Any thoughts on the quantum computing they're working on?They are, basically, building something they don't fully understand, with an intelligence of its own they may or may not be able to fully control. that may, if abused, have the power to fundamentally change the nature of the universe and everything... See More »
Saw this on a YouTube comment...A mother told her 6-year-old, daughter, "You're a born politician." Her dad said she doesn't even know what a politician is. The girl thought about it for a minute, then replied, "I'm not sure, but I do know they're even worse than lawyers."
Throughout my life I have learned...a lot about a few things, a little about a lot of things, and that I never will, in fact, 'know it all'. I find that the more I know, the more questions I have. Life is always a teachable moment for those who will shut up and listen.
You know you're getting old can remember, in detail, things that happened 4 or 5 decades past, but can't remember where you left your car keys 10 minutes ago.
Wasn't going to post this but I'm still laughing about it.Drove my wife's mustang into town and had some fun with a would-be carjacker. It had warmed up into a pleasant afternoon, so I had the front windows down. I saw this fool coming up along the side in the side mirror, and got a crazy idea. When he... See More »
The warrior soulThe self confidence of the warrior is not the self confidence of the average man. The average man seeks certainty in the eyes of the onlooker and calls that self-confidence. The warrior seeks impeccability in his own eyes and calls that humbleness.... See More »
Just a little crazyOur 15yo daughter asked me how I wound up with tinnitus. I Told her how I got wrecked at a music festival in '85, when David Lee Roth came on the crowd became tightly packed. Looking for a place near the stage with more breathing room, I wound up... See More »
Anyone on Worlds FRVR?Minecraft graphics, but the unlimited selection has no monsters or worry about survival to bother with. It's all about seeing what you can build. I'm working on a coral city built on a world covered with water, trying to think of what other resources... See More »