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does astrology work?

tarot cards,how could it tell your future?
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Convivial · 26-30, F
Astrology and tarot are two different things...I think that as an exploration of your subconscious, tarot may have done benefits., not because they're magical in any sense, but because they can unlock what your feelings are and how you interpret them
baydog5555 · 70-79, F
@Convivial you are so right on.
@originnone Reasonable? The number of things used for divination are countless. It’s all about randomness. An alien concept for the gullible.
@BlueSkyKing Tarot cards have not been used for divination since the 18th century.
LadyGrace · 70-79
THAT is something that the Lord said is an abomination in His eyes, and not to dabble/delve into it. Tons of scripture tell us not to involve ourselves in seances, witchcraft, tarot cards, stargazers counting on the stars to tell our future, instead of leaning on and trusting God, and all that stuff.
Greyjedi · M
Tarot and astrology are two different different things. Both Astrology and Tarot work but you need to practice them to see it and in the case of Tarot you need to learn detachment and or looking at things objectively. The cards aren’t magical they just direct your consciousness mind to what you’re subconscious mind knows or feels. Astrology is psychology relfected on the “heavens” created by our prehistoric ancestors who first noticed the traits and cyclical nature of the world.
Greyjedi · M
@BlueSkyKing how do you get along with your family?

the none major arcana cards became a standard playing deck. Tarot is not a game

Psychic power can not be bought only earned

Games are played with Tarot cards in various countries of Europe, but nowhere is it as popular as in France. There are clubs, tournaments (including duplicate events) and an official body, the Fédération Française de Tarot. French Tarot is also played in the French speaking parts of Canada. The following description is partly based on contributions from Craig Kaplan, Michel Braunwarth and Eric Betito.

The Players

Tarot is a trick-taking game in which the partnerships vary from hand to hand. It is most commonly played by four players, and this version is described first. However it is also common for five to play, and it is also possible for three.

The deck consists of 78 cards. The four suits are the standard ones of diamonds, hearts, spades and clubs, and each suit contains fourteen cards ranking from high to low:

Roi (king), Dame (queen), Cavalier (knight), Valet (jack), 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

In addition to the four standard suits there is a extra suit of twenty-one atouts (trumps) numbered from 21 (high) to 1 (low).

Finally, there is a special card called the excuse, or the fool, marked with a star in the corner.

Three cards, the 1 of trump (called the petit), the 21 of trump and the excuse are particularly important in the game and are known as bouts ("ends") or sometimes in books as oudlers.
Greyjedi · M
@BlueSkyKing interesting, thats not a suite that the major arcana
Nobody uses Tarot cards to tell the future. They don't work for that anyway. They're used as a psychological tool to access the user's subconscious or trends in their life through archetypal images, which can suggest new directions or options they may not have been aware of. So it's similar to psychoanalysis or counseling. The advantage of using cards is that the images are laid out in front of you and analyzing them can be easier than just listening to someone talk and trying to make connections that way.

Since each card has a standard interpretation, and its position in the layout is also significant, this gives structure to the reading while still allowing some latitude.
Like the notion that people are programmed robots?

I see astrology as a first cousin to sexism and racism. If it’s so important, why wasn’t it part of your education?

Tarots is an actual card game with strict rules. Pretty fantastic that you can buy a deck and get psychic powers too.
@BlueSkyKing It's similar to bridge.
@LeopoldBloom Yes, it’s a trick taking game.
@BlueSkyKing I have no head for card games. In her book explaining her own deck, Robin Wood includes a chapter on the rules for Tarocchi which I had trouble following.
exexec · 70-79, C
I've never had a tarot reading, but no one who knows me has ever been able to guess my astological sign on the first or second attempt.
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WhatLifeIsFor · 41-45, M
didn't worked for me
baydog5555 · 70-79, F
have you seen or heard spirits?am intrested in your story.
originnone · 61-69, M
LOL----only to get money in a side show at the circus....
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
Maybe maybe. But those cards were originally used to play games.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
No. It's a load of crap.
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Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
That stuff is of the devil. You don't want to make a deal with him for information.
baydog5555 · 70-79, F
@Musicman you are correct.i just been looking for aome help in this world

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