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Serious answers, please

Is there another Catholic? He thinks that Pope Francis should step down?

I have never known a pope, especially pope John Paul,11 who has conformed to a liberal way of thinking and teaching. I lost faith in him when he met with Biden in jail, full, knowing that they support abortion and has told bishops and priest, that they cannot deny those who publicly support abortion the holy Eucharist..

Being tot my whole life by my Catholic faith that life should always be defended. I have always known that there were Catholics who supported abortion, and went to church every Sunday and received the Eucharist but they didn’t shout it from the rooftops.

I was taught that” now shall murder “ meant those who murdered, and those who supported murder, committed a mortal sin. I see Pope Francis say out loud to protect unborn lives and yet protects those who support murder, and saying that we should pray that they change that belief. We can pray for them, and I always have without allowing them to receive communion with supporting someone who openly supports abortion

Sadly, I see the church breaking apart. Having a traditional Catholic church and the new liberal Catholic Church..
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masterofyou · 70-79, M
Abortion of a baby a human that has the right to live is murder. If you don't want a baby use contraceptives....
missyann · 56-60
@LeopoldBloom What are the
“ choices “ ? Choose life or killing. If one of the choices is killing through abortion, then you are in fact PRO ABORTION. Just own it. I’m 100% pro life I believe that is the only choice

Why is it a punishment and not accepting responsibility?’why do you consider it “ barbaric “ for forcing a woman to accept responsibility and not
“ barbaric “ to dismember and suction literally the MOST innocent of living human lives who has absolutely no responsibility for its conception .
By this standard a woman can legally kill a newborn because her partner left and the baby has colic and it has become a burden because she is missing sleep or it’s a painful reminder or doesn’t have someone to share responsibility with or for whatever reason she chooses. There is absolutely no difference.

People make the choice to lose personal freedom it’s not taken from them. Every action has responsibility. Lack of responsibility is what has made a nation of spoiled brats.
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
@missyann Abortion and infanticide are only moments apart, but how convenient to regard those moments as truly momentous? Why do you think the Israelites were repeatedly tempted by the 'family planning' practices of their heathen neighbours who happily made 'offerings' of their superfluous children. How convenient it must have seemed for an overburdened mother to march six or seven ragged, crying, barefoot children up the stoney path to one of the 'high places' with the plan of choosing only two or three to bring back down with her.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Abortion of a baby a human that has the right to live is murder. If you don't want a baby use contraceptives....

The way things are going in Massachusetts guys who want babies will be able to hire prostitutes to give birth to babies and then take complete control of the baby, with no further compensation to the prostitute.

ROOKE: Massachusetts Advances Bill To Allow The Sale Of Human Beings — With The Help Of Republicans
June 17, 2024

The Massachusetts House of Representatives unanimously passed the Parentage Act Wednesday, updating the state’s parenting laws to include removing the terms “mother” and “father” and to legalize prostitution and the sale of children.

The bill passed the state House by a 156-0 vote, with not a single Republican voting against it despite the bill permitting prostitution to conceive a child and exchange the term “mother” for a “person who gave birth” or “genetic surrogate.”

The Parentage Act legalized prostitution by allowing a man who wants to have a child without using IVF or other assisted reproductive methods to purchase sex with a woman with the intent for her to get pregnant with his child. The contract doesn’t have to be written or signed by either party to be recognized by the law. Not only that, but the biological mom will not be legally considered the parent of the child, nor is she “entitled to any non-expense related compensation paid for acting as a surrogate.”

Unlike most states’ adoption laws, which allow the biological mother to change her mind about giving away her child, the new law requires that the “intended parent,” or the man purchasing the baby, have the full rights of parentage immediately upon the birth of the child."
missyann · 56-60
To all those, who have said that religion is important for societies to survive, That is the absolute truth.

All religions have one basic belief.. That we have a creator and peoples place in the universe.. every law that we have has been formed on morals and ethics. Everyone knows that there is a right and wrong..

I don’t think we should have one religion to represent our country. But allowing the words creator and God to be removed, has given the greenlight to justify wrong decisions
@missyann Abortion is a form of health care where a woman's pregnancy is terminated.

