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Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
Two things you should never be lose with without feeling the wrath of God's endless shudder.
Kids and animals.
Domesticated animals, not counting cats, are slaves to their environment. If they are domestic they will still be domesticated when you abandon them.
Ducks. I think ducks would be ok if you dropped them near water.
Kids and animals.
Domesticated animals, not counting cats, are slaves to their environment. If they are domestic they will still be domesticated when you abandon them.
Ducks. I think ducks would be ok if you dropped them near water.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
PUBLIC FLOGGING, animal abuser tattooed on forehead
4meAndyou · F
I am a pet owner, and have had a couple of pets in my life when I was a lot younger that I just couldn't keep. It doesn't take much to advertise for a new Mom and Dad for your pets, and if you are too broke to do that, then you can actually walk IN to any animal shelter during the day to leave your pet.