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After death

What do you think happens after you die. Any interesting beliefs other than just religious ones?
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Don't have to guess. The Bible actually tells us exactly what happens to us after we die and Jesus was a perfect example.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@BeJeweled The belief in pre-existence is a religous belief.. So Mark Twain had a religous belief..
JestAJester · 31-35, M
I have no reason to believe anyone has the right answer. They base it off of what others say or what their holy book says. Some say heaven, some say hell, some say reincarnation, some say total oblivion. I'll go with "I don't know" because its as simple as that, none of us actually know no matter how much we lie to ourselves. For all you know we're living in a Matrix simulation or as a brain in a vat jar.
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
A very valuable answer to your question is Jesus Christ did it for you. Every other belief is a wrong belief. But you must try out what the world says before you arrive at any conclusion.
Eternity · 26-30, M
Based on what happened the last time I didnt exist, I posit something similar will happen again the next time I dont exist.
FriedDoughnuts · 18-21
@Eternity meaning before you were born..?
Eternity · 26-30, M
Adstar · 56-60, M
If one believes something will happen to them after death then they are by defintion religous.. Any belief in an after life existence is RELIGOUS.. No matter if it includes or does not include a God..
twistedrope · 26-30, M
After probably an extremely painful murder or suicide or sickness, I suppose that period would become timeless, formless and featureless. If time stopped moving and I could no longer feel anything, just an eternal calm.

Makes me wonder if meditation is just like life after death honestly.
Morvoren · F
You go to the light only to pop out a screaming little baby.

No wonder they’re always unhappy about it. There’s no getting off the ferris wheel.
eMortal · M
You drift forever in the world of dreams.
Your motion in there is fueled by memories of you past live.
I love the comedy line “A lot of things happen after you die, you just aren’t a part of any of it.


Nothing wins against entropy
Worm food.
lonelyloner · 31-35, F
if died in society may be my body buried if not decomposed or eaten by creatures
DocSavage · M
The world continues, just without you in it.
Ynotisay · M
The lights go out. Poof. It's over Just like it is with any living thing on earth.
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CheezeburgerBrown · 36-40, M
You cease to exist!
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