laurieluvsit · 26-30, F
The vast majority prefer around their own age.
Some of us actually do love much older men a lot.
Some of us actually do love much older men a lot.
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SandWitch · 26-30, F
You cannot speak for "the vast majority" because you have no clue what other women like or don't like. Therefore, when you speak of what women like, only speak for yourself because that is truly all you know for sure.
You cannot speak for "the vast majority" because you have no clue what other women like or don't like. Therefore, when you speak of what women like, only speak for yourself because that is truly all you know for sure.
SalttyDawg · 70-79, M
A keeper 😉
A keeper 😉
@laurieluvsit God Bless Your Heart!
BrewCityBarfly · M
I can't speak for women, however, I think the general rule of thumb is to take your age, divide by 2, and then add 7. So, for example, if you're 62, the youngest for a relationship would be 38.
laurieluvsit · 26-30, F
I'm sorry, men always resorting to their form of engineering logic is so hilarious some times.
Please forgive me ...I will never do it again
I'm sorry, men always resorting to their form of engineering logic is so hilarious some times.
Please forgive me ...I will never do it again
BrewCityBarfly · M
@laurieluvsit Well, it's not like I have it on a spreadsheet... yet... 😂
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@BrewCityBarfly Sounds good to me. Only problem is that I'm trying to cut back.
HumanEarth · F
My wife is older than me by 9 days. She's the cougar
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HumanEarth · F
Oh, I forgot and 3hrs and 42 minutes older
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
My mom was 25 years younger than my dad. When I asked her about it, she said that the attraction was….he was a man, not a boy, wise, experienced.
So I guess the answer is, yes.
So I guess the answer is, yes.
su4old · 41-45, C
I like older men infact I like that much I married one a lot older than me he is 79 I’m 40 and I’m not ashamed of it
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
Good for you ! Please yourself and don't worry about what others think !!
Good for you ! Please yourself and don't worry about what others think !!
Judy123 · 18-21, F
ArtieKat · M
Do young girls like older men
Do you mean "young girls" or do you mean "young women"? The former might get you (rightly) labelled as a paedophile.
saintsong · 41-45, F
I always did, since childhood....My husband is 20 years older than me, we've been together for 27 years married for going on 24.
BohemianBabe · M
Most of them do.
BohemianBabe · M
@666Maggotz That's exactly what someone dumber than me would say.
Tahitiangrandma · 61-69, F
@BohemianBabe oh Hun that was very much a stereotype not all Asian are the same and not all women are the same
BohemianBabe · M
@Tahitiangrandma Yes, we're talking generalities here. I even said that there is no objective preference because preference generality changes based on culture and period. This isn't biological, it's cultural.
Maturebate · 70-79, M
Often. They don't all want father figures but that can be the reason. Some may prefer maturity when there are crazy young men out there high on their testosterone.
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Alex51 · 61-69, M
@Curiouscouple891 what did you mean by super lol
I'm guessing you have never been to Thailand......
laylayla · F
I'd say most like guys older than them, not necessarily old men tho.

@666Maggotz but I did not look like my father😌
666Maggotz · F
@SW-User yeah, you probably look worse 💀
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Primnproper · 56-60, F
If you're thinking 20s, I'd be inclined to say no only in exceptional circumstances or if they have something to gain from it, so i would tread very carefully. Hope thay helps.
invisiblewoman · 36-40, F
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Adogslife · 61-69, M
My wife does. I’m 64, 11 years older. We met when I was 57 and she was 46.
666Maggotz · F
@Adogslife 46 isn’t a young girl
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ChulaRp · 36-40, F
Depending on the lady lol every woman different, I prefer someone around my age, to be honest when it comes to a relationship and sexual
Ceci13 · 51-55, F
It depends and like the phrasing of this question is weird. Like do you mean girls and old men because eww. Because over the age of like thirty or so a female is a woman not a girl. A girl is like 15:like my daughter but Is my 25 year old still a girl? For me it depends my first loser guy the dad of my daughter is like three or four years older then me and worst decision of my life wasting my time with him. My husband now who is three years younger is great and best decision of my life. I'm 52 I wouldn't be with anyone older than 60 it all depends on your age depends I've seen broke down losers in twenties and thirties broke bad body loser men and women and great body etc older people and vice versa again it all depends
Monaschandroff86 · F
Depends on how they look but you can’t base on looks all the time
SalttyDawg · 70-79, M
At my age there’s not a whole lot older so one can hope 😁
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Depends on what you've got in your wallet.
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Cabernetfranc · 80-89, M
A Certain Smile-A Certain Face
I certainly hope so!😅😂🤣

[image/video deleted]
Yes they do 💰💰💰💰
ChulaRp · 36-40, F
@SW-User Some do not all, those are the ones that got no type but money, but other ladies have type and picky
masterofyou · 70-79, M
Some do even oldest guy like me ....
Tahitiangrandma · 61-69, F
It depends on the person not all women the same not all people are the same
Subalugirl · 22-25, F
It depends 🥂
Enonnianoj · F
bijouxbroussard · F
Older men, not necessarily old men. Someone looking for a parental figure in a partner probably has issues.
Morvoren · F
No. Naked they look like raw chicken, and they want to be asleep by 9pm.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@Morvoren I will agree with that.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
@Morvoren men can look 💩 naked at any age. imagine a young James Corden naked for example.
Morvoren · F
@pancakeslam I’d rather not thanks. True but older guys are more likely to have gone off the boil.

They happen and can be very loving.
Sex enhances, rather than drives the relationship.
Just be yourself, you will be surprised.
Sex enhances, rather than drives the relationship.
Just be yourself, you will be surprised.
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pancakeslam · 41-45, M
I assume that is they look for a variety of things in a guy besides just his age. I can understand if they want to date a guy if similar age because they have more in common, ie, they know who Justin Bieber is. but its only due to appearance while that's shallow, I understand. 😝
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
What do you mean by young girls. Girls are referring to children so that’s a red flag. Why are you as a 61-69 year old man asking about girls?
nonsensiclesnail · F
Hmmmmmmm I know a 42 year old who stated that she would soooo fuck my father in law who is in his mid 70s, but that’s still not young…. I doubt it.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
@nonsensiclesnail no but it means that a 22 year old would like a 45 year old
nonsensiclesnail · F
@pancakeslam maybe, but this isn’t really a math thing and more of a… hmmm, libido vs money thing??? Not sure…..
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SandWitch · 26-30, F
When you say "young girls", are you referring to young women or girls?
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
@SandWitch nope
SandWitch · 26-30, F
Somehow, that doesn't surprise me!
Somehow, that doesn't surprise me!
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
@SandWitch yeah me neither 🤷♂️
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