I Like to CookMy vegetarian trend is rather shaky. Our fridge had a preseasoned raw chicken, so into oven it went. Served with wok vegetable bulgur mix. Had some previous fava beans in butter sauce. Quark sauce belongs into combo. 😊
I Like to CookI have started acting like a vegetarian. I use a lot of beans, vegetables, seeds, even pomgranate. Also herbs belong to my repertoire. Colours and illustration on a plate play a big role for my culinary representation. 😋
I Have EpilepsyOnly 1 week and 6 days and bye bye to epilepsy! They finally found the place to cut it out.
I Am a PolyglotI do not know what is limit over which one has to reach to be able to call oneself a polyglot.
I Am BaldOh that damn hair! It just keeps growing, that which grows. Well, sauna tonight and shaving it all off, at last. Week at field work and now returning home.
I Like to CookToday's recipe is quite simple as it is Walpurgis night. You take out a bottle of white wine, open it and pour into glasses. Then take two frozen pizzas and bake them in the oven. Carry them out onto the balcony and enjoy with good company!
I Like to CookI made same quick work meals. Some smoked pork, mushrooms, root cellary friend in oil with caraway, black pepper, Syrian thyme and salt. eaten with macaroni and green veggies. Tastes very good actually.
I Am Learning RussianI am watching many Russian tv channels, mainly local and ethnic as many have lost their own native languages, the programs are in Russians. The language is usually simple as the issues are very common.
I Like to CookLatest our experiment was a sort of cabbage stew. Pork slices, then separately onion, carrot, hot harissa, coriander in oil. White cabbage cut to pieces and stewed with previous in dry apple sider. Then couple drops syrup, sea salt and black pepper.
I Want Russia To Get Out Of The UkraineI am horrified about the actions of the fascist regime in Russia. How anyone can make lies and slander so regardless like they do in there about the situation in Ukraine.
I Love FacebookI am quite addicted to it. I have there all my connections as there they are always up to date.
I Love Gardening and NatureI was once educated as a gardener but I abandoned the trade to become an archaelogist but I still cherish the marvel of sprouting and our house plants.
I Visited BudapestMy experience from Budapest are very good. First experience alreadh 1988 and latest 2013 Dec.
I Want to Visit RussiaMy special interest goes for Finno-Ugric regions and old territories of Finland. I have ancestor from Ingermanland of Leningrad district and my forefather was born Kemi on the White sea.
I Love SwedenWho would not? I have worked there in Lulea and when visiting Stockholm Hotorget is a must.
I Have Been To HungaryI have visited Hungary several times and the people are always polite. Well, maybe they do not dare to be otherwise. But the times were great!
I Love LatviaI have visited Latvia several times and always delighted. Well, my friends may have shown only the best side of it but still.