I've been researching flat Earth for years, and I say "yes." There is an excellent chance that all of us have been lied to for our entire lives about the vary ground we walk on. I am not smart, but there is much physical evidence that would suggest that we have been lied to for centuries about the shape of the Earth, and reality in general.
You must do your own research and stop believing what you were taught at an age where you still believed in Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy.
We know nothing, we have very limited perception. We can only understand flats, spheres and a few more shapes, colours and sounds. Earth's shape's according to our perception. We calculate and we guess what we can. I've no opinion really as to the earth's shape. I wouldn't be surprised at all though if collectively we change its shape after a couple of millennials .
@redredred I have always been an exceptional exception, thank you. I am questioning deeply. I too see all of the things you're referring to and I'm proud of us. But I see another side to life as well that can't be seen through the business created by our millions of tools. There're many paths to walk upon this Earth.
One thing I don't understand about flat earthers is how exactly do you measure the size and what shape do you even think the Earth has? Because Eratosthenes and many other ancient people were able to answer these questions with simple maths (and they had no motive to lie about it). If you can't prove something with maths, there is no way you can prove it at all. So where exactly are the calculations of flat earthers?
@ElwoodBlues Why is it so important to you that I "believe" that we all live on a huge ball just spinning endlessly throughout an endless void? Perhaps your senses aren't working properly or something. I dunno?
@TBIman Actually, science isn't about belief, it's about skepticism. And when you look at ALL the data, gravity and roughly spherical planets and stars stand up best to skepticism and best explain all the data. You still haven't explained a single one of the photos of curved bodies of water right here on Earth.
Quite a while ago you could pay a healthy fee and fly in an old Swedish Aircraft called A Drakken at air shows here in the US. The pilot would take you out over the Atlantic Off the coast of Georgia. Do a few intense maneuvers. Test your puking limits. Break the speed of sound a couple times and then climb straight up to about 50k feet. Level off and you can see the curvature of the earth. Cost over a grand way way back in the early 90s. Lasted about a half hour. I think the same company is now doing it in a converted Mig 29.
@icedsky Did you take the flight, and see the curvature with your own eyes, or is this something that you were told? If you took the flight and see curvature with your own eyes then the glass you were looking through was curved.
@TBIman you must be getting lot of fun out of this,,back in the 1960es,when the L,S,D was pure,,,I thought the earth was ship, in the ocean of space,, ⛵
@jackrabbit10 No. I receive no fun or pleasure from this. My intention is just to get people questioning what we were told by our kindergarten teachers at an age when we still believed in Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy.
@ElwoodBlues What is it that you would like me to say El? There is nothing more to be said if you cannot admit that a body of water cannot curve and stick to spinning objects in space.
@TBIman Bodies of water, and gas, do curve and stick to spinning objects in space but they need to be rather LARGE bodies. Where did you dream up "the EARTH we live on is a pear-shaped rocket?"
@ElwoodBlues Dude (are you a dude?) this interaction that we have had has not been beneficial in the least for me. So I choose to close up shop. I wish you well in living on your spinning ball of water. Peace,
@MrBrownstone I have a hard time answering these questions. I learned all this stuff way back in grammar school. Early. I have a hard time believing anyone could actually believe in a flat earth, or know some of the most obvious and basic laws of physics.
Take a little trip to Dubai and take the elevator to the top of the Burj Khalifa, the worlds tallest building. You can actually see the curvature of the earth in both the land and the sea from there. You need the 3D vision of your own eyes to take it in, or I would have posted a picture.😷
@whowasthatmaskedman You don't have to go as far as Dubai, just go to the CN Tower in Toronto Canada or the new WTC in New York, similar in height to the Burj Kalifha and you can see the curvature, it's obvious from either of those views!
@TBIman It’s a conspiracy where the ships gradually sink as they go over the “horizon,” then are repaired secretly later so no one notices anything. Of course the passengers and crew are paid off to keep quiet.
And we’ve never been to the moon, we can’t leave, there’s a firmament dome over the earth that can’t be penetrated. NASA is a huge money laundering scam, they plough the money into changing the weather, so they can control us with climate change.
@SW-User You are well-researched. I'd very much like to add you as a friend. I'll try, but because I don't know much about SW yet I might not be able to.
