PlumBerries · 31-35, F
it might be irritating but 4 out of 5 dentists recommend chewing gum, so the irritating noise is worth it I think
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
Oops I chew gum all the time.Bubble blower and if there was a world record for loudest popping I would hold it
Mrpeeloveit · 26-30, M
Yes or how bout when they slide the fork on the plate and its screeches
Malchya · M
Oh, Lord, the struggle to not throttle the inconsierate buffon happily masticating at a volume that can be heard above the clatter of a jackhammer and the clash of dumpsters being unloaded into trucks....sigh.
londonbr1dge · 26-30, F
Omg I fucken hate it so much. Even the clank of a fork on a plate is bad enough. It drives me up the wall.