in10RjFox · M
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Each of us are that beholder, and we analyse what meets our eye. If what meets the eye is pleasing, we sense beauty and if other wise we close our eyes or just refrain from pressing the capture button in our mind. So the image that makes us capture, is what we encapsulate as beautiful. (It is the same cap that is in capture & encapsulate).
Women hear this expression, as Men are outspoken. They don't supress their feelings and express their joy spontaneously. But WEMen don't get to hear it.
Women hear this expression, as Men are outspoken. They don't supress their feelings and express their joy spontaneously. But WEMen don't get to hear it.
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Magenta · F
You don't.
What is beautiful to one, may be ugly to another, or at a different time!
When it comes to real women, you are often calling her makeup and dress "beautiful," without knowing how she look freshly woken in the morning.
If that is the case then you are really calling her style "beautiful" - even though she may be someone you would find ugly otherwise.
So much truth.What is beautiful to one, may be ugly to another, or at a different time!
When it comes to real women, you are often calling her makeup and dress "beautiful," without knowing how she look freshly woken in the morning.
If that is the case then you are really calling her style "beautiful" - even though she may be someone you would find ugly otherwise.
MaBalzEsHari · M
Old saying........."pretty is as pretty does". Beauty is how a girl she treats others. Beauty is her personality. Her values. Her thinking. Of course her face.............her body.......but over half of a girls beauty is how she is as a person.
JestAJester · 31-35, M
Beautiful in mind body and soul. Ive known very few that meet those standards
Yourwildestdreams · 51-55, M
Ultimately, defining a beautiful woman requires moving beyond superficial physical characteristics and embracing a more holistic understanding of beauty that celebrates individuality, diversity, and the complexities of human experience.
As the saying goes: "Beauty is not just about how you look; it's about how you feel about yourself."
As the saying goes: "Beauty is not just about how you look; it's about how you feel about yourself."
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
I think beauty can be summed up as whatever makes you want to keep going
Beautiful music makes you want to keep listening. Beautiful places make you want to keep visiting. Beautiful women make you want to keep looking, or keep being around
Beautiful music makes you want to keep listening. Beautiful places make you want to keep visiting. Beautiful women make you want to keep looking, or keep being around
Docdon23 · M
beauty is in the eyes of the beholder--we all have different tastes and opinions...
Docdon23 · M
@Thrust Yes, I agree--our instincts and drive to procreate have planted some of that in us, but look at past body parts admired by some--ankles, slim wastes, big butts, large breasts, beautiful faces (as you delineate)...there are "breast" guys and "butt" guys, and i always tended to be a face guy, eyes especially, and a breast guy...
Jlhzfromep · M
beauty is what is on the inside, nor the outside looks. There are many very very pretty people who are definitely not beautiful because of their hateful hearts
oldercanuck1 · 70-79, M
to each their own ,, but i think someone that can talk cook , and be a good friend
DavyPNW · 56-60, M
Deep and complicated subject. Similar to a mature woman
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
For me kindness is beautiful
bijouxbroussard · F
It really depends on who’s making the assessment. There are many different standards of beauty in the world.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
Is really different for everyone.
pdockal · 56-60, M
It's different to everyone
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Appears comely
bert199 · 51-55, M
Something that brings pleasure. Something can be visually beautiful. Or situationally beautiful.
UKNaturist · M
Beauty is relative.
BrandNewMan · M
Hard enough just defining what a woman is these days ..
Northwest · M
Isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder?
smiler2012 · 61-69
@catsanddogs 🤔beauty is perceived by the human eyes and mind differently as the saying goes beauty is in the eye of the beholder 🤷♂
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Beautiful is something which or whom your eyes and mind want to watch more than once.
We don't confuse it with something our eyes don't fancy but just intrigued
We don't confuse it with something our eyes don't fancy but just intrigued
Thrust · 56-60, M
A warm smile making eye contact enhaces her beauty infinitely 😊
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
hoWZ MucHz ShEZ charGeS vERsUZ how MuCHz ShEZ GETz
come2gether · 46-50, M
Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder
Lostlostlost · 51-55, M
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
LeopoldBloom · M
Whatever the viewer finds beautiful. Although there are cultural standards.
ididntknow · 51-55, M