@Muthafukajones Please tell me exactly what the flat Earth model fails to predict that the heliocentric model does. I would like to know if I've been spreading disinformation and lies all over the internet for years at this point.
@Muthafukajones You want me to give you answers to how all of those things work in a flat, and stationary model? First of all, there are perfectly reasonable explanations for everything on your list. I however, have a brain injury which prevents me from typing with any type of speed, or accuracy. Therefore I must ask you to find the answers yourself. The answers are out there I promise you. If you really truly cared you would find the answers yourself. But you are probably a troll looking to waste my time. Time is the only thing that I have in abundance.
Good luck in finding the answers to whatever it is that you are looking for ☮️
@TBIman One of those memes brings up a physical and historical fact. In WW2 the Japanese would have to have travel thousands of miles to reach Pearl Harbor. Do you really believe someone wouldn’t notice ?
[@TBIman Get on a boat or a plane and see for yourself. If there is any actual doubt, it can easily be tested first hand. One has to ask what possible reason can there be for such a ridiculous conspiracy. What purpose does it serve, that would make it practical ?
Just thinking of physics and how spheres are formed, how we exist in space, I can’t get with the flat earth thing. And I’ve been at altitudes where you can see the curve of the planet.
they should make a reality TV series and put a couple flat earthers into a boat and let them sail to the edge of the world... i would watch how that plays outt.
@TBIman There are far too many satellite images of earth that show it's curvature, for me not to believe it. I'll never believe it is not round. Common sense tells me that as well. As far as how it moves or spins, I do not know. I'm not convinced about any of that. And I don't just have to be right either.
But what does it matter, it is all to be destroyed anyway.
One thing you should understand about that equation is that it's a local equation for curvature, not global. My differential geometry days are decades behind me, but I remember enough not to confuse local calculations with global descriptions.
8" per mile squared describes a parabola, not a sphere. Radius = 6378 kilometers describes the sphere, but it's harder to do local calculations with (also, due to spin, the Earth is an oblate ellipsoid). And NEITHER equation describes the mountains and valleys etc. The first is a local idealization; the second a global idealization.
This ellipsoid is a better approx than a sphere
Geographers use an equation called "the Geoid" to more accurately describe the Earth's gravitational equipotential surface, so it kinda takes into account large masses like mountains. I believe it's often expressed as a sum of several hundred terms of spherical harmonics, so it's not easy to digest.
Geoid greatly exaggerated
More info on geoid: https://enterprise-insights.dji.com/blog/geoid-vs-ellipsoid http://icgem.gfz-potsdam.de/ICGEM-Report_2011-2015.pdf
I saw an experiment that proved either the moon or earth is flat. Based on eclipse,he used 2 plates to represent earth and moon. It casts a shadow similar to what we see here. Did the same experiment with a ball instead of a plate and was a different shadow.
@TBIman You remember that thing called gravity, you said doesn’t exist ? Well if you have a spinning ball , big enough to create enough gravity, the water will stick to it. If you have a flat disc , with no gravity, the water will run off the edge, if the edge is high enough to hold it all in , sooner or later a ship is going to run into it. Someone’s probably got a cell phone and can take a selfie , and plaster it all over face book. Something that big can’t stay secret forever. Especially when the resources can be exploited at great profit. Why keep it quiet when you can get rich off it ?
@DocSavage Who said anything about a flat disc. We live on a motionless flat plane. The water wouldn't run off the edge if there were a barrier holding the water in. Antarctica is that barrier. Do a little research please,
@TBIman You still haven’t explained how or where you’re coming up with all this bullshit. We live on a planet. From here , using telescopes we can observe other planets both inside and outside our solar system. We can even see stars forming . Now, assuming the laws of physics that we observe regarding those planets, also applies to Earth ( no reason why they shouldn’t) is the same, there is absolutely no reason to believe Earth is flat. Even if you take into account an intelligent designer, it makes zero sense that there would be such an impractical change in its nature. And this is ignoring the fact that it completely impossible to make the model work , no matter how you work it.
By the way thanks for the proof of a spinning ball
I already provided you with proof, but you seemed to have missed it. You remember when I asked how you explain “the midnight sun “ Your answer
The midnight sun has never been filmed in the South. That is another proof of Flat Earth.
