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I hate the atheist movement... even though i don't believe in god(s)

I don't want to be known for what I don't believe, and I don't want to make silly claims like babies are atheists and religion has to go. Atheism is pretty much a useless term too. You can believe in nature or you can believe in magic. You can believe in afterlife or you can believe in cessation. Anything goes in atheism as long as you don't believe in god(s). And atheism doesn't represent science either. That's my say.
Vin53 · M
The lack of belief in a deity is not a movement.
@DocSavage Sorry, but your reasoning processes are badly compromised. You've adopted poor definitions and poor methodology to reassure yourself that you're on track to a solution. You're not.
DocSavage · M
A solution to what ? I wasn’t aware I was trying to solve anything .
You make no sense whatever. You make statements about Atheism that only demonstrate you have no idea what you’re talking about. Your views are unrealistic any grossly out of date.
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Ynotisay · M
But is there REALLY an "atheist movement?" Because I don't think there is. What I see are people leaving religion in droves on their own accord. That's not a movement. It's a personal choice.

And I'm not sure about your definitions of of what atheism is. If you're an atheist you don't believe in an afterlife. That's in the definition. And of course atheism doesn't represent science. They're two entirely different things.

As far as "anything" goes I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. You can say the same thing about hardcore Christians, right? Anything goes as long as you ask god for forgiveness, right? There's no doctrine surrounding atheism.Some may not believe in gods or an afterlife but they believe in other things. And there's many sub-categories for those folks.

Side note. Babies ARE born as atheists. Beliefs are learned. They're not instinctual.

Well, you used the word "hate" as a jumping point so I guess that says it all right there.
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Ynotisay · M
@SW-User I know you think you're making some kind of valid point but, again, you're not thinking things through. Sorry. Too much emotion for me.
@Ynotisay Sorry to hear about your emotional state. And sorry to bother you with advanced thinking. You're more of a simple level 1 guy. I get that.
Reject · 26-30, M
I always found atheism funny because of that. A whole group of people who just want to be anti-something. Imagine basing your whole belief system on saying you’re not this other one. Next level petty right there. Can’t be anything themselves, just have to make sure they aren’t that thing. Lol.
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DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
I call myself a realist! Not an atheist.

Not that I am one of them, yet you might want to look into "agnosticism".

You're leaving out other "isms"... beliefs.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Ynotisay until they usurp most definitions from the dictionaries, they are non entities!


noun One who is inclined to literal truth and pragmatism.
noun A practitioner of artistic or philosophic realism.

from The Century Dictionary.

noun A logician who holds that the essences of natural classes have some mode of being in the real things: in this sense distinguished as a scholastic realist; opposed to nominalist.
noun A philosopher who believes in the real existence of the external world as independent of all thought about it, or, at least, of the thought of any individual or any number of individuals.
noun In literature and art, a believer in or a practiser of realism; one who represents persons or things as he conceives them to be in real life or in nature; an opponent of idealism or romanticism.
noun One who advocates technical as opposed to classical education; one who upholds the method of the real-schools.
Of or pertaining to realism; realistic; naturalistic.
Ynotisay · M
@DeWayfarer Then a high five to Wordnik for co-opting it. Realism should include the realist. .
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
from The Century Dictionary.
I agree with you. If you believe there is god or you believe there is no god, you are on the same boat. You are believing something that you don't know.

I believe this, you believe that, doesn't make any difference. Everybody can believe whatever you want. It need not to have anything to do with reality as such.

A similar type of post.

@ABCDEF7 I don't think that both sides are equally reasonable or that the question of which is true is perpetually unsolvable. I just think it's unproductive to begin an investigation with god (yes) or god (no).
@SW-User Neither I think both sides are equally reasonable, but they have their own reasons to believe something or other, nor I meant that it is pointless to investigate. Actually it is what is required.

You believe what you don't know. What you know is what you know. You only need to believe something that you don't know. Actually, when you admit that you don't know, you have that curiosity in you to know. Only when you starts to seek, there is possibility of knowing. You kill that possibility by believing something.
masterofyou · 70-79, M
Why don't you believe in God??🙁
@masterofyou When round trip visits to heaven become available on demand for everyone I'll change my mind. Not before then.
masterofyou · 70-79, M
@SW-User Interesting reply 🤔 Do you believe in any force that makes an orderly universe???😌
@masterofyou The cosmos is clearly a balance between order and disorder.
Adogslife · 61-69, M
I’m not a believer. I can’t say I agree with your “definition” of atheism, but I’m glad you’re comfortable expressing it.

I’d still like someone to explain to me how the whole world decides that polytheism is a farce, so we’ll need to trim it down to one God to give us better street cred. I just don’t see how anyone can’t see through that “logic”.
Synyster · 51-55, M
Username is an 80s hairband

@Synyster I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing.
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
For each of us, ultimately what we choose to believe, or disbelieve is personal. I have seen and experienced things in this life that have made me believe in a higher power, my creator, I do not try to convince others. Nor do share my experiences.
Vin53 · M
@blackarcher256 I also have seen what I can only describe as divine intervention....well, actually its either that or just plain shit luck.
Vengabus · 36-40
There is no movement
I think the "babies are Atheists" thing is an answer to the claim that Atheists are evil. It's just pointing out that we're all atheist at one point, religion is taught.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
I believe in nature and the universe, mother Earth and father sun. I believe in rebirth the recycling of energy and matter and spirit.
You’re agnostic. I am too. I believe in the afterlife, the past life, the paranormal and aliens though.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
Atheism became a movement in the US as a counter the religious right. Not long ago in the US it was not uncommon to see discrimination and prejudice against nonbelievers. People who didn't believe in God basically had to closet themselves in some areas of the country.

Not sure what the last few decades looked like in Canada, but the atheist movement was, and I would argue still is, incredibly important as a counter to the rise of Christian Nationalism in the US.
@SW-User How long did it take women the right to vote? Get on the Supreme Court? Wow, a woman vice president! Eight years of a black president!

Atheists are allowed to hold any political office. Voting turnout is often less than a third of the actual potential voters. Things will change, but I don’t think I’ll be around to see it.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
@BlueSkyKing OP is in Canada, so you can't just assume everything is done the same there.
@ViciDraco I was referring to various American states.
Dumbman · 36-40
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Vin53 · M
@DocSavage No. Again, an agnostic admits they cannot prove or disprove the existence of God.
An atheist will tell you that there is absolutely no proof that there is a god.

Once, however, a miracle has been perceived by either..all bets are off.
DocSavage · M
Since when do you have to prove that something that isn’t there, isn’t in fact there ?
The burden of proof is on the one making the claim, not the one who isn’t convinced by the claim.
Uri Gellar used to go on stage and bend spoons with “magic” abilities. People were convinced it was proof of the supernatural.
James Randi went on stage, showed them how it was done. Guess what, people still believed it was magic.
Perceived miracles, aren’t real miracles. Believing and being skeptical are still the principle to both Atheism and agnosticism. Neither has to prove their disbelief.
An atheist will tell you that there is absolutely no proof that there is a god
There isn’t.
Vin53 · M

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