride goeth before destruction,” “not many mighty, not many wise,” “hid these things from the WISE and prudent,” “men of high degree are a lie,” “Diotrephes . . . loveth to have the preeminence,” etc.
Men of high degree are trying to brainwash you to get rid of the letter “J.” I found 200 brand new, “up-to-date,” modern English New Testaments (1900-2003) where someone removed the Holy Spirit’s command to “study” the Bible (2 Timothy 2:15)! Who, oh tell me, WHO could that be? Do you know what “JESUS” means in English? It means “Jehovah saves.” Ever see a sign on the road that said “Jesus Saves”? See that “JE”? That is the abbreviated term for “Jehovah” used in Old Testament names over and over and over: Jerahmeel, Jessee, Jeconiah, Jehoshaphat, Jehoiakim, Jehaleleel, Jether, Jehu, Jeiel, Jetur, Jeroham, Jehoshua, Jehoadah, Jehush, Jeroboam, et. al. And even when the “JE” is not from “Jehovah,” but merely the first two letters of another word, it is still there: “JE.” Now who would want you to miss that connection when the connection is Jehovah Himself coming down in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16, AV) as a Man called “Jehovah Saves” (“Jesus”)? I’ll tell you who not only wanted you to miss the connection but wanted you to DENY the connection: The RV of 1885 (1 Timothy 3:16). The ASV of 1901 (1 Timothy 3:16). The RSV of 1952 (1 Timothy 3:16). The NASV of 1971 (1 Timothy 3:16). The NRSV of 1990 (1 Timothy 3:16). The Living Bible of 1971 (1 Timothy 3:16). The NIV of 1978 (1 Timothy 3:16). Those “Bibles” fixed it so that the God who said “I AM THAT I AM” to Moses, never showed up on this earth “in the flesh.”
Now, what are the masses of Conservative, Evangelical, and Fundamentalist “leaders” doing getting rid of “Jehovah”? Why, it is simple. They all ran to the “original Hebrew,” just like they ran to the “original Greek” to get rid of the incarnation in 1 Timothy 3:16. Here are the technical aspects of the Yahweh rage (or the Yahveh rage – Analytical Topical Study, Thoughtful Index, blah blah). The tetragrammaton is FOUR “radicals.” That means no actual “vowel sounds,” although when you SAY “He (the Hebrew “H”), you have added “a” as a vowel: ה is pronounced “Hay.” When you say “Vau” (Hebrew for the “V”), you have added an “o” as in Vow. We call these vowel sounds “Masoretic vowel points.” All freshman students are familiar with the twelve full vowels and four half vowels of Hebrew: Pathah, Qames, Hiriq, Hiriq Yodh, Seghol, Sere, etc. Half vowels are things like Shewa, Hateph-Pathah, Hateph-Seghol, and Hateph-Qames. What this means is the “tetragrammaton” is unpronounceable unless vowels are added to it. According to every edition of every King James Bible since 1611, the block capital Hebrew letters that spell out the “tetragrammaton” are JHVH. (Note: In the original 1611, the Gothic orthography for J and I was identical. A distinction between the two letters was universally recognized in 1630.) They are not “YHVH” or “YHWH.” Here is the tetragrammaton (הוהי). The first letter is “Jod” (J), the second letter is “He”) (H), the third letter is “Vau” (V), and the fourth letter is “He” (H). You are to read it right to left, not left to right. This is not “I AM that I AM” given to Moses in Exodus
הוהי is transliterated as “Jehovah” with seven “Jehovah’s” marked out in Scripture. They are as follows: Jehovah Zidkenu (Jeremiah 23:6). Jehovah Shammah (Ezekiel 48:35). Jehovah Sabbaoth (1 Samuel 1:3). Jehovah Salom (Judges 6:24). Jehovah Yekaddia (Exodus 31:13). Jehovah Nissi (Exodus 17:15). Jehovah Rapha (Exodus 15:26). Jehovah Jireh (Genesis 22:14). The “name” is “Jehovah.” The second word in each title is an attribute: “Our banner, shepherd, righteousness, provider, etc.” He is the “LORD of Hosts” and Israel’s “BANNER,” and some day He will “BE THERE” (Shammah) on Mt. Zion, sitting on top of the Mosque of Omar. Now, what is going on here? “J” has been converted to “Y.” There is no “J” company in a rifle battalion. Many cities omitted “J” as a street name when giving the alphabet. What is so ferocious about “J”? Look at the number of “good guys” connected with “J” which, by the way, sports more Bible books’ names than any letter in the alphabet (Judges, Joshua, John, Jude, James, Joel, Jonah, etc.). “Judas” is a bad one, and “Jezebel” is a bummer. So is “Jeconiah” ; but Josiah, Joash, Jeremiah Judah Job, John, Jospeh, Joshua, Jephthah, James, Jehoida, Jude, and Jesus are listed as “good folks.”
