Is always trying to make people happy, and doing everything you can to help them a bad thing?I love to help people, and I honestly just want everyone to be happy and safe. Recently someone told me that could be a horrible thing because you'll never worry about yourself, and you'll cause to much stress on yourself. I'm not to sure what to... See More »
Am I the only one that gets my 6 and 9 mixed up all the time?I've done it my whole life, just been bothering me lately. Figured I'd ask.
Let's do something fun.So all you have to do is post a quote from a movie and see if someone can guess the movie. My quote: "You were my brother, I loved you"
Pretty sure reading makes me tired. How bout you guys?Don't get me wrong, I love to read and everything, but I'm starting to notice either reading makes me tired, or reading things that don't interest me make me tired. It's one of the two.