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I hated my Careers Advisor in high school...

Her name was Mrs. James and when I made a list of my top three dream jobs that I would have liked to have after finishing school, she shot all three ideas down in flames and made me feel very upset.
PatKirby · M
High school does not teach you to excel or be intelligent, much less prepare you for the real world. It teaches you to remember things for a test and indoctrinates you to obey and do as you're told.

PatKirby · M

When I sold cars to pay the mortgage until I could get another job during the recession after 2008, I worked with a man who had no right arm. He worked his way up to sales manager and was clearing $10K/mo easy. He made no excuses, endured the stares each day, moved forward and became a success. Self-esteem, a willingness to work hard, smarts, and a bit of luck go a long way. I truly hope you did not listen to this career advisor. Seems like she didn't like her job.
Joshua19842022 · 36-40, M
@PatKirby well we didn't even have one just counselors and they didn't seem to care much but I went into my career working hard crappy jobs trying to better myself thru hard work but it could have been worse honestly
PatKirby · M
Yes it's a reflection of what's really going on throughout our institutions that drags the country downward.

smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
I don't think my school had a Career Advisor unless he or she skipped me. I sure didn't know what I wanted to do. Even at 31 I still don't know
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@smileylovesgaming they built on to the high school here just for that dept. and it’s large
kimmy159 · F
Honestly what do they even know. In my opinion, the school system doesn't really work well. They only teach things that have already been taught. Most of their mindsets are just like that too, outdated and not based on current realities. They see you in a certain light and from that moment, they form an opinion about you that they will rarely ever change over the years to come. I almost only have bad experiences with teachers and advisors so I stopped listening and just did my own thing.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
You had a Careers Advisor?
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
AirForce687 · 36-40, M
@Thevy29 yes its normal to have a careers advisor in your last few years in a British high school.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
@AirForce687 My high school didn't. Those whose parents could afford it went to different schools in other towns in grade 10 since my school didn't offer the classes needed to get into higher learning. At age 18 it didn't really matter what your high school report card said as long as you could afford the tuition in college anyway.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
In January 1968, the student advisor called me into her office and asked why I hadn't applied to any universities. I told her i was going to California to play in a rock band. She told me i would get drafted and go to Vietnam. I decided to go to college.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
I do sometimes wonder the need for a "careers advisor" anyway, if only because they are unlikely to know enough about every possible area of work beyond the sort of school and adult-education academic qualifications usually needed.
cycleman · 61-69, M
She was presenting you the stage to politely dismiss their opinion and simply proceed forward with what you want to do.
Forget about her 100,000%.
Starsandfire · 31-35, F
Mine told me my handshake wasn't "firm" enough 🤨 like...I'm sorry I have sub par hand strength!
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
she should have been one of those dunk tank clowns if she was going to be that way
CelestiaStella · 22-25, F
She was exceedingly shitty at her 'job'.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
What were your three dream jobs?
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AirForce687 · 36-40, M
@bleach no i just stopped going to her advice sessions.

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