Mark this down; get it right. The “name given above EVERY name” is NOT “Yahweh,” nor is it “Yahveh.” It is “JESUS” (Philippians 2:10). Do you know what the name of the “TRUE God” is, according to the Apostle John? It is God’s Son (1 John 5:20). His name is not “YAHWEH” or “YAHVEH” or “YAHVOH” or “YEHVAH” or “YEHVOH” or even “YESHUA.” IT is JESUS; the New Testament name “Joshua” (not “Yeshua”) is that name (see Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8). (In Spanish you would pronounce that “J” as “H” (as in San Jose). Thus “Heysus” for Jesus and “Heirusalem” for Jerusalem. “Y” doesn’t enter anywhere.) Now consider, for a moment, what this Analytical Thoughtful Assurance Typical blankety-blank is trying to pull off on you. They are telling you that “Jod” ( י ) in your Bible should be transliterated as “Y.” This would produce sensational results if they really carried it out, but of course they don’t dare carry it out. If they did you would find Yob, Yonah, Yoshua, Yosiah, Yoash, Yezebel, Yehoiachim, and Yerusalem for Job, Jeremiah, Jonah, Joshua, Josiah, Joash, Jezebel, Jehoiachim, and Jerusalem. No, they only panicked at “I AM THAT I AM”: “Jehovah” (Exodus 3:14: 6:3). Why? Well, look at the prefixes (“Je” and “Jah” – Psallm 68:4). They are abbreviations for “Jehovah.” See how God tore the prefix off Jehoiachim’s name so it was reduced to “Coniah” (Jeremiah 22:28).
The question arises, “What vowels should we add, and where should we add them?” Consider! Jehovah, Jahavah, Jahovah, Jahevah, Jehovoh, Jeheveh, Jaheveh. Don’t like it? Well, convert the V to W (“vau” to “waw” as in “YahWeh”) and try: Johowah, Jahawah, Jahowah, Jehowoh, Jehowoh, Jaheweh. Still don’t like it? Well, try this. Change the “J” to “Y” like “The Study Bible” for “thoughtful students” did and get this: Yehovah, Yahavah, Yahovah, Yahevah, Yehovoh, Yeheveh, Yaheveh. Let’s get “scientific,” shall we? Yehowah, Yahawah, Yahowah, Yehowoh, Yehewoh, Yaheweh. I’ve only listed twenty-six possibilities; there are at least six more. When an orthodox Rabbi hits הוהי in his Masoretic text he pronounces the word for “LORD.” It is given as “Adonai” – not “YHVH” or “JHVH” or any of the twenty-six combinations given above. The vowel pointings in the Masoretic text (Kittel or Ben Asher) are 1. “Shewa” ( : ) and 2. Holem ( ) and 3 (ָ ). Qames in this fashion הָוֹה ְי This is the word the AV translates as “Jehovah.” It is not the word for “I AM THAT I AM” הָי ְה ֶא ד ֶשֲׁא הְֶי ְה ֶא The expression “I AM” given by God as His “name” (Exodus 3:14) appears like this: הֶי ְה ֶא There is no “V” (or “W”) in the word; it is Aleph, He, Jod, He, and the vowel pointing is Sethol, Shewa, and Segol. Further, the second radical (“Heth”) is not the second radical in Jehovah (“He”). Strangely enough, the vowel points for neither expression are the ones for “Adonai.”
Calling Jehovah “Adonai” (literally “my Lord”) was to avoid saying the sacred name. But notice the “crux” in all this argument. It is that first letter in the tetra: י (Jod). Is this a “YOD” or a “JOD” – in English. That is the question. Is the “V” in the tetra a “V” or a “W” – in English? Are the radicals “YHWH” or “YHVH” or “JHWH” or “JHVH”? The ending “veh” or “weh” on Yahweh or Yahveh is not the original form (see The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, Moody Press, Archer, Harris, & Waltke, 1980, pp.210-212). It is a later invention. “JehovAH” is much more likely, when fishing around with twenty-six possibilities; it is the best in the “lot.” To sum it up, the term “Yahweh” (YHVH in the “Study Book”) is the wrong designation unless you use this acronym (YHWH) in the “Study.” They went by YAHWEH but didn’t print YHWH: they printed YHVH. They got half way to the truth; the truth is JHVH, from whence comes JeHoVaH. Note the four radicals in the tetra. All you had to do to get it into English was add Masoretic vowels e, o, and a to the radicals. Thus you retain a more ancient ending than “eh” on Yahweh and a more Biblical connection with Jesus Christ: Jesus is Jehovah. It is the “Alpha and Omega” (“I AM THAT I AM”) who died on the cross of Calvary.