The midnight sun, is not something that is filmed, you can go and experience for yourself. As is can only happen on a rotating globe orbiting the sun, just as the science books describe. Can’t happen on a flat plane with the sun and the moon circling above. But you’re not interested in facts or evidence are you. And all your claims are easily debunked, which is no doubt why you’re reluctant to provide any proof. My question, is what practical purpose is there for hiding evidence of a flat earth ? Apparently multiple nations are aware of it. If there is vast amounts of land, why haven’t they developed it ? Exploit its minerals? What are they waiting for ? They’ve got the advanced technology you say, there is no rational reason to keep it secret. At our less advance level of tech, we can already tell a flat earth is completely impossible, if science is wrong, then telling the truth would be the greatest benefit to the human race possible. Why are they hiding it ?
@TBIman Governments lie. Mathematics don’t. The reason you can’t give straight answers is you’re lying and you know it. Navigation deals in numbers. I asked you to explain why the numbers work for a globe and not for a flat plane, and you come back with “Governments lie” You can’t make it work, you know it , I know it. You can keep running but you can’t hide the fact you’re lying. It’s not about opinion, it about fact. I have them, you don’t. You said you’ve been doing the research for years, but you can’t tell the truth even for seconds.
@DocSavage Dude the numbers work better on a flat plane. You know what I cannot prove the flat Earth, but you cannot prove the globe either. Why are we typing about this? It's because I have not been shown sufficient evidence of a spinning blue marble. Provide me with an actual measurement of the ground you walk on proving that the Earth curves at any rate. Then provide me with any proof that the Earth moves at all, and I will go away. Only you can't.
The burden of proof lies upon you. I am just saying that everything is exactly how it appears to be. You seem to be butt hurt because you cannot provide one single proof of curvature or motion.
You need to remove your cranium from your rectum man. Open your eyes and realize that you aren't spinning at over 1,000 mph as you type.
@DocSavage If the midnight sun cannot be filmed then it doesn't exist. The midnight sun has been filmed many times in the North, but never in Antarctica. They only have a few very edited videos of the midnight sun in Antarctica. If you could provide an authentic video of the midnight sun in Antarctica, I do believe that would be the kind of proof flat Earthers are looking for. Too bad it does not exist anywhere.
It's good that you want to be sure, and are asking the proper questions Doc. Never give up on the quest for truth.
@TBIman Water evaporates, so what’s keeping it on your flat plain ? Can’t be gravity. After a few thousand years, we should be running dry don’t you think ?
It could be, not likely, but it could be. Both sides make a good argument.
Water does find level ground, when something rotates everything on the surface flies off that surface and there are many ancient cultures who's views on the subject have been lost or hidden.
On the other hand, if all the other planets in our Solar System are round, why would the Earth be a different shape? Engineers claim they account for the curvature of the Earth when building long bridges and roads.
So I think it’s great you're doing your own research. Look at all you find and draw your own conclusion.
@calicuz They run to the same point, the centre of mass. The run that way until something, the ground, gets in the way.
Not sure what you mean by where does the energy slow enough. The energy is potential and is simply
E = h*m*g
where E is energy in joules, h is the height (or perhaps more accurately the drop), in metres, g is the acceleration due to gravity, 9.8 metres per second squared.
So if a mass of 1 kg drops one metre then it loses 9.8 Joule.
Things stop falling toward the centre of gravity when something that can't be squashed or pushed sideways gets in the way.
@TBIman Clearly you are being dishonest, it has been proven that the Earth is spherical and that has been measured for centuries now. Why is it sooooo very important to you to try and make everyone believe that we all dwell on a non-spinning flat disc with a dome... when... that is clearly NOT the case?
@spjennifer You have been misinformed. If the Earth had ever been PROVEN to be a spinning sphere within a vacuum there wouldn't be people all over the plane arguing endlessly over the shape of the Earth. I am aware that you believe that the globe has been proven, but in reality, it has not. I'm not trying to make anyone believe anything. I was made aware that the Earth was not as it was taught to us all during our formative years. So... I just want to let people know that the Earth beneath our feet doesn't curve down and away from us at any rate. And what will that change? Hopefully, everyone will be a bit nicer to each other if they knew for an absolute fact that there was a creator.
I never type of a dome. Or that the Earth is a disc. Those are topics that can be debated. The shape of the Earth is not up for debate any longer. It was PROVEN to be a relatively flat and completely motionless plane way back in the 1800s.
