I Am Sorrry, But I Just Don't CareDon't pay attention to this account my friend who is a guy is usin my phone and taking pictures from the internet and using them posing as a girl I'm sorry he did this to you. All of you he was a jerk for doing it so now I have complete control over... See More »
I Am In My High School's Marching BandI'm going into my sophomore year in high school I'm in marching band and I'm 16
I Going To The Bathroom In My PantsYesterday I was at the mall with my cousins and aunt was in line for the bathroom and didn't make it
I Am Not Short, Im Fun SizedI'm not short I'm fun sized I'm 16 and going to be a sophomore in high school. Should be another eventful school year blah.
I Love Amusement ParksI love amusement parks they are so much fun and I love going on roller coasters
I Had An Accident In SchoolI was teased a lot in school I'm going into my sophomore year of high school and I was blessed with a small bladder so when I have to go I have to go I had teachers that would deny kids bathroom breaks and I wond up having a few accidents in school
I Am a Sophomore In High SchoolSummer break to end freshman year of high school now onto my sophomore year
I Hate Being Lied toLying won't get you anywhere. I am real and I am me if you lie your just a fake person trying to get what they want but can't
I Am Not Afraid to Speak My MindI speak my mind and have no filter so if I think it I will put it down in writing