Captain · 61-69, MNew
When I moved to Plymouth I bought the house of a young squadie who's mother had spent her last days with cancer in it with him a few months before he was now selling up. Anyway I moved in and felt a few things, and then had a few door moments, but I didn't worry too much. I figured I knew what was going on and it would all blow over. I had a work friend over with his beau for a video party (Beverly Hills cop). I was just loading up the snacks and beers on a tray in the kitchen talking to her when he came bombing back upstairs (it was an upside down house) with his dog at his side and said "You didnt tell me the house was haunted" to which my reply was "oh you've met her then !". My late aunt was visiting and on the loo one night when she burst in on her ! She was terrified. My mother as always felt something straight away. And finally there was the night she came into me while I was lying in bed and I had to "tell" her to leave and the day she came to the lounge door and I had to "tell her" "your son left, Im not him, I dont know where he went, hes ok". After that she never came back and the house aura chnaged to one of peace.The after tale. When I met the 4 grads later in life they all denied having been frightened - yeah right - but my family and my work colleague both never forgot. So memory is selective and you believe what you want to believe. So there's a couple of classic no evidence but everyone experienced it stories for you. I just shrug my shoulders and get on with it. The dead never worried me that much given I had glimpses of a future that have come ture as well, I knew somehow I would one day be where I am now (in the shit bascially but I wiull keep swimming onward).
OldBrit · 61-69, M
Not seen one but felt one.
I stayed at a old in once for work. My secretary when booking and assigning the rooms was told by the owner about a ghost that haunted a particular room. Thinking I was least likely to be concerned by such stuff. I got that room.
No one mentioned it to me. As I was getting ready for bed I "felt" something brush past. It happened twice in different points in the room.
Then I woke about 2am and was certain someone had touched my face.
I went down to breakfast the next morning. My secretary was first up greet me with the standard "Did you sleep well?". I told her of the events and she then told me of the haunting.
I stayed at a old in once for work. My secretary when booking and assigning the rooms was told by the owner about a ghost that haunted a particular room. Thinking I was least likely to be concerned by such stuff. I got that room.
No one mentioned it to me. As I was getting ready for bed I "felt" something brush past. It happened twice in different points in the room.
Then I woke about 2am and was certain someone had touched my face.
I went down to breakfast the next morning. My secretary was first up greet me with the standard "Did you sleep well?". I told her of the events and she then told me of the haunting.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Grandma took me camping, to consult the ancestors, she said. There was no one else around and I dozed off I remember waking to see shadows of people from the campfire against the tent wall, but when I looked over, Grandma was the only one sitting there...
I didn't see it myself. We were camping on the Nullarbor Plains. My Aunt got up to pee during the night and saw a Little Hairy man sitting by our campfire. She screamed and it ran off into the dark. The adults kept doing a head count of everyone as they packed up the site, and we got out of there as fast as we could.
(Hairy Men are part of Australian Aboriginal folk lore. With two types: The big ones will scare you from their territory, but the Little ones are known to take people)
I didn't see it myself. We were camping on the Nullarbor Plains. My Aunt got up to pee during the night and saw a Little Hairy man sitting by our campfire. She screamed and it ran off into the dark. The adults kept doing a head count of everyone as they packed up the site, and we got out of there as fast as we could.
(Hairy Men are part of Australian Aboriginal folk lore. With two types: The big ones will scare you from their territory, but the Little ones are known to take people)
Captain · 61-69, MNew
So many experiences. The funniest was in Bushmead Avenue in Bedford. 5 young graduate males in a rented house. Wild parties, drinking, blown up car engines on the floor of the hallway, 2 week old curry in the cooking pot. But from the moment I walked into that house the downstairs cellar door was a place of dread. 4 hadn't believed, I was always sensitive and open and had seen and felt things with measurabole testable outcomes that I couldn't deny - and why should I ? So from day one the other boys started talking about weird stuff happening like their calculators (takes you back doesn't it !) switchng on and off by themselves, doors banging etc etc. They got ot be terrified. When I told them I went to close my downstairs curtains (i slept next to the cellar) a face was suddenly staring in at me through the window that spooked them even more. So big macho boys, and not one of them dare come in to clear up the place with me on the last week of our tenancy. I was brave enough to go back in on a dark March evening and clean the place up so we got out deposit back - just me on my own. Anyway job done I went to shut the back door and as I did so something (anti-ancient aliens lobies will say the wind), gripped this door and could I get it to start closing ? So in that moment I called upon Jesus to help me close it and it closed - and I was out of there asap. Mother was always the one with the most susceptibility and she said she couldnt stand it by the door to the cellar. I'll share another one in a new message.
JoeXP · 56-60, M
Many years ago my I was fast asleep dreaming when my mother suddenly appeared in the dream screaming. It was so frightening it woke me up sweating with fear. I got to phone call in the morning to tell me she had died in the middle of the night.
Captain · 61-69, MNew
Here's another one. When we were 11 at school, and before such things were recognised as being dangerous we asked a ouija board (iysnt that odd that it gets the "a" instead of "an" - its a phonetic thing I ahdnt noticed before) what the result of the FA cup final was and it came back with 2-1 to Chelsea and Webb wojld score the winner. So when Leeds Wehn Leeds went 2-1 with 9 minutes to go it looked like oujia was a load of old rubbish but Chelsea equalised and there was no winner in extra time and no penalties so it went to a replay, the first in umpteen years of Wembley history (but not at Wembley). and agauin Leeds lead 1-0 but a goal at the end of normal time meant extra time again, and David Webb - who could easily have been dropped for the seocnd game having struggeld in the first - scored what became the winner. So work that one out ??
Cassieeeee · 31-35, F
Yes I have
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SinlessOnslaught · M
@Cassieeeee @Kuronekko I should be sleeping but instead, I'm up at 2:30am reading ghost stories. 😳
Kuronekko · 41-45, F
@SinlessOnslaught i love a good ghost story. I scare myself silly though 😅
SinlessOnslaught · M
@Kuronekko Haha I don't get scared of the dark easily... Most of the time. 🤞
I have stories
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
When my brother and I were young, we both swore we saw a shadow man carrying a briefcase walking past our bedroom doors in the hall.
Ducky · 31-35, F
I don't believe in ghosts, but some really weird shit has happened in my parents house, the house I grew up in. Hearing brief whispers, things falling over by themselves, seeing something at the corner of my eye, but when I turn to look, nothing's there...
Every time I look in the mirror 👻
valobasa4ever · F
No, but watched movie GHOST . 🙏
One of the best Movie of Demi Moore.
One of the best Movie of Demi Moore.
BlueSkyKing · M
I await for someone here to clearly define exactly what a ghost is and how this is known.
All I see are anecdotes that can’t be validated.
All I see are anecdotes that can’t be validated.
Kuronekko · 41-45, F
@BlueSkyKing I guess when it happens to you it becomes clear.
Pfuzylogic · M
Wizardry · 46-50, M