People who have never been brainwashed by the education system will tell you that they live on a motionless plane. It's unfortunate that all of us have been brainwashed, but we most definitely have been.
I wish you well in your infinite space fantasy world where water curves and adheres to spinning balls.
@TBIman Then please explain to us oh Grand Vizeer how it is that in the Northern hemisphere, the days get shorter in winter and longer in summer? If your theory has any validity and the Earth is flat as you say, wouldn't the Sun always be at exactly the same distance and therefor no changes in daylight time with the seasons?
It could be but no natural force could produce such a shape. One would have to believe a super-powerful race of terraforming engineers produced such a shape for no clear reason and then left this flat earth to us. Seems beyond unlikely.
Both sides are wrong! To find out who's right I loaded up the boat with gas and headed out on the ocean. Guess what I ran smack dab into? Aquarium glass.
Try this as a tiny experiment to right your brain ..
Take a toy airplane and send it on a flat surface , much like a table and see if it it makes it back to its original destination....
Now , take that same airplane, some string and a ball.
Tie one end of the string to the ball and the other to the plane . . Now swing that plane once around that ball and see where it ends up ..did the plane make it back to where it started .?
@Muthafukajones Okay. I pick sunrise and sunsets. We as humans have a limit to our vision. I hope that you understand that we cannot see an infinite distance. So when you see a sunrise you are just seeing the sun coming into your perspective. The Sun moves over and around the motionless Earth, and only appears to rise and set due to human perspective. Sunset the opposite. You are seeing the Sun leave your own personal perspective. But you already knew that, right. You just wanted to make me type it all out. Well you won man, You totally succeeded in making me waste my time explaining sunrises, and sunsets.
Anyway that's just the way things work in this reality.
We definitely do not live on a spinning ball that no one in human history has ever seen curve, or felt spin.
What about travel ? Airplanes have to calculate fuel, which means they have to take distance and time into account. On a flat plane, they would have to fly all the way across the world to get to the other side. On a globe, they come around from the other end. How do you hide that ? Once again, physics proves you wrong.
@TBIman You don’t need GPS to fly a plane or to sale a ship. Navigators have been doing for centuries. If someone really wanted to know, is there any reason they couldn’t do it the old fashioned way ? You know, if your claim is true , it had to be going on a very, very long time. Lon before NASA.
@MrBrownstone That would be a great test, however, the atmosphere is not completely transparent. Especially at the lowest and densest level where we live, That coupled with human perspective would make seeing Paris from New York City an impossibility. You can, however, see things that should be a mile + under "the curve."
Thank you for not being a prick, like so many others who will swear up and down that they live on a spinning ball with 0 physical evidence.
@DocSavage I'm real, and the point of all this is to find out where we live. Your problem is that you still beLIEve that you live on a tilting, and wobbling ball that no one has ever seen directly.
Must you be a condescending prick to someone who is trying to help you see this plainly obvious truth?
@MarmeeMarch More proof that you flunked out of kindergarten, as every classroom in America has a globe which you would have noticed if you were there.
@LeopoldBloom He taped a tennis ball to a piece of string, held it in front of a Dirt Devil, and poured a cup of water over it while spinning it. No wonder he’s convinced.
You must do your own research and stop believing what you were taught at an age where you still believed in Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy.
His parents finally broke it to him , no wonder he was so quick to jump on the flat Earth band wagon.
@DocSavage I was not quick to jump on the FE bandwagon. It took me a whole year until I knew that no one could live on a spinning ball. I know, I'm quite slow but not as slow as you... if you still believe that you are just flying endlessly through an infinite vacuum. Stop being lazy and do your research.
Out of curiosity, who is lying, and why would they do it ? A flat earth is both stupid and against the laws of physics. But I can’t understand what could possibly be a practical reason for hiding it, or how they could manage to do it.
@TBIman Ok, I willing to hear this one out. How did you deduce that gravity doesn’t not exist, while still standing on the earth ? What’s keeping you here ? The midnight sun, is a result of the rotation of a global earth. It’s observable and repeating. Can’t happen on a flat earth.