Acts 4 states, "Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. NEITHER IS THERE SALVATION IN ANY OTHER: FOR THERE IS NONE OTHER NAME UNDER HEAVEN GIVEN AMONG MEN WHEREBY WE MUST BE SAVED."
Now, onto Yahweh. To these Hebrew roots devils (who ultimately want to bring you back under the law, cause that is ALWAYS where it leads) Jehovah” is no longer Jehovah: He is “Yahweh” or “YHVH.”
Years ago (1840-1940), apostate Liberal theologians drummed up the pagan idea that the Almighty God, Creator of Heaven and Earth – the “Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end” (Revelation 22; Colossians. 1; John 1) – was simply a local “tribal god” of some Hebrew “Bedouins” who came out of Egypt. This tribal deity – like Mohammed’s moon god (“Allah”) – was a local deity given a pre-eminent place, like Mohammed gave to the “chief god” of the 360 gods in the “Ka’aba.” This tribal god was called “Yahweh.” Then this word “Yahweh” was passed down from one liberal “campfire” to another liberal “campfire” by the FCCC (1906) and the NCCC (1960) and by all of the revisors on the translating committees of the RSV (1957) and the NRSV (1989).
“Yahweh” was the ”ticket.” Yahweh has always been the hallmark of all apostate Liberals connected with any ecumenical movement. The idea was to reduce “I AM THAT I AM” (Exodus 3:14) – the infinite eternal presence of a living God – to an “Ah is because ah is.” Or as the rotten stinking “New” King Jimmy Bible has it: “I am WHO I AM.” The New King Jimmy Vision (Falwelll, 1982-1983) simply joined up with the unsaved Liberals (Weigle, Tillich, Oxnam, Sockman, Albright, E.S. Jones, Norman Vincent Peale, Pike, Fosdick, Dahlberg, Blake, Weatherhead, et. al.) and adopted their reading as published in the Reprobate’s Sap-headed Version (RSV, 1952) and the Nutty Reversed Sap-headed Vision (NRSV, 1989). When Elmer Towns, Ed Hindson, Jerry Falwell, Wally Chriswell, A.V. Henderson and Truman Dollar served on the “Overview Committee” of the NKJV they simply joined hands with the FOUNDER of Neo- evangelicalism: Harold Ockenga.
They immediately dumped the God of Israel as He defined Himself in his first revelation of His NAME (Exodus 3:14, 6:3). There are seven “Jehovahs” in the Scripture (see below). Not one of them is “Yahweh” or a tribal God. Not one of them said that He was just “WHO HE was.” He said there never was a time when He was NOT. “And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you” (Exodus 3:14). For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones” (Isaiah 57:15) “For the moth shall eat them up like a garment, and the worm shall eat them like wool: but my righteousness shall be for ever, and my salvation from generation to generation” (Isaiah 51:8).
Where does this "judaism" come from? What is the source for these Judaizers to carry on like this? Well, it comes from prideful people who want to be seen as special and superior since they claim to have a knowledge of Hebrew that you don’t have. Saved apostates like Robertson, Wuest, Trench, Thayer, Westcott, Nestle, Moulton, Vincent, Aland, Metzger, Hindson, Willmington, Nida, Warfield, Hodges, and the RSV, ASV, NASV, NKJV, NIV committees did exactly the same thing with the “Greek” for 100 years. “WE are THE authorities!” “WE know the original languages – you don’t” “Knowledge puffeth up, “ “pride goeth before destruction,” “not many mighty, not many wise,” “hid these things from the WISE and prudent,” “men of high degree are a lie,” “Diotrephes . . . loveth to have the preeminence,” etc.
