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I Am An Atheist

I don't believe in something if there isn't proof of it. I was raised in an Atheist family and brought up a logical thinker. My family never tried to make me believe in Santa or God or anything else unless there was proof of it.
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Harriet03 · 41-45, F
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I will not respond to either one of you again you’re not mature or knowledgeable enough to let me waste my time. You are a troll who only post controversial stories and start arguments. I don’t do that game.
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@SW-User It's clear who the troll is here. You came onto an Atheist thread just to throw insults around. You offer nothing in the way of debate. You obviously don't know what a scientific theory is either. Here's a clue, they are the pinnacles of science - not to be confused with mere guesses or vague ideas.

You're right, we can't hold a debate with you because you're incapable of debating. Come back when you've grown up a bit.
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
Oh dear, it looks like I've scared TheLivingCaramelFrappucino. He can't debate so he's run away by blocking me. 😆
Bushranger · 70-79, M
Has there ever been a time in your life when you thought that religion might be a viable option? I ask because I was raised in a nominally Methodist family, even though my parents weren't practicing (I found out many years later that my father left the faith when he was criticized for defending a young single woman who had fallen pregnant. Wish I had known that while he was still alive). I attended Church, Sunday School and even the youth group.

What I found as I grew older, however, was that the people of the Church could not answer questions without reference to their religion. Even as a young pre-teen, I was having difficulty in accepting the concept that every thing could only be explained by reference to God. So my faith was weakened but not broken.

I finally lost faith altogether when a nephew was diagnosed with bowel cancer at around 12 months of age. The, I'll admit well meaning, Church goers all spoke of how it was God's will and how He works in mysterious ways. Not a lot of comfort for my nephew or the family and absolutely heartless in the eyes of a young teenager.

Damn, never thought I'd put that out there. I'm so glad for the anonymity of this site.
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@SW-User The reason for childhood suffering and death that I've heard quoted on here the most is original sin. Mind you, they temper it by saying that the children are saved from hell and go straight to heaven. Don't you find that comforting? (Sarcasm alert for those who missed it)

God gave evidence of his power and grace to the whole world in his creation. Anyone who fails to accept that is doomed to go to hell. I guess I don't need the sarcasm alert when I say that I think that's fair.
@Bushranger original sin? That just sounds twisted and sick. Really I don't think any of it really matters as long as you're a good person and that's not what religions preach
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@SW-User I couldn't agree more. Attempting to be the best person you can be is pretty much all we can do. If some people do that through religion that's fine.
gregloa · 61-69, M
Science is extremely unreliable and is absolutely not proof. You require proof but believe the myth of science. According to science bacteria is our father. Evolution started with bacteria and ultimately evolved into modern man and each and every other creature that has ever existed on earth from one cell life froms to dinosaurs to man. Where’s the proof? Truth is there is none. Only assumptions. Scientists admit that carbon dating is completely unreliable as it only is able to date the rock that a given fossil is embedded into and that certainly doesn’t prove how old the fossil itself is. Even the rock carbon dating results are give or take a hundred million years. Carbon dating is accurate only to 50,000 year old fossil according to scientists. Truth is scientists admitt even with carbon dating they have no idea how old any fossil is. Yet mostly because of the media only assumptions are made and it is broadcasted to the public like it is the gospel. So you are no different than a Christian believing in something because you have faith in it. There are way too many coincidences on earth for all of this just to have evolved. Scientists agree you would more likely win the powerball jackpot 1000 times in a row. That’s way beyond luck. As you know you’re more likely to get struck by lightning, bitten by a shark, and hit a hole in one all on the same day than winning the jackpot just once. Christian scientists make way more sense than atheists scientists.
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@Bushranger I'm not sure what you've missed or what you consider interesting. @Pikachu has made a few posts you might have missed.
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@suzie1960 I've seen a couple that look interesting.
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
According to the evidence, the last universal common ancestor was not the first living organism on Earth. It probably existed before bacteria arose, and was only one of many early organisms (the others became extinct).

Thanks. That goes some way to answering my question here -

Even if all currently existing life on this planet had a common ancestor, evidence of unrelated life makes abiogenesis a bit more common than I thought so there is an increased probability that life has evolved elsewhere.
Bushranger · 70-79, M
The existence of God or Gods can't be proved or disproved. To believe in God or Gods requires faith and overrides logic. I personally don't believe in a deity, but don't have an issue with those who do. I do, however, have an issue with those who will not accept alternative views and refuse to accept that others may have their own truths.
There isn’t anything logical about having a closed mind
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@SW-User Instead of running away, how about you try supporting your claim with something substantial? You haven't answered any of my questions. Why not, don't you have any logical answers?

