Pfuzylogic · M
Even though I am a Christian in the US there is a separation of Church and State.
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Harriet03 · 41-45, F
[image/video deleted]
Pfuzylogic · M
EPFriend · 22-25, M
@Pfuzylogic And for good reason.
MysteryWanting · F
Fuck that shit. Right in the ass.
Birgit12 · 56-60, F
I can only say it’s good to have these Christian signs in all buildings
We are a Christian society and that everyone can and should see.
We are a Christian society and that everyone can and should see.
Birgit12 · 56-60, F
Sorry I wouldn’t offend you
Yes you are right there are a lot of theocratic countries which are not doing good with their people and if it’s done in.the name of Christianity it’s wrong.
But the Christian religion and behavior is coming out of a loving relationship with all Christians in fraternity unified.
And that’s a great value which is also important to show openly.
I don’t want that anyone is bothered or bullyed bc of his or her religion.
It’s important to be open minded and tolerant but also not being occupied by more autocratic religions
Sorry I wouldn’t offend you
Yes you are right there are a lot of theocratic countries which are not doing good with their people and if it’s done in.the name of Christianity it’s wrong.
But the Christian religion and behavior is coming out of a loving relationship with all Christians in fraternity unified.
And that’s a great value which is also important to show openly.
I don’t want that anyone is bothered or bullyed bc of his or her religion.
It’s important to be open minded and tolerant but also not being occupied by more autocratic religions
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This message was deleted by its author.
SirenCalledLuce · F
@MarmeeMarch Sorry that was a low blow. I could tell you a position the lady could use to get some friction out of that thing if you like 😂
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I do believe that to an extent here in the U.S. would be a so called violation of "Church and State". It would justify other religions calling for their religious symbols to be placed in state buildings.
You know the Pope calls for helping the poor sharing with them. Fine, right after the Vatican opens it coffers and dispenses the wealth it has; then perhaps a following will occur. there's a difference between a "parish priest" and the Vatican's Pope.@GoodCatholicGirl
GoodCatholicGirl · F
@soar2newhighs There was a lot more charity during the Middle Ages. It's a shame, but the Roman Catholic Church hasn't lived up to the true religion of Christianity since the Enlightenment messed everything up.
To get back to the original post and point. You think the symbols should be in state buildings. I do not. What goes on in Bavaria is NOT the United States. Have a good weekend.@GoodCatholicGirl
CopperCicada · M
See. This is the thing-- it then comes down to whose cross.
Cross or crucifix?
If a cross, which style of cross?
If a crucifix, which form?
Cross or crucifix?
If a cross, which style of cross?
If a crucifix, which form?
AnneHoney · 41-45, F
I believe Bavaria is primarily Catholic so crucifix is a good guess. You see many large ones while driving through the region.@CopperCicada
CopperCicada · M
@AnneHoney My father's family was Bavarian. And they were Catholic as well. Which is why I thought it was interesting that it's a cross and not a crucifix in this photo. Given it's supposed to be a government building.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@CopperCicada That Utah teacher stated she didn't know it was a religious symbol, she wiped it off immediately thinking it was just dirt and then after the child explained it was because of religion and went to go cry about it. Utah is a primarily Mormon state, sure she could have lied about it but then again it could have been a mistake further exploited.
Goralski · 56-60, M
We're spreading it around in all of d middle east🤗
SomeMichGuy · M
It can't happen as long as we have the Establishment clause...
However, you *could* go to Germany, a good *Protestant* country (though I think the Lutherans, like the Anglicans/Episcopalians, Orthodox, and even Monophysites, all believe that *they* are the true Catholic church).
However, you *could* go to Germany, a good *Protestant* country (though I think the Lutherans, like the Anglicans/Episcopalians, Orthodox, and even Monophysites, all believe that *they* are the true Catholic church).
SomeMichGuy · M
@AnneHoney Yes! See
Germany has (or had, when I worked there long ago) a church tax (as part of what you're required to pay when you work). If you didn't assign it to another church, it went to the Lutheran church.
Germany has (or had, when I worked there long ago) a church tax (as part of what you're required to pay when you work). If you didn't assign it to another church, it went to the Lutheran church.
AnneHoney · 41-45, F
@SomeMichGuy 75.5 per cent or around three quarters of the Bavarian population are Christian. 54.8 per cent of them belong to the Roman Catholic Church and 20.7 per cent to the Evangelical Lutheran Church. A quarter of the Bavarian population belong to a different religion or do not identify with any religion at all.
So I was right. I believe the rest of Germany is primarily Evangelical/Lutheran
So I was right. I believe the rest of Germany is primarily Evangelical/Lutheran
SomeMichGuy · M
TheSirfurryanimalWales · 61-69, M
That is plain wrong.Not eveyone is a believer.
Coppercoil · M
preach it girl!
MysteryWanting · F
@Coppercoil in the ass
CynicGirl · 26-30, F
thats just one of the reasons why most germans hate bavaria
SomeMichGuy · M
@CynicGirl Hate it? LOL
Serkan · 61-69, M
god bless you
approachingmyexpirationdate · 61-69, M
doubt it seriously.
the constitution forbids the sponsoring of a religion.
and in the US there are so many different religions that it wouldn't be fair to them unless their religious symbols were included as well.
the constitution forbids the sponsoring of a religion.
and in the US there are so many different religions that it wouldn't be fair to them unless their religious symbols were included as well.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
[image/video deleted]

