Any large mass of food with few calories?My metabolism just skyrocketed, so I'm wondering if there's any high mass, low calorie foods out there besides watermelon (I'm already eating about 4 pounds of that per day, along with normal meals).
I Have Daddy IssuesDoesn't really begin to describe it. Constantly being verbally abused, criticized, unappreciated. Still have a year left, and I've contemplated things previously confirmed as stupid.
Why do you get defensive when someone insults you?It does not help your case. I would most always speak objectively in that scenario.
Why do you believe in God? [Spirituality & Religion]If you sin unknowingly in between the last time you prayed for forgiveness and death, do you go to hell?
I Am An Old SoulAt least I have been called one. Of course, I've also been called "That white nigga with a nice watch," so maybe not everything should be taken with a grain of salt.
I Love Songs That I Can Relate toGone Away -- Offspring 100 Ways to Hate -- Five Finger Death Punch A New Level -- Five Finger Death Punch Meet the Monster -- Five Finger Death Punch We Are Ignited -- NateWantsToBattle
I Have SchizophreniaWhen people talk to "God" it's called religion. When I talk to myself, it's called a mental problem.
Difficult Chemistry Balance EquationCu (s) + NH4OH (aq) ---> ? I don't know what it becomes, so I don't know how to balance it. Any ideas?
Have you ever been in a class all by yourself?Just you and the teacher. It's so unnerving, especially when you're speaking a different language.
What should I do now?He's dead. He wasn't old, per se, but it was time for him to go. He was well liked, but he hung on to the past. He helped me for a long time in coping, but he got in over his head.
I Play TennisMatch Point in a 10-pt tiebreak after two sets. The ball hit the line, he called it out. When the outcome may negatively effect them, anyone you face will lie to you. Don't be that guy.
What should I do with my life?I have no passion for anything. No drive. I'm pretty good at everything, but I couldn't care less about them. My parents keep telling me to go into STEM, but at this point they just was me to make money and support them.
I'm HungryI ate two loaded hot dogs and half of a full-size watermelon (not one of those personal melons), and I'm hungry just 2.5 hours after eating.
How can I tell my parents I'm not Christian like they are? [Spirituality & Religion]I am in no way a Christian. I curse sometimes, but it's easy for me not to, and I don't complain about not cursing. They do force me to go to church, which I consider a waste of time, and force me to read the bible and write summaries on what I read... See More »
How do you get an A in a class you hate?I'm taking 3rd semester college french (as a senior in high school), and I absolutely hate it. My teacher sucks, and it's almost impossible for me to get an A because of how strict he is. How would you do it?
I Don't Like to ShopI hate shopping! Where's the orzo? Where are the peanuts? WHERE IS EVERYTHING!!!! WHY AREN'T THE PEANUTS IN THE SNACK AISLE? WHY ISN'T THE ORZO IN THE PASTA AISLE?! Nothing makes sense!
Kids, do/did you think you earned your allowance?I cook, do the dishes, clean, and to the shopping for $5 a week. Good thing I'm old enough for a job!
I Have Daddy IssuesMy dad is a glutton for pretty much everything. He craves superiority over my mom and his children. He craves power or authority when he is tasked to do something. He craves attention by being loud, obnoxious, and complaining about his body hurting... See More »
What is your IQ? Poll (16) See Poll OptionsPlease be honest. If you don't know, just ignore this or (if you have the time) take several of the hundred free IQ test sites online and avg them.