Simply saying your god exists proves nothing. I've already shown how it's for you to prove that it does rather than for your opponents to prove that it doesn't. You can't prove the Flying Spaghetti Monster isn't real yet you don't believe that Quob is. Why should anyone believe your god is real just because they can't prove it isn't?

You chose to come here. If you don't like it you're free to leave, you won't be missed.
CookieLuvsBunny · 31-35, F
@Sparkinmyhead You have no proof only ad hominem attacks. Typical
Sparkinmyhead · 26-30, M
Hmmm yea yea yea. My position is for no and yay. Your is no . But I you can’t convey what I’m saying I’m out nothing new to learn on here. Just a tedious useless dilemma@CookieLuvsBunny
ai12ci45lef000 · 31-35, F
to the people in the thread comparing science to religion: There is absolutely nothing to compare . Science is proven and is everywhere around us , whereas religion is a personal choice and nothing more .
BlueVeins · 22-25
@ai12ci45lef000 Excuse my pedantry, but I would amend this to say that science is supported by evidence, whereas religion is unsubstantiated. While some concepts in science would colloquially be considered to be 'proven,' data, even direct sensory data isn't perfect, and can be contested by conflicting data.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
Atheism isn't logical. It is an illogical faith with a fantasy beginning.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@hippyjoe1955 Fantasy!!! Lol is that what your talking Snake says? 🤔
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
gain tell me how a unicorn might not exist in another universe?
Hell, it might exist in this one. Can't prove it doesn't.

But assuming it does is dumb.
Bushranger · 70-79, M
Regardless of the existence of multiple universes, unicorns in any universe, whether the universe evolved or was created, the possibility of abiogenesis or any other scientific, philosophical or metaphysical concept, an atheist is simply someone who doesn't believe in a God or Gods.

What is so difficult to understand about that?
Lostpoet · M
I hope they still taught you good morals.
Gusman · 61-69, M
There are plenty of us.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
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PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
My mother was a jehova's witness growing up and took me to church. My Father on the other hand was a skeptic and rationalist and basically believes in empiricism and doesn't believe much of anything without proof. He reads a lot of Sci fi and when I was 13 or so I started rebelling against mom and asking questions and he kind of became my stance on religion and what not. I'm so tired of the Abrahamist in general. They run the world and they're all killing each other like crazy. Seriously these "Holy books" need to go on a shelf somewhere and be forgotten for 1000 years and we can reopen them after and see if there's anything worth keeping THEN.

Dawn Bringer
Dawn Bringer
9 months ago
Thus proving us Atheist should be building bunkers to survive the fallout from the theist killing each other in the name of their religions so there's some of the earth left over for the rest of us after all the bombs have gone off.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Be careful of that way of thinking, it can rob you off some joys in life.
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
Not even science can exist without questioning if all what we know is true.
Of course not, science is all about asking questions and trying to answer them.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@CrazyMusicLover Love is an observable phenomenon, though. There's evidence of it all around you. Also, this --
There's no way to prove the existence or non-existence of god.
while true in a strictly solipsistic sense, has little to no relevance in real life.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Yes, it doesn't. That's why I don't see a reason why should I bother with it.
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@PDXNative1986 Those christians who object to those signs can't have much faith in their beliefs.
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
@suzie1960 Yeah seriously if the fact that atheist exist is so threatening to their faith their faith must be terribly weak.
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Bushranger · 70-79, M
@MarmeeMarch Not everyone becomes an atheist because they didn't get their wishes fulfilled, I'd even suggest that they would be a small minority. I think you'll find that most atheists find that religion can't answer their questions so they lose faith. There are no doubt, a multitude of reasons why people become atheists, please don't try to simplify a complex concept.
Reject · 26-30, M
Proof. What a massive limitation.
Sparkinmyhead · 26-30, M
so you threw morons are smarter than michio kaku @MalteseFalconPunch
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Sparkinmyhead · 26-30, M
Bro I haven’t read any science books to be honest but through reason and little understanding I know . Human life has a life expectancy of 120 max, but a planet like earth that might consists of life is probably light years a way which means humans will die in the voyage .for life to be in another earth like planet is most like evolution process is parallel to ours because we are stuck in the same universe with the same governing physics laws , and chemistry laws. Aliens who are not intestellar are most likely flesh organism . In other to travel the universe you will need to live past 120 years like many many more years. Only way to this is to supplement our organs and flesh with metal. Or have a big ass space ship capable or supporting reproduction within that spaceship which means the spaceship has to be self sufficient to harbor life in the long unicorns, evolution has show many different types of living organism built differently. In other words what if unicorns are aliens? I mean look at the many aliens we have created through imagination.@MalteseFalconPunch
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