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Atheists: How do you feel when someone prays for you or makes some other nice religious gesture? Guilty? Awkward? Annoyed? Honored? Loved?

It doesn’t bother me because I know that it’s well meaning.
I don’t condemn kindness just because I don’t believe in religion
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@Onestarlitnight same thought process here. I think that is a good attitude to have.
I’m not religious, but it depends on the context. When I’m in pain, and someone who doesn’t know I’m not religious says they’ll "pray" for me, I’m not upset, I know they mean it compassionately, and I accept it as such. But if someone is arguing that I should believe (and I generally try to avoid such disputes) and conclude by saying, "I’ll pray for you," that I see as condescending. 🙄
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@bijouxbroussard The latter even occurs between Christians. If Christian A and Christian B do not see eye to eye on things, and Christian A says "I will pray for you, that God will show you the errors of your ways and you will repent", that can be "spiritual abuse". It is right up there with emotional abuse and sexual abuse. It can be used quite effectively by cult leaders who try to keep their members in line.
@DrWatson I could definitely imagine that.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
I see as condescending
You are red meat to Christians. I hope I don't offend you too much but....The rest of us on here hold a position of non-belief. You just said might or maybe by saying you are not religious but stopping short of I am an atheist or I don't believe in God.

While they will pray that we (atheists) find Jesus in the back of their mind they know we will ask for evidence. People who say by contrast that they are not religious are often perceived (and often correctly) as hoping or wishing there was a God or in the spiritual but not religious category which from a metaphysical standpoint. This position makes them not that far off from a believer and more importantly a Christian believer.

On a sidenote while you don't hold their religious views many Christians have the hope and doubt and questions thing going on--in that way many people who take the positions as not religious (or in the current political spectrum labelled as
) have commonality with a lot of Bible thumpers even if that feels foreign to hear for you (and others who belong to the I am not religious crowd)
originnone · 61-69, M
I can't think of a case where it bothered me. In fact I I still use the phrase to tell people they're in my thoughts and that I care deeply for them. It's a lot easier than saying "Although I don't believe in a higher being, I send positive energy your way...." which would make what I was saying more about me than them.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Generally, when people say something like they're going to pray for me, I consider it performative. "Oh, look what a good person I am that I'm praying for you."

If I have some reason to believe that they are sincere about their concern and this is how they're expressing it, I'm grateful that they're thinking of me, even if they have to mix it up with their fiction.
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
It makes me uncomfortable mostly.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
Most of them mean no harm. I guess I take as "I wish you the best" except they are petitioned their invisible sky buddy. Usually in my experience the pray for me means pray I find Jesus--I tell them I already looked under by bed and in the closet--not sure where else to look. but joking aside-I don't get offended but the praying for me is almost always for me to accept their faith and not for any fortune to come to me independent of their faith.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Usually -- unless they are really obnoxious about it -- I feel good because it means they care about me.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
Depends a little on if they want to pray for me, like for my salvation which don't get me wrong would be fine if it happened. I don't know if I would feel the same if someone was praying for me like I was was too lazy to do it myself. If makes someone feel better about themselves to pray for me, well then I'm just happy I could help them out a little!
AbbySvenz · F
I tell them I’d rather have cookies
Not so common where I live. So it would sound weird and even slightly ridiculous and out of place, like a granny not quite following the plot and repeating set phrases whatever the circumstances.
Thodsis · 51-55, M
It's a bit like someone saying 'bless you' after I've sneezed...
Prayer is akin to spell casting.
Renaci · 36-40
Annoyed. Like the kind of god evangelicals pray to would get the death sentence as a human. So when they are asking for it's favor on me I'm like don't get me involved with your immoral monster fetish.
I've felt very honoured

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