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Hi 👋 my name is Christopher and I have a Chapstick addiction

It’s been out of control for a few decades any kind of lip balm actually I just found a great deal on a 24 pack with Orange 🍊 Mango flavor by Blistex…. SOLD!! 😂😂 my addiction is so bad I have to have it on my bed at night in case I can’t make it through the night 😩

Anyone else have this serious issue 🤨😂
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Lilymoon · F Best Comment
Sicko. 🤣
Lilymoon · F
@Sidewinder he knows I'm joking lol
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
@Lilymoon All jokes aside, though, admission is the first step in combatting many problems, including addiction. And that's the first step that many are usually reluctant to take.
GBPackersFan · 41-45, M
Yeah this is just a clown 🤡 around post being addicted to lip balm isn’t harmful but if I don’t use it several times a day my lips feel like concrete 😂😂@Sidewinder

Matt85 · 36-40, M
That stuff does smell pretty good.
You should join CA.
calicuz · 56-60, M
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I had a girlfriend when I was 22 who had very smoochable lips and always wore Blistex. I began using it too. That was 1972 and I've been using it ever since.
Graylight · 51-55, F
The first thing you should do is simple: stop calling it Chapstick. That’s the waxy bullet of petroleum that tasted like dollar shop candles but made excellent pop guns.

I have in my drawer a jangled mess of about 24 Burt’s Bees. One is always in my pocket, one in a bag, each car, laying in a bowl, tossed on a table, lost in the jewelry…they’re everywhere.

I was told to avoid lip balms with alcohol, as they dry your lips out, but Burt’s is alcohol free and I haven’t kicked the habit yet.

Stay tough.
That's an inexpensive habit you have there 😟
TheeRoyalBee · 31-35, F
I am in love with mangos, it’s winter, and my lips are dry😞 I think you’re starting my journey on an addiction. 24 pack for 27 is pretty good
Lilymoon · F
Thanks for BC 😄
Honestly I'm proud of u lmao
AndysLoft · 56-60, M
You could cover yourself in bin bags, pretend your feet was your head and wipe your mouth along in the rear to make a convincing giant slug.
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