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Is hating the police justified or just a political narrative?

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In the last few years, US law enforcement has been in the spotlight but a rather dim light in the eyes of some.

Some are saying the police need to be defunded, and some are saying the police need to be abolished completely.

After last years death of George Floyd seemed to pour gas on the already lit fire. A push for defunding the police was the battle cry.

Some places such as Minneapolis have gone the route to defunding their police, but have soon regretted their decision as crime rose following the action.

Some also say that police are racially biased but according to statistics that doesn’t seem to be the case.





What are your thoughts?

Do you think the police need to be defunded? Abolished? Supported?
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deadgerbil · 26-30
I am aiming to get into law enforcement, but I can totally see why some people would hate the cops and would be justified in doing so.

They need to make sure their frustration towards cops is conducive to change tho, as looting and rioting isn't the solution.
deadgerbil · 26-30
@pianoplayingsteve yeah, that happens too. I remember reading a story of how this person called the police on some bs nonsense, despite squawking about defunding the police. It's pretty funny


Am I supposed to defend their weird logic? I hope not and I'm not gonna lol
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@deadgerbil here’s a thought. Why don’t these protestors join the police force and be the change they claim to want to see? And I don’t mean just one or two. If all these people have time to protest, why don’t they join the force and be the change they wish to see? There would be no job vacancies in the police force left for bad people.
deadgerbil · 26-30
@pianoplayingsteve it's simply not feasible for many of those people to join the police. It's good that people from all walks of life want to bring attention to it tho. And just because someone isn't able to join x, does not mean they shouldn't be able to protest things related to it that affect us all.

I wanna join the police and be the change so to speak, but I'm not gonna sh!t on someone who isn't interested in police aside from protesting various issues found in and perpetuated by the police force.

But yeah, it will require more people to join that don't reflect systemic issues that beset these various institutions.
smiler2012 · 61-69
[@provokedbycontroversy ] really no matter what opinion you have on the police and law enforcement. some form of way to control crime and disorder is needed .of course policing is an easy job by any stretch of the imagination .do not get me wrong there are rotten apples who are over zealous in dereliction of there duty. it is wrong to tar all police because of the rotten apples in the barrel
In some ways it is justified. There are bad cops who have gone too far with a person(s) that it has resulted in injury or death of said person(s) but they end up getting a slap on the wrist and no jail time which makes a number of the public distrust police as a whole more.

In the case of if police need to be defunded, etc. I do believe they should be demilitarized and receive more and better training. As well as removal of those who don't have the best interests in mind. Giving officers one to two years of training is not enough, and allowing anyone to become an officer is a bad idea.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
I say this as a white man in America whose stepson is a police officer — as a rule of thumb, the police cannot be trusted. A significant number of departments have been infiltrated by white supremacists and/or militarized to the point where they're little more than paramilitary militias.

The police forces in America as a whole need to be demilitarized and the white supremacist elements need to be purged. If reducing the ridiculously high levels of funding many police departments have (seriously — more than half of the city of Los Angeles's budget goes to the police department) is what it takes to accomplish this, then that's what we need to do.

Of course, the police also need to have the resources and authority they need to perform their legitimate duties. Somehow, we must find a way to balance this out.
tindrummer · M
@DunningKruger exactly - well spoken
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Justified imo.
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@DearAmbellina2113 this is the playbook being used:

-take any functioning hierarchy, typically a nation or religion, in which there are power inbalances because some people are smarter or more work driven than others and achieve more
- convince the members that the inequality is due to an injustice
- dismantle that system by creating animosity toward the apparent unjust members which creates weakness in the hierarchy (house divided can’t stand)
- deny that productive values are objective and healthy and are instead oppressive so that the targeted group cannot mend itself
- then put themselves on top of the Frankenstein remnants of that group
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
It is part of a plan to dismantle nations that was devised decades ago. This is the framework:

- take any functioning hierarchy, typically a nation or religion, in which there are power inbalances because some people are smarter or more work driven than others and achieve more
- convince the members that the inequality is due to an injustice
- dismantle that system by creating animosity toward the apparent unjust members which creates weakness in the hierarchy (house divided can’t stand)
- deny that productive values are objective and healthy and are instead oppressive so that the targeted group cannot mend itself
- then put themselves on top of the Frankenstein remnants of that group
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
Many protests against the police requested that police guard them for their safety. How odd. Surely the police would simply shoot on these very protestors, according to the very same protesters’ logic?

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