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Could you not talk a single sound for entire year for 1 million dollars?

This is based on a Twilight Zone stories

A man bets talkive man that he cannot remain silent for a year, forced to live in a glass enclosure with recording devices,
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GeniUs · 56-60, M
I talk to myself and animals, not even worth trying.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Not talking might be a problem but not as much as being spied on and having no privacy for an entire year.
ThickMadame · 51-55, F
@CrazyMusicLover If you have a cellphone, same thing
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@ThickMadame Not even close. Even if a cell phone spied on you, it doesn't have the capacity to contain that much data. Also, you don't have a cell phone with you all the time.
chasingThursday · 41-45, M
I would need to see the money first. I’m not ending up like that guy lol
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Punches · 46-50, F
@chasingThursday Oh yeah I remember now. I will have to dig up that story later.
Punches · 46-50, F
@ThickMadame ahh cool yeah Imma listen to that story. Been a few years since I see it.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
That was one of the first twilight zone shows I ever watched. It was a great episode.

I might be able to that, barring an emergency where I needed to speak to medical or law enforcement people for example, if I had books, video, text messaging, and the Internet.
ThickMadame · 51-55, F
@DrWatson There is no way I could do it
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@ThickMadame Yeah. I did say I "might". I would not immediately dismiss it as impossible, but I would have to think it over!

And if things like coughs or clearing my throat count, forget it!
No way. I would go madder than I already am.
ThickMadame · 51-55, F
@EarthlingWise You speak the truth right there
That would be the easiest money that I'd ever make
Absolutely! Piece of cake
ThickMadame · 51-55, F
@MsSwan You no good, you can't do.
@ThickMadame Yes, I can
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Probably not.
ThickMadame · 51-55, F
i'd lose the first time i'd have to "grunt" one out on the toilet....
bowman81 · M
No. I would never make it.
Nah. I need to give myself a good talking to at least once a day to stay sane. Besides, there's no way I'd trust someone who wants to lock me up with surveillance.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
nope, I'd probably immediately start talking to myself about all the things I'd do with my million, then lose.
What's your favorite Twilight Zone episode?
exexec · 70-79, C
No. I'm eventually going to bang my knee into a table, hit my thumb with a hammer, hit "send" on an email with a bad mistake, or something else that makes me yell, "Oh Crap!!!"
originnone · 61-69, M
and then the other guy can't pay! LOL
originnone · 61-69, M
@ThickMadame A few years ago I saw a couple of episodes I'd somehow missed. It was incredible. Are you a big fan?
ThickMadame · 51-55, F
@originnone the black & white shows and the radio dramas
originnone · 61-69, M
@ThickMadame I haven't heard the radio versions but I'm excited now. The ones I hadn't see were the French one (which wasn't a true Twilight Zone) and the one with George Takei.
rfhh1959 · 61-69, M
Great episode but it would be impossible for me now as I present in my line of work
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Not possible, I talk in my sleep.
ThickMadame · 51-55, F
@Thevy29 Me to
BLP11520 · 61-69, M
Me? Hahaha
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
I might explode.
Atlotto · M
Yes...until I stubbed my toe.
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