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Being social is easy when you're with the right people

And mind numbing when you're with the wrong ones.

Are you really an introvert or does your choice of friends just suck?
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DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Absolutely truth
Trippy · F
Elessar · 26-30, M
I know the people I hand out with for a lot of years, some of them since as early as when we both were 3 (no jk, befriended in kindergarten, literally). I'm pretty sure we're cool around each other. And I enjoy all our time together, most of the time.

But there are days in which I really don't want to be around anyone minus at most very close family, days in which I need my alone time. Days in which I just appreciate the company of a movie and a blanket.

So ultimately, I think I am really introvert/ambivert.
Trippy · F
@Elessar Well said ❤️
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
I have trouble around people, in general. I'm on the shy side with a trace of social anxiety. It's a toxic combination when trying to socialize. Most people aren't interested in making any effort...
Trippy · F
@MarkPaul Perhaps we might just simply...Be. No toxicity. ❤️
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@Trippy That's a nice sentiment like you might find on a commercial greeting card. But, tbh, it doesn't really play that well under real-world conditions.
Trippy · F
@MarkPaul You have then chosen the world you live in my friend. Real and conditions are relative terms. "Tbh"
Eclipsed · M
I am an introvert. I experience To much information in social situations. My mind overloads, the circuit breaker trips, and I shut down or avoid situations that I think might trigger that.
Trippy · F
@Eclipsed Interesting ❤️
Enkis · 26-30, M
Yes. It's a social battery that drains faster amongst some people more than others.
Trippy · F
@Enkis That thinker in our heads loves to run on fear indeed.
Enkis · 26-30, M
@Trippy That's why it's the "little death" ;)
Trippy · F
@Enkis la petite mort indeed
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
I'm introverted around people I don't like

Extroverted around people I like
I think it’s a trust issue..
I’m more open around ppl I know inside n out.. then strangers
Trippy · F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Perhaps. Or simply fear maybe.
@Trippy nope trust.. ppl I know and trust dont judge me for something stupid I say..or at least know it was a joke.. and wont run and tell others what I’ve said maliciously 😇
I don't really have many friends
Trippy · F
@ExperienceDLT Count on the quality of those you do have. Not the quantity for those you don't. 🙂
@Trippy I have very few good ones the good ones I can probably count on 1 hand
Pretzel · 61-69, M
can I say both?
Trippy · F
@Pretzel Often my own case as well, sir❤️
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@Trippy how's your pinky?
That was... trippy!
Trippy · F
@SW-User Hahaha... Got whiskey brain at the moment. ❤️
@Trippy I have an energetic brainbuzz going.
Just ignore those you don’t accept; just like you do on this post.
I’m really an introvert, but I’m comfortable and come alive among my friends. I totally understand what you’re saying, though.
Trippy · F
@bijouxbroussard So odd how our thoughts manipulate us this way.
All ppl suck! 😁
Trippy · F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Hahaha... Gotta consider however that what we see in others, we recognize in ourselves.
[image/video deleted]
Trippy · F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout place to be ❤️
tenente · 100+, M
Ppl are shit

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