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Skinwalkers, The Anunnaki, The Krepid, Cryptids.

All supposed shapeshifters and very scary. Some people think some of these are just different names for the same thing. Some believe that they are supernatural and some think they are not supernatural at all. Just a different species that are either long gone, hiding, or extinct. And then there are those that think seeing these shadowy things are just tricks of the mind or our eyes seeing things not clearly and filling in the gaps using our fear. No matter what you believe, these things are scary.

Has anyone seem any of these or think they have? Creepy stories or your thoughts on what they could be.
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Interdimensional science is becoming a very real study. If we think of dimensions like layers of an onion maybe there are beings who have the ability to cross from one layer to another. Walking into our dimension from time to time at will.

I've thought about this with the Bigfoot legends. There are stories from around the world going back centuries of large hairy ape like creatures who live in the forests. So many accounts and many with multiple witnesses. Yet it's virtually impossible in this day and age for a creature that large to go undiscovered and undocumented.
Unless it could come and go from dimension to dimension at will.
Just something that's run through my head.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
There could be infinite universes and dimensions out there.

I don't think we're alone in this universe/ dimension or even the multiverse.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
@NativePortlander1970 thanks for the videos, love Carl Sagan.
@Peaceandnamaste You're so very welcome :) I have loved Professor Sagan's works since I was a small child in the 70's, every time one of his new lectures premiered at our local planetarium I made sure I dragged my entire family there on opening day, which was usually on a sunday.
@jshm2 Do you have an issue with the late Professor Sagan?
Teirdalin · 31-35
Haven't heard of the latter two.
As for skin walkers, from the sheer amount of strange footage online of things that match the characteristics of it, I'm inclined to say they might be possibly real. Physically it's impossible for a creature to do what they do, so it's most likely spirits in origin, with the malevolent habit of making people get lost in the forests at night to die to the elements.
Greyjedi · M
The Anunnaki are the dark alien gods who created us all. Not all of them are dangerous but most were narcissistic and cruel. Most of the elite were cruel to their own kind. You should be careful when mentioning them. I don’t know if you know the myths or the underworld rulers or read Harry Potter, but attacks often follow mentions of the Anunnaki. It is said that ever 10,000 or so years the Anunnaki return and subjugate the earth and her people. In anywhere from 1-44 years they are said to arrive once again.
@Lilnonames @beermeplease What an enlightening discussion this turned out to be LOL 🤣
CBarson · 51-55
@Greyjedi "I don’t know if you know the myths or the underworld rulers or read Harry Potter"
Unhinged · 100+
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James4097 · M
@jshm2 It's my understanding that Krepids came before everything else and the first time they were written about that we know of was in conjunction with Baktiotha in the 7th or 8th century. That would make the krepids much older then our modern Cryptids legends.
Ferric67 · M
On my way into work, I listen to a radio show called coast to coast
They love these sort of topics
I like those topics but Im scared of them so I avoid looking it yp
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Ever since I took on the online persona of this hooded shadow person, I've been fascinated with both shadow people and shapeshifters. I'm also very interested in the underlying reason why the uncanny valley exists. (For the three people left on Earth who don't know what the uncanny valley is, when a robot or computer-generated image of a human comes close to looking lifelike but falls just short of the mark, it becomes very frightening to humans.) We don't fully know why, but it would tend to indicate that at some point, humans had to deal with a predator that could look like us.

Perhaps something that could shift form.
James4097 · M
The movie A Quiet Place looks like the creature is based on the "Krepid" monster. There is not much on this but if you believe the creepypasta it is because they are covered up. You know about them you die or something like that. If you use Tor you can find a lot more about the krepid.

LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@James4097 Sounds like a creepypasta based on Lovecraft. I'm in.
@LordShadowfire I love creepypasta stuff. :)
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@ReaperLinda I was really saddened when everybody stopped doing Slender Man fiction after those two girls took it way too seriously. That was another good one, and had the same theme of "the more you know about him, the more he knows about you".
Lostpoet · M
SW got me into believing in reptilian shape shifters.
Morvoren · F
Sounds like piss and wind to me.
i have not seen any of those things, but we are fools to believe we are the only intelligent life species in this universe.
@deathfairy Professor Carl Sagan, PhD., said the same thing.
Unhinged · 100+
It’s all bullshit
Unhinged · 100+
@NativePortlander1970 lmao Good ol Sagan worshipper
Unhinged · 100+
@NativePortlander1970 ah, as hominem. A true indicator of lack of intelligence

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