Most annoying dog breed to you?
As a semi-dog lover, I say semi because dogs are pets. They do t belong on the furniture, in my bed, in the kitchen or begging at the table. That said, my dogs are well taken care of and live with me in my house.
My girlfriend has two breeds I was never familiar with, the Golden Retriever and Chihuahua. Both are terrible to be around. The Golden is the most attention demanding creature I’ve ever seen. He is constantly in your face or under your feet. He will not allow you to even talk on the phone without his annoying attempts to have all of your attention. And the Chihuahua with his big personality is the absolute worse. A diaper has to remain on him at all times because his challenge to you is him looking you dead in the eye and cocking his leg on anything he chooses. He constantly is trying to bite you even though he is 16 and has no teeth but a couple. Sometimes it’s all I can do to refrain from showing him how much mightier my foot is than his entire scrawny body.
My girlfriend has two breeds I was never familiar with, the Golden Retriever and Chihuahua. Both are terrible to be around. The Golden is the most attention demanding creature I’ve ever seen. He is constantly in your face or under your feet. He will not allow you to even talk on the phone without his annoying attempts to have all of your attention. And the Chihuahua with his big personality is the absolute worse. A diaper has to remain on him at all times because his challenge to you is him looking you dead in the eye and cocking his leg on anything he chooses. He constantly is trying to bite you even though he is 16 and has no teeth but a couple. Sometimes it’s all I can do to refrain from showing him how much mightier my foot is than his entire scrawny body.
61-69, M