Men of high degree are trying to brainwash you to get rid of the letter “J.” I found 200 brand new, “up-to-date,” modern English New Testaments (1900-2003) where someone removed the Holy Spirit’s command to “study” the Bible (2 Timothy 2:15)! Who, oh tell me, WHO could that be? Do you know what “JESUS” means in English? It means “Jehovah saves.” Ever see a sign on the road that said “Jesus Saves”? See that “JE”? That is the abbreviated term for “Jehovah” used in Old Testament names over and over and over: Jerahmeel, Jessee, Jeconiah, Jehoshaphat, Jehoiakim, Jehaleleel, Jether, Jehu, Jeiel, Jetur, Jeroham, Jehoshua, Jehoadah, Jehush, Jeroboam, et. al. And even when the “JE” is not from “Jehovah,” but merely the first two letters of another word, it is still there: “JE.” Now who would want you to miss that connection when the connection is Jehovah Himself coming down in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16, AV) as a Man called “Jehovah Saves” (“Jesus”)? I’ll tell you who not only wanted you to miss the connection but wanted you to DENY the connection: The RV of 1885 (1 Timothy 3:16). The ASV of 1901 (1 Timothy 3:16). The RSV of 1952 (1 Timothy 3:16). The NASV of 1971 (1 Timothy 3:16). The NRSV of 1990 (1 Timothy 3:16). The Living Bible of 1971 (1 Timothy 3:16). The NIV of 1978 (1 Timothy 3:16). Those “Bibles” fixed it so that the God who said “I AM THAT I AM” to Moses, never showed up on this earth “in the flesh.”
Now, what are the masses of Conservative, Evangelical, and Fundamentalist “leaders” doing getting rid of “Jehovah”? Why, it is simple. They all ran to the “original Hebrew,” just like they ran to the “original Greek” to get rid of the incarnation in 1 Timothy 3:16. Here are the technical aspects of the Yahweh rage (or the Yahveh rage – Analytical Topical Study, Thoughtful Index, blah blah). The tetragrammaton is FOUR “radicals.” That means no actual “vowel sounds,” although when you SAY “He (the Hebrew “H”), you have added “a” as a vowel: ה is pronounced “Hay.” When you say “Vau” (Hebrew for the “V”), you have added an “o” as in Vow. We call these vowel sounds “Masoretic vowel points.” All freshman students are familiar with the twelve full vowels and four half vowels of Hebrew: Pathah, Qames, Hiriq, Hiriq Yodh, Seghol, Sere, etc. Half vowels are things like Shewa, Hateph-Pathah, Hateph-Seghol, and Hateph-Qames. What this means is the “tetragrammaton” is unpronounceable unless vowels are added to it. According to every edition of every King James Bible since 1611, the block capital Hebrew letters that spell out the “tetragrammaton” are JHVH. (Note: In the original 1611, the Gothic orthography for J and I was identical. A distinction between the two letters was universally recognized in 1630.) They are not “YHVH” or “YHWH.” Here is the tetragrammaton (הוהי). The first letter is “Jod” (J), the second letter is “He”) (H), the third letter is “Vau” (V), and the fourth letter is “He” (H). You are to read it right to left, not left to right. This is not “I AM that I AM” given to Moses in Exodus
הוהי is transliterated as “Jehovah” with seven “Jehovah’s” marked out in Scripture. They are as follows: Jehovah Zidkenu (Jeremiah 23:6). Jehovah Shammah (Ezekiel 48:35). Jehovah Sabbaoth (1 Samuel 1:3). Jehovah Salom (Judges 6:24). Jehovah Yekaddia (Exodus 31:13). Jehovah Nissi (Exodus 17:15). Jehovah Rapha (Exodus 15:26). Jehovah Jireh (Genesis 22:14). The “name” is “Jehovah.” The second word in each title is an attribute: “Our banner, shepherd, righteousness, provider, etc.” He is the “LORD of Hosts” and Israel’s “BANNER,” and some day He will “BE THERE” (Shammah) on Mt. Zion, sitting on top of the Mosque of Omar. Now, what is going on here? “J” has been converted to “Y.” There is no “J” company in a rifle battalion. Many cities omitted “J” as a street name when giving the alphabet. What is so ferocious about “J”? Look at the number of “good guys” connected with “J” which, by the way, sports more Bible books’ names than any letter in the alphabet (Judges, Joshua, John, Jude, James, Joel, Jonah, etc.). “Judas” is a bad one, and “Jezebel” is a bummer. So is “Jeconiah” ; but Josiah, Joash, Jeremiah Judah Job, John, Jospeh, Joshua, Jephthah, James, Jehoida, Jude, and Jesus are listed as “good folks.”