The coach who won the lawsuit about praying at school was basically leading religious services after football games. He was not praying quietly, he was creating a disruptive spectacle. Any players who didn't want to participate felt pressured to do so as they were concerned if they didn't, the coach would cut their playing time. Gorsuch misrepresented what was happening in his decision, forcing Sotomayor to include videos of the spectacle in her dissent to correct the record. If the coach was a Muslim, you wouldn't be cheering this as an example of religious freedom - of course, the court would have said he had no right to conduct religious services after games if he hadn't been a Christian. And you would have agreed, because Muslims have no right to shove their religion down other people's throats. However, neither do Christians.

Peoples' lives in the US have improved since religion has become less important. You can say that's a coincidence, but it proves that religion isn't required for the crime rate to drop or civil rights to become more widespread.

I think morality should be based on promoting thriving and reducing suffering. Those are, or could be, objective standards. That's a lot better than getting morality out of an old book whose followers can't even agree on what it says.
missyann · 56-60
@LeopoldBloom How do they terminate her pregnancy?

I don’t think the coach said if they didn’t participate they would be penalized. That was the defense they used. I wouldn’t have a problem if a Muslim coach would have prayed as long as he didn’t force players to be a part of it

Morality is what says something is right and wrong and that’s what improves people’s lives. We have civil rights in America
@missyann Early pregnancies are terminated with medication. Later ones use surgical methods.

Of course the coach didn't say that players who didn't participate wouldn't be penalized, but that was the impression he gave. This is why "voluntary" teacher-led school prayer isn't allowed. It intimidates students who don't want to be involved. There was no reason for the coach to create a religious circus where he led what amounted to worship services, including a sermon. He also lied about wanting to return to the school, as he resigned after coaching one game when he got his job back. The whole travesty was nothing more than a vehicle for the court to give special consideration to Christian worship.

I'm aware of what the definition of morality is. I thought you were asking about a moral standard. Obviously, people don't agree on right and wrong since there is no universally agreed-upon objective moral standard. I think my standard of encouraging thriving and reducing suffering is pretty good, but I'm sure many people would disagree.

If your standard is that morality is what improves peoples' lives, that would generally correspond to encouraging thriving. I think we should also try to reduce suffering.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Francis is a Jesuit and Jesuits have a long history of liberalism. While he talks up liberal causes a lot he's careful about playing the ace card; and that's probably why he was elected pope :)

The pope is a political position as much as the spiritual leader. Running the Catholic church is much like herding cats. Proclaiming moral superiority too strongly on anything risks being pointed out by Catholics themselves for the sins of the clergy.

Historically, it's been the church itself that redirects the clergy and the pope himself to the moral high ground. The forgiveness by the congregation of the church leaders' missteps.

It was the church itself that bore false witness that led to the tortured and burned of Joan of Arc at the stake; and the pressure of the congregation that exposed the treason and deceit of church clergy, and eventually raised her to sainthood. This transition has replayed thousands of times within the Catholic church. Like a tilting ship that rights itself by the weight of the faithful that move to the opposite side of the ship to serve as a counter balance to the misdirected authority.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@sladejr Understandably. A $billion is a lot of money still.

Just curious, but what's the tuition for a Jesuit high school now? Last I was aware was years ago, about $11K per year.
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Heartlander · 80-89, M
@sladejr we are multigenerational Catholic ed. Our daughter went to a great high school, in 1987 tuition was about $4K a year then.
AbbySvenz · F
What was that about “Judge not, lest ye be judged,” again…?
sree251 · 41-45, M
@AbbySvenz What has what you say got to do with the OP?
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AbbySvenz · F
Judge-y Christian is judge-y? @sree251
Adstar · 56-60, M
Well as a former catholic i know there is the doctrine of the infallibility of the Popes official doctrines.. Therefore as a catholic you are 100% bound by the catholic religion to believe any official teaching / position delivered by the catholic Pope.. If you cease to adhere to the official catholic teachings and disbelieve the Pope then you are no longer a catholic..
Adstar · 56-60, M
Former Catholic? Have you been excommunicated by the Pope?

I left the catholic church over 30 years ago.. I need no excommunication.. i do not acknowledge the authority of the papacy so therefore i need to offical document or statements from it.. But anyway i have no further need to discuss anything with you..
helenS · 36-40, F
@sladejr thank you 🌷
I was polite and I didn't say anything rude.
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Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@sree251 Per biblical doctrine, Catholics are primarily idol worshippers.
TrashCat · M
@Diotrephes Absolutely right
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Absolutely right

It seems strange that they will believe everything else in the Bible but willfully ignore all of the passages that forbid idols.
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masterofyou · 70-79, M
Some say the present Pope will be the last... idk maybe but i think he should step down as he is to liberal to be the leader of the catholic church.....
@masterofyou I remember they blasted the Conclave of Cardinals after they elected him, once they discovered his past in nazi Germany.
masterofyou · 70-79, M
@NativePortlander1970 i just went to your page, i hope you get better ....
@masterofyou Thank you
The Catholic Church is increasingly becoming woke. I miss Pope Benedict 🙏🏿
@FaithfulTalia At least Joh Paul II wasn't a nazi
missyann · 56-60
@FaithfulTalia Pope John Paul ll was a wonderful Pope. He was truly a holy leader, who believed in Divine Mercy. He would’ve asked for prayers for Catholics, who support abortion, but he would have never condoned them receiving the holy Eucharist.

Usually, no one knows anyone’s sins and shouldn’t but Joe and Jill Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and all Catholics, who claim to be devout Catholics, publicly stating their support for the murder of unborn lives told the country their mortal sin.

So it is fair to call them out and say that Pope Francis, was wrong saying that they should receive the holy Eucharist. It is a slap in the face of those who are devout and follow the Catholic teachings
TrashCat · M
@FaithfulTalia Benedict was a bonafide honest-to-God nazi
The Church has always changed.

Vatican II was change.

The proclamation of Mary as an independent font of grace is a big change and non-Biblical.

Perhaps you should worry about not judging, lest *you* be judged (giving up the Good News).
He’s anti-gay, that’s not enough for you?

Yeah, imagine a pope putting Jesus’ words about helping the poor over endless bleating over abortion. He should be ignoring child sexual abuse in the church the way John Paul II did.

The Catholic Church is disappearing in Europe and the US, and in a generation will mainly be a global South religion. So the pope’s priorities reflect that.
@missyann I'm opposed to electronic voting machines that don't produce a printed record. Glad we agree on that.

Plenty of people get by with expired licenses. It's not easy to renew them if you have to miss work, travel to some distant location that's only open for a few hours, and bring your birth certificate which you have to get from some other inconvenient location. If you're going to require a current ID for voting, you need to make sure that every eligible voter gets one free of charge, otherwise all you've done is institute a poll tax.

Illegal aliens don't vote. The idea that millions of them are voting is Fox News garbage. Dead people don't vote either unless it's a situation where someone fills out their ballot, mails it, and dies before the election. A few people have been caught voting twice, mostly Republicans.

The 2020 election was probably the most accurate and secure in our nation's history, but Trump and his minions managed to create enough chaos to where many people feel that the results were invalid. I won't be surprised if some Trump followers attack urban polling places in Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Detroit in an effort to interfere with the vote in those states. It wouldn't be as easy to do that if we got rid of the obsolete, slave-era Electoral College and just elected the president by popular vote.
missyann · 56-60
@LeopoldBloom I agree that the government needs to pay for IDs. I don’t see a problem with an ID being expired as long as it has a picture. ID. I also believe that people should receive pay from their job when they go vote..

I am free there was a lot of they said, and they said in the 2020 election but there were the incidence of suitcases trucks. I can’t blame the Trump party questioning it and maybe there was a stealing but we need to let that go Trump and his supporters need to let that go to 2024 is a new election, let it go

Maybe those of us who believe that we need paper and electron l machines H to help make everyone else feel secure. But yes for chrissake let it go it’s over.
@missyann I haven't heard a single proposal for a free national ID card from any of the Republicans pushing for voter ID laws. Whether someone can vote with an expired ID probably depends on whether the poll worker notices it. It might even be illegal in some areas.

The whole suitcase trucks, drop box fraud, votes sent electronically to Italy so the ghost of Hugo Chavez could switch them from Trump to Biden has all been discredited. The Trump campaign brought over 60 lawsuits related to the election, and all of them but one were dismissed, often by judges Trump had appointed. The one successful one had to do with how close monitors could stand to people counting the ballots. Interestingly, none of the lawsuits alleged fraud, because lawyers know that they can get in trouble making false statements in court. The entire "stolen election" narrative was ginned up by Trump, starting even before the election, and included slates of fake electors, hacked voting machines, intimidation of poll workers, and the Jan. 6 riot. 100% of the fraud was on the Republican side.

I personally experienced voter suppression here in Georgia. My wife always votes absentee. She got her primary ballot, no problem, but didn't get the general election ballot on time. I checked into it (I had to go to the registrar in person) and it turned out that in between the primary and the general, someone had changed her address to one we hadn't used for several years. I was able to correct it so she could vote, but if they did that to enough people, that could swing an election. I'm convinced that Biden's margin would have been a lot higher without crap like that. And this was on top of Gov. Kemp overseeing his own election in 2018 as Secretary of State, where he purged voters for reasons like discrepancies between a letter "i" not being dotted or a hyphen missing in someone's name.

Trump is already setting the stage for claiming the 2024 election was "rigged" if he loses. Fortunately, he's not the president and there is a lot Biden can do to make sure MAGA cult members don't get away with stochastic violence or other interference with the voting process.
missyann · 56-60
@LeopoldBloom How is it that you don’t see violently ripping a living human being out of its natural God-given home as barbaric ?

That baby, under the circumstances of conception, is exactly where it is supposed to be, and will in most cases, do you develop to birth
Convivial · 26-30, F
Seems a bit one eyed... The Pope at the time blessed the Italian troops going off to invade Ethiopia at the start of WW2... He knew what they were going to do....
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
That same sad fate has befallen many of the break-away Christian communities over the past few decades.😢
@onewithshoes According to a recent survey, people are leaving religion in large numbers due to lack of belief in religious dogma, the disgusting treatment of LGBTQ by religious organizations, and the overt politicization found in many churches.
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Heartlander · 80-89, M
Francis is a Jesuit. I believe Fidel Castro often attributed his political leanings to his Jesuit education.

Francis comes across as arrogant. For a religion so heavily invested in forgiveness, mercy and love, arrogance seems to be on the wrong end of what the leadership should be.

He is also a politician, which seems contrary to where Jesus proclaimed his kingdom to be. Political popes and bishops have a way of elevating themselves to the same ego-maniac beings as the politicians they suck up to.
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sree251 · 41-45, M
@jshm2 Why is that? And what's is it to you?
He met with Biden in jail?
Convivial · 26-30, F
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP I did wonder about that🤔
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missyann · 56-60
@sladejr How am I being a drama queen? Catholic doctrine has always taught that we are to protect all life. The pope saying out loud, that someone who is committing a moral sin, can call themselves a devout Catholic and receive the holy Eucharist goes against everything I’ve been taught

Pope Francis is liberal that is why there is talk of breaking the church up. A lot of pro-life Catholics want to go back to the original Vatican II conservative churches, teaching. I am ready for that.

This was supposed to be sent to jshm2
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onewithshoes · 22-25, F
@TrashCat No, Trump supports states' rights, not federal tyranny.
TrashCat · M
@onewithshoes 😂 Thats a lie
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
@TrashCat Well, trust him or not, that is his stated position on abortion. I would hope that he would take the same position on any attempt on the part of the federal government to override the authority of the individual states in any matter, regardless of his own preferences on whatever issue it might be.
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missyann · 56-60
@TrashCat if you were taught to worship idols then I believe it was the wrong Catholic dogma
TrashCat · M
@missyann you can turn blue in the face all you want, but catholiciamis is monotheistic. I said what I said
missyann · 56-60
@TrashCat Whatever
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