I’m sure Jesus would be so proud of people putting his torture/murder weapon up everywhere.
SomeMichGuy · M be clear, it wasn't HIS weapon, it was used to slowly kill Him. lol
daisymay · 51-55, T
I hope one day America does this.
How very un-American of you.
daisymay · 51-55, T
Like I said, you can take your sanctimony and shove it nice and deep.
Protestants aren't real Christians
Like I said, you can take your sanctimony and shove it nice and deep.
People were a lot happier under this system during the Middle Ages
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@GoodCatholicGirl People used to be happy under the Catholic system during the middle ages.
Lol only because if you weren't, they decided you were a witch and burned you 😂
Lol only because if you weren't, they decided you were a witch and burned you 😂
SomeMichGuy · M
@GoodCatholicGirl You don't even have your theology correct.
Lots of Protestants accept the Nicene creed, which is the widely-accepted standard for "real Christians".
And which Catholicism? The Eastern church split from the Western church, in part, over the Roman lie of the filioque clause inserted into the creed, not at an Œcumenical council...
Lutherans and those of the Anglican communion (the Church of England, Episcopalians) consider themselves to be the true/"real" Catholics...reforms of THOSE churches (e.g., the Methodists in reaction to the Church of England) also happened to try to move ppl closer to a better faith.
Lots of Protestants accept the Nicene creed, which is the widely-accepted standard for "real Christians".
And which Catholicism? The Eastern church split from the Western church, in part, over the Roman lie of the filioque clause inserted into the creed, not at an Œcumenical council...
Lutherans and those of the Anglican communion (the Church of England, Episcopalians) consider themselves to be the true/"real" Catholics...reforms of THOSE churches (e.g., the Methodists in reaction to the Church of England) also happened to try to move ppl closer to a better faith.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
I hope one day America does this:


SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@GoodCatholicGirl What do you mean? Unless you're the conspiracy type, there's no after school Satan clubs, they are an agnostic organization that doesn't really teach about Satan but rationality. And so far it's working fine, in the 50s you had the KKK and in previous times gay people were hated so now things are changing for the better I think with our future generations.
It's mainly the older generations that are the most hateful and have been.
I'd say it's working fine.
It's mainly the older generations that are the most hateful and have been.
I'd say it's working fine.
GoodCatholicGirl · F
@SatanBurger I know that you were talking about secularism, not actual Satan worship. But secularism isn't working well at all. Birth rates are down, suicide rates are up, people feel alienated, more people get divorced than stay together, the world is a mess.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@GoodCatholicGirl Correlation does not equal causation logical fallacy. More to the point, I love when people romanticize a time period they never lived in and then want to compare the time period they live in, even though they have nothing to really compare because they only pick and choose what was "best" about such time periods without taking in the worse elements.
Peaches · F
As long as everyone is happy, religion is a hard one to agree on. 🙏🏼👼
496sbc · 36-40, M
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M

DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
@MarmeeMarch naiLz GuNz InsteadZ Of Hammers?
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DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
@MarmeeMarch CruSiFieDz MorEZ tahNz JOsEz ChrisTZ
Serkan · 61-69, M
god with us
Serkan · 61-69, M
god with us
justanothername · 51-55, M

Finally... pushback against secularist discrimination.
TexasOutlawTrey · M
I love Bayern
AnneHoney · 41-45, F
Oh my
MeisterAndrew · 41-45, M
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M

MarmeeMarch · M
I support it too BUT not shoving it down the throats of people and judging them if they dont believe. Hypocrites
Shadowstep · 26-30, M
Because religion is near stupid? And that kinda goes against freedom of religions by enforcing only one in specific
GoodCatholicGirl · F
@Shadowstep People in Bavaria still have freedom of religion.