Mark this down; get it right. The “name given above EVERY name” is NOT “Yahweh,” nor is it “Yahveh.” It is “JESUS” (Philippians 2:10). Do you know what the name of the “TRUE God” is, according to the Apostle John? It is God’s Son (1 John 5:20). His name is not “YAHWEH” or “YAHVEH” or “YAHVOH” or “YEHVAH” or “YEHVOH” or even “YESHUA.” IT is JESUS; the New Testament name “Joshua” (not “Yeshua”) is that name (see Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8). (In Spanish you would pronounce that “J” as “H” (as in San Jose). Thus “Heysus” for Jesus and “Heirusalem” for Jerusalem. “Y” doesn’t enter anywhere.) Now consider, for a moment, what this Analytical Thoughtful Assurance Typical blankety-blank is trying to pull off on you. They are telling you that “Jod” ( י ) in your Bible should be transliterated as “Y.” This would produce sensational results if they really carried it out, but of course they don’t dare carry it out. If they did you would find Yob, Yonah, Yoshua, Yosiah, Yoash, Yezebel, Yehoiachim, and Yerusalem for Job, Jeremiah, Jonah, Joshua, Josiah, Joash, Jezebel, Jehoiachim, and Jerusalem. No, they only panicked at “I AM THAT I AM”: “Jehovah” (Exodus 3:14: 6:3). Why? Well, look at the prefixes (“Je” and “Jah” – Psallm 68:4). They are abbreviations for “Jehovah.” See how God tore the prefix off Jehoiachim’s name so it was reduced to “Coniah” (Jeremiah 22:28).
The question arises, “What vowels should we add, and where should we add them?” Consider! Jehovah, Jahavah, Jahovah, Jahevah, Jehovoh, Jeheveh, Jaheveh. Don’t like it? Well, convert the V to W (“vau” to “waw” as in “YahWeh”) and try: Johowah, Jahawah, Jahowah, Jehowoh, Jehowoh, Jaheweh. Still don’t like it? Well, try this. Change the “J” to “Y” like “The Study Bible” for “thoughtful students” did and get this: Yehovah, Yahavah, Yahovah, Yahevah, Yehovoh, Yeheveh, Yaheveh. Let’s get “scientific,” shall we? Yehowah, Yahawah, Yahowah, Yehowoh, Yehewoh, Yaheweh. I’ve only listed twenty-six possibilities; there are at least six more. When an orthodox Rabbi hits הוהי in his Masoretic text he pronounces the word for “LORD.” It is given as “Adonai” – not “YHVH” or “JHVH” or any of the twenty-six combinations given above. The vowel pointings in the Masoretic text (Kittel or Ben Asher) are 1. “Shewa” ( : ) and 2. Holem ( ) and 3 (ָ ). Qames in this fashion הָוֹה ְי This is the word the AV translates as “Jehovah.” It is not the word for “I AM THAT I AM” הָי ְה ֶא ד ֶשֲׁא הְֶי ְה ֶא The expression “I AM” given by God as His “name” (Exodus 3:14) appears like this: הֶי ְה ֶא There is no “V” (or “W”) in the word; it is Aleph, He, Jod, He, and the vowel pointing is Sethol, Shewa, and Segol. Further, the second radical (“Heth”) is not the second radical in Jehovah (“He”). Strangely enough, the vowel points for neither expression are the ones for “Adonai.”
Calling Jehovah “Adonai” (literally “my Lord”) was to avoid saying the sacred name. But notice the “crux” in all this argument. It is that first letter in the tetra: י (Jod). Is this a “YOD” or a “JOD” – in English. That is the question. Is the “V” in the tetra a “V” or a “W” – in English? Are the radicals “YHWH” or “YHVH” or “JHWH” or “JHVH”? The ending “veh” or “weh” on Yahweh or Yahveh is not the original form (see The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, Moody Press, Archer, Harris, & Waltke, 1980, pp.210-212). It is a later invention. “JehovAH” is much more likely, when fishing around with twenty-six possibilities; it is the best in the “lot.” To sum it up, the term “Yahweh” (YHVH in the “Study Book”) is the wrong designation unless you use this acronym (YHWH) in the “Study.” They went by YAHWEH but didn’t print YHWH: they printed YHVH. They got half way to the truth; the truth is JHVH, from whence comes JeHoVaH. Note the four radicals in the tetra. All you had to do to get it into English was add Masoretic vowels e, o, and a to the radicals. Thus you retain a more ancient ending than “eh” on Yahweh and a more Biblical connection with Jesus Christ: Jesus is Jehovah. It is the “Alpha and Omega” (“I AM THAT I AM”) who died on the cross of Calvary.