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Paranormal and Afterlife

What do you think about the paranormal? Do you believe any of it? Which parts? Do you believe we continue in existence after we die? Are our minds intact or are we self aware? Include why you do or don't believe. Please don't be insulting or vitriolic.
exexec · 70-79, C
I believe in some paranormal experiences and have been amazed at a few in my own life. I don't think we understand the powers of the brain. I enjoyed reading about the work of Dr. J.B. Rhine at Duke University in his investigations of parapsychology. I also found the experiences of Ambrose and Olga Worrall's healing work to be fascinating.
Omdt102 · M
@exexec I believe you're right. We have only a rudimentary knowledge of our own power. I wouldn't call it the brain though. I think it transcends the physical. I think that we transcend the physical but the physical is all that we can observe at the moment.
nobodyishome · 31-35, F
Yea, absolutely. Where else do you think the souls go, when they die? In the Muslim theology, it's called the Barzakh world. I read a book about it, and it was quite enlightenin.
Omdt102 · M
@nobodyishome well if there's a hell he's there. I'm going to but I hope for the best LOL I just can't see a loving God sending people to hell for eternity for what the amount of evil one man can do here in 80 to 100 years. Eternity is a very long time. In fact it's no set amount of time at all, it's all of time without end! LOL Only a tyrant would send even the most evil man to hell for that. Hitler wouldn't, Stalin wouldn't even get that.

So I must rebel against this tyrant god. I have no choice, it's a moral imperative. To not rebel against him should be the reason for being sent to hell!
nobodyishome · 31-35, F
@Omdt102 absolutely. I really don't want to say this publicly, but some Muslim kids are taught these things. At least, my parents taught me these things.

I know Allah. Personally, professionally, everyly. He is not like that. Parents who think that they know a lot, unfortunately, don't.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
well if there's a hell he's there. I'm going to but I hope for the best LOL I just can't see a loving God sending people to hell for eternity for what the amount of evil one man can do here in 80 to 100 years. Eternity is a very long time. In fact it's no set amount of time at all, it's all of time without end! LOL Only a tyrant would send even the most evil man to hell for that. Hitler wouldn't, Stalin wouldn't even get that.

So I must rebel against this tyrant god. I have no choice, it's a moral imperative. To not rebel against him should be the reason for being sent to hell!

It sure would be nice if people knew their hells.

Based on your comments you are talking about the Islamic hell and not the biblical hell.

In the biblical version people go to one of three places when they die: hell; death; or the sea. All three places are temporary and everyone makes bail on Judgment Day. At that time you are judged by your works. If you did what you were supposed to have done your name is written in the Book of Life and you will get eternal life, even if you were evil. You just won't get into the golden cube.

At that time death and hell will be tossed into the lake of fire, along with all people whose names are not written in the Book of Life. That is the second death. The good new is that they won't spend eternity in hell.

Read Revelation chapter 20:1-15

BTW, when Adam & Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, people then knew as much about those issues as God did himself. So, you don't need God to tell you what is right and what is wrong because you know those things yourself.
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
The paranormal is real all right. Parallel universes are real, often the walls or membranes between them are unstable. People use machines to travel from one to another. That's what's going on with places like Skinwalker Ranch.
Omdt102 · M
@HobNoblin yes they've been studying things at Skinwalker Ranch for some time. I can't remember the name of the group but I think the one doing it now doesn't do press releases so we'll just have to sneak in. That place is a magnet for the paranormal. Runs the gamet of ghosts to shape shifters to UFOs. Do you think that all those things are linked somehow. Some people believe that they're all demonic, but I just don't believe that Satan has some super network setup just to deceive people into thinking people don't all go to heaven or hell. That's a lot of damn work. They don't all go there because those places don't exist as some final destination for all people who die. And if that's true we live in a cruel and terrible place.
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
@Omdt102 It's caused by machines. More advanced civilizations on parallel earths build them. They use them to move from one world to another. I know some basic stuff. I don't know the specifics. Typically these devices interface with the brain. It's like the internet on steroids. Audio, video, text. But, also emotions, thoughts, tactile sensations, smells ,even personalities. You can litterally look around you and feel the way the person connected to you feels. That's just the tip of the ice burg. Matter can be moved across part way. I don't know how it works but something can present across solidly enough to touch or bump into with a car. It can make a sound but yet not be here enough to reflect any light. You can't see it but you can feel it. I'm not sure how that works. There's not that much we know about physics. People and things midway across also sometimes look like black silhouettes or shadows. I think this is where the idea of shadow people comes from. I don't know why they look like that. The idea of a black hole or event horizon comes to mind.
CarlaMommy · 41-45
Yes, I have experienced it.
nobodyishome · 31-35, F
Once, when I was high on weed, Cain tried to contact me, and I also saw his face in the mirror. He was beautiful, with cute ears.
Omdt102 · M
@nobodyishome The twist of Cain makes me come alive!!
nobodyishome · 31-35, F
@Omdt102 I am not kidding. I saw him, in the mirror. He was soooo cute. Like, Mr. Tumnus from Narnia.
Omdt102 · M
@nobodyishome Oh I believe you. I have an affinity for the third of the heavenly host the rebels. Heaven sends me here to you. And if you fear , you've reason to. open up all seven seals, the beast has come to claim the youth.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
What is normal today was all paranormal once. We just didn't have a explanation.

Put a caveman in today's society we all would be gods to him.
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Confined · 56-60, M
Ive had experiences here and there over the long haul. It does exist.
Omdt102 · M
@BlueSkyKing oh boy. I love it when Skeptic Magazine comes to play. Well have you seen all the evidence on the videos from all of the closed caption security cameras and people's cameras and ever since cameras have been pointed everywhere since about 7 years ago or so? A lot of evidence on there. Your skepticism does not intimidate me whatsoever. I think that your methods aren't up to par with knowing the paranormal. Your science is not advanced enough my friend.
@Omdt102 Tell us what camera settings are used in advance. Actual evidence is detectable, measurable, and can be tested. Repeatedly.

If it’s anecdotal, you’ll accept anything.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Paranormal exist

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