I Battle DepressionDaily Reminder: I love you. You are not alone. Things will get better. I will do the best I can to help you feel better. You are not alone.
Do you need to talk to a random stranger?If you need advice, or need to talk to someone, I'm here for you. I won't judge you and I will help you to the best of my ability. :)
I Battle DepressionDaily Reminder: I love you. You are not alone. Though it may be a dark and desolate place that you live in, soon the sun will shatter the darkness and you will be free again. Believe in yourself and the sun will shine again. Believe in yourself... See More »
I Battle DepressionDaily Reminder: I love you. You are not alone. We will fight through this. Through thick or thin, I will stand by you.
I Battle DepressionDaily reminder: I love you. You are not alone. We fight together. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.
I Battle DepressionI am here for all. You may battle depression, anxiety, loathing, and self hatred, but I am here to console you and make everything right. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you. Just remember that you are never alone.
I Feel So AloneI am severely depressed with a potential to be bipolar. I push people away, and I'm alone constantly. I leave the tv on just to hear somebody's voice, I just need some kind of noise....