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How to handle being ostracized at work?

I'm so miserable and tired of getting shut out by my coworkers, who used to be friends of mine. I try to be strong and not let it get to me. I would understand if I was difficult to work with and a bitch. But I'm not, I'm always nice, kind, respectful. I never make any conflict. I had to miss work for five months because of my spouses accident. When I got back I was completely ostracized. No one will tell me why, I just get silent treatment. It's just tense and