@MalteseFalconPunch I have never posted math. You've got the wrong person. Oh, that was just a meme that someone made. Mainstream does claim that Earth's curvature is 8 inches per mile squared. Look it up. If it is something different now, they changed the curvature formula sometime within the past two years.
Literally everything you said, it debunked in this video. Water level, spinning ball, gravity. The works. How is it with all your research, you missed the opposition’s response ? But, what does it matter ? You don’t really believe any of it , do you ? If you did, you would show some evidence. After all, if your claims were true, instead of canned bullshit, you would understand that they disrupt hundreds of years of established science, which should worry you, exposes a huge multi government international conspiracy, which should also worry you, and shows concrete evidence of creation, which would worry you more if you’re an Atheist. You admit you have no proof to show, you can’t refute the evidence I’ve shown you. You have zero credibility. If it matters so much, why so careless?
@DocSavage Oh no. You sent me a Professor Dave video! I have seen professor dave before. He isn't very bright. I'll tell you what's not in the video you sent me. A single proof of the globe.
@TBIman Sorry to disappoint you chunk head. But none of us here need to prove the earth is a globe, been there , done that. We just have to show you the earth isn’t flat. Since that was true from the beginning and is true now the evidence of that is an established fact. Creationist can always claim “no proof” because no one has a Time Machine to see what happened before the Big Bang. You don’t need a Time Machine to see the curvature of the earth, nor to get film of the Midnight sun. Just because you’re not going to the poles to see it, doesn’t mean someone else can’t. Everything thing you claim is a lie, can and has been validated long ago. And can be again and again. Just a matter of time , effort, nothing more. Now, being an imbecile, you might claim that some agents will prevent you from exposing the truth. But why would they bother ? What could the truth do to inconvenience them ? Nothing. If they are hiding reality for some unknown reason, it must cost a fortune. They would be glad to get rid of it. So you lose either way. You can spend your life hiding from NASA and they won’t care.
Based on the highest and lowest points on earth and the total mass of land and sea it may not be flat but it would definitely be smooth smooth and a piece of paper as a matter fact if you compare the highest and lowest point in the square surface area the earth would be comparably smoother than a piece of paper.
My kitchen floor is flat. I look outside and that is not flat, that simple no the earth is not flat. I’m wondering where the east pole and west pole is 😂 🙃
Take a close look at a spoon full of water or medicine you will notice they are over dosing you. Yes it curves. Watch a sailboat sailing into the sunset where did the boat go when all you can see is the sails?@TBIman
@Repete I am talking about a body of water, not a spoon full of medicine. Like a pond, marsh, or ocean. The boat is still there in its entirety. Just zoom in on it, and poof it magically reappears.
Says who ? What makes your photo more credible ? You keep making claims, but you have no answers. We can both show our evidence, but you can’t make it work. Too many inconsistencies you can’t answer using a flat earth. Simply not possible or practical.
@DocSavage I don't need answers. As I am just claiming that everything is exactly as it appears to be. You are the one claiming that all of us are flying around in an infinite vacuum. Also that the ground is curving down and away from our feet. As far as I'm concerned photos don't "PROVE" anything because photos can be manipulated. Whereas an actual measurement cannot.
@DocSavage Please tell me why my belief in a flat, and motionless Earth disturbs you so much?
Here's a tested, and verified fact for you... The surface of motionless water is level 100% of the time.
I gave you a tested, and verified fact about the level plane that we live on, and it was simple to understand. Now I would like one, just one tested and verified fact about the globe. Search long and hard Doc.
@TBIman Have you ever ridden in a car while holding a drink? Notice that the surface of the drink is flat as long as the car is going in the same direction at the same speed. I guess that proves cars don't actually move. My father once told me that when the dog is in the car, to be careful not to let him jump out the window because dogs can't tell the difference between a car moving down the road, and what appears to be a stationary car with the road moving under it. I guess we should be careful not to open any windows when you're in a car, too.
The entire world could be flat for all we know. There's reason to believe that space-time is like a giant blanket with peaks and valleys, and the amount of energy something has is it's valley. This would explain the behaviour of gravity, as something big has a lot of energy it also has a huge gravitational pull, and like a weight on a stretched blanket it slides down towards this object. It can even be theorized that the entire world we know is on the flat surface of a black hole with a size beyond any comprehension. This would also explain how to the world continues to expand, but not from any single point, but from every direction.