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Serious answers, please

Is there another Catholic? He thinks that Pope Francis should step down?

I have never known a pope, especially pope John Paul,11 who has conformed to a liberal way of thinking and teaching. I lost faith in him when he met with Biden in jail, full, knowing that they support abortion and has told bishops and priest, that they cannot deny those who publicly support abortion the holy Eucharist..

Being tot my whole life by my Catholic faith that life should always be defended. I have always known that there were Catholics who supported abortion, and went to church every Sunday and received the Eucharist but they didn’t shout it from the rooftops.

I was taught that” now shall murder “ meant those who murdered, and those who supported murder, committed a mortal sin. I see Pope Francis say out loud to protect unborn lives and yet protects those who support murder, and saying that we should pray that they change that belief. We can pray for them, and I always have without allowing them to receive communion with supporting someone who openly supports abortion

Sadly, I see the church breaking apart. Having a traditional Catholic church and the new liberal Catholic Church..
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masterofyou · 70-79, M
Abortion of a baby a human that has the right to live is murder. If you don't want a baby use contraceptives....
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Convivial · 26-30, F
@masterofyou most rapists don't give you the option
masterofyou · 70-79, M
@Convivial So have you been rapped ??and if not would you still have the abortion???
Convivial · 26-30, F
@masterofyou no, I've been lucky... Yrs I would....I don't think abortion should be used as birth control, there's plenty of other options... But for those situations, yes
masterofyou · 70-79, M
@Convivial What bothers me about the abortion views lately, its when they decide to partial birth abortion is used and know have the birth and kill the baby after its born.... BTW I'm very glad you never experienced rape.. i never wish that to happen to anyone....
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missyann · 56-60
@LeopoldBloom How do you know she’s gonna die? If it’s predetermined, she can have an early induction or a C-section. Even if the baby can’t or doesn’t survive it is completely legal or do you want to say that she might die so let’s get an abortion
missyann · 56-60
@LeopoldBloom I swear, I cannot figure out why you constantly go to military and self-defense to defend abortion. I don’t agree with your speech but you are a smart man who is well spoken, and I know you know the difference..

The purpose of our military is not to intentionally and deliberately target innocent human lives. If they do, that is a criminal offense, and they do need to be disbanded.. but that is not the case and you know it. In cases of self-defense that means just what it says you are defending from someone who is guilty of threatening your life? The intention is not to intentionally and deliberately ending innocent human life these human lives are guilty

When a woman chooses to have an elective abortion, the intention is ALWAYS to deliberately and intentionally end an innocent human life. In life-threatening conditions which are so rare that they are never when a C-section, or an early induction cannot be done. The intention is not to kill the baby. It is to save the mothers life such as in ectopic pregnancies when the baby will never develop to birth and the baby must be removed. The doctor does not suck it out or dismember it. It is removed in a manner that day can try to save it with respect and dignity..

A doctor does not order an emergency abortion because a woman” might “ die. It really sounds silly to use the might die excuse. All you have to say is you want abortion to be legal because you believe a woman has a right.’ Trying to justify abortion with excuses can always be successfully disputed
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Abortion of a baby a human that has the right to live is murder. If you don't want a baby use contraceptives....

It sure would nice if each anti-abortion person gave a woman who is forced to give birth to a kid she doesn't want or love at least $100 a month to help her support her burden. So, right now, sell all of your stuff and give all of the money to women who are forced to have babies that you claim to want to live. If you won't do that then you are a hypocrite and should talk about something else.
missyann · 56-60
@Diotrephes Since when do we intentionally and deliberately kill people for being poor? There are pro life, agencies and pregnancy centers who will make sure that woman can take care of her baby and her family. She hast to seek them out and ask we don’t have a crystal ball and know every woman who needs help..

No one forces her to keep the baby she doesn’t want or can’t afford there is adoption.

I know pro abortion doesn’t like to hear this but with the exception of sexual assault, pregnancy is 100% preventable if you don’t have protection, and there is no reason why anyone shouldn’t have protection. If you absolutely under no circumstance, want to be pregnant, use two or three condoms and get them at a gas station for $.75.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@missyann OK, so sell all of your stuff and use the money to buy condoms that you can pass out to women. Implement your solution.
missyann · 56-60
@Diotrephes .75 cents not dollars to screw
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
.75 cents not dollars to screw
So, you want to force people to live by your rules. When you become the go of your own planet you wil be able to do that. In the meantime, it's best to mind your own business on this world.

1 Thessalonians 4:11 (ERV) = "Do all you can to live a peaceful life. Mind your own business, and earn your own living, as we told you before."
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missyann · 56-60
@Diotrephes I was just giving ideas about how to prevent pregnancy not tell somebody that’s what they have to do
Every one of us have a r right, and at responsibility to vote and support or not support issues that we think affects society. I believe to have a peaceful nation we must protect lives from the womb to the tomb.

How do we justify murder in one circumstance, but not in the other and who decides which murders should be legal? Some people don’t want to call abortion murder, but intentionally and deliberately ending an innocent human life, in any other circumstance most people consider murder..

Science has proven over and over that human life begins at conception. The argument for most people are, when is this human life a person? Any time mine, except conception, can apply to any living person, heartbeat, brain activity, viability, etc..

You tell me to mind my own business well, I’m gonna step in if I see my neighbor raping a child or beating his wife and children or ready to kill them or going into a school to kill children. If I have the ability to stop him and save children in the schools lives, I’m gonna do it There is absolutely no difference protecting an unborn life from being intentionally, and deliberately killed.
missyann · 56-60
@TrashCat What??? I don’t understand what the hell you’re even trying to say
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missyann · 56-60
@Diotrephes Who are slave controllers? Are you talking about law enforcement? I will defend any INNOCENT human life being intentionally, and. Deliberately unjustly targeted.
missyann · 56-60
@Diotrephes There is a difference between innocent and guilty
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
There is a difference between innocent and guilty

Under American law a person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. It is unconstitutional for an agent of the State to act as judge, jury, and executioner and kill a person who has a blown tail light on his car.
missyann · 56-60
missyann · 56-60
@Diotrephes I have never heard of someone being executed for having a busted tail light Someone can be pulled over for having a busted, tail light, and then act aggressively and refused to comply, and threaten law-enforcement. Then there is a scenario where is the one with the broken tail light might get shot
@missyann I think he's referring to this incident:

Plenty of people have been killed by the police for doing nothing or even attempting to comply, like Daniel Shaver.

missyann · 56-60
@LeopoldBloom That was wrong, but we don’t need to put every alarm force meant under the bad category, because most are good upstanding servants