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So what is this about a high pain tolerance?

Your ear started to hurt 15 minutes ago and you are in the emergency room now? How exactly did you tolerate the pain?
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This seems like we need more information. What was happening?
Silentpleasure · 31-35, F
@froggtongue Its just an annoying phrase patients use that gets under my skin. Those with a high pain tolerance don't say it. They just decline pain meds lol
exexec · 70-79, C
I thought I had high pain tolerance because I only needed Tylenol after blowing out my knee (terrible triad), knee replacement and shoulder replacement surgeries, and other injuries. When the nerves in my back became so severely compressed that I could not walk without excruciating pain, I realized for the first time what real pain feels like. Morphine! I need morphine!
XDHyperGirlXD1 · 31-35, F
i used my pain to channel the darkside of the force becoming MORE POWERFUL THAN ANY SW MEMBER >:D
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
I would know that there is nothing i can do about. Help is comming soon, hence sitting in the hospital, so its just a matter of time. I would try to shift my atention to something else until there is something i can do about it.
i never said that... i bruise easy 😪
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
I knew a young lady who would go to emergency for a migraine. Every single time. I was like bish why? Go to a dark room and sleep it off. She was adamant though and I think she must have been a hypochondriac
@Jenny1234 Because a second cousin of mine was caught in time by going to the ER, she also had horrendous migraines going back to puberty, and at the age of 55 in 2011 she started brain bleeding, going there saved her life.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
@NativePortlander1970 well, I suppose in her situation Was genuine emergency
@Jenny1234 My second cousin always went to the ER for demerol, the only thing that eased her migraine pain, never ASSume that just because YOU don't feel the need to go does NOT mean others should not go.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@Silentpleasure Seems a little drastic.
Silentpleasure · 31-35, F
@Degbeme I can see your years of medical experience is failing you!
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@Silentpleasure I`ll slap a band aid on it, thanks.
Montanaman · M
Pain tolerance and pain threshold...
Are put to the test when you get kidney stones. 😩
oldercanuck1 · 70-79, M
i go to my no pain place ,, i have a high tolerance for pain ,,
Sapio · 51-55, M
Pretty well, all things considered.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
I like to think I have a high pain tolerance.
Wizardry · 46-50, M
High pain tolerance for me
.How exactly did you tolerate the pain?

I had to listen to women yap yap yap...

@Silentpleasure but they never.stop.talking and I'm only human 😭
Silentpleasure · 31-35, F
@SW-User Might as well turn in your man card......
@Silentpleasure Nope. I'm just going to chill in my man cave where no feminine energy is allowed 👀
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
Bang5luts · M
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Not too well I would say lol
Ear pain isn't exactly mild, it can become excrutiating if infected, this is coming from someone that had a double compound fracture in my lower left leg when I was 12.

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