Job stolen from me last year
Torn from my grasp by weak, small-minded cowards who couldn’t handle a strong woman calling them out on their BULLSHIT. Everything I did, the hours, the ideas, the relentless dedication, you’re just going to cut me loose like that? Because I refused to kiss the asses of incompetent, dusty, power-hungry dinosaurs who wouldn’t know real leadership if it slapped them in the face. The Lithuanian Foundation is crumbling without me. Oh, I know it. I don’t even have to check. I was the only thing keeping that place afloat. Let’s be real, they needed me way more than I ever needed them. And now? Now, they’re probably scrambling, grasping at straws, desperately trying to fill the void I left behind. Spoiler alert: they CAN’T. The Lithuanian Foundation pretends to be about preserving culture, but what do they actually do? Fund the same tired, irrelevant projects? Prop up the same boring, lifeless, uninspired people who have NO understanding of modern Lithuania, let alone any ability to bring it into the future? I TRIED to push them forward. I TRIED to shake things up. And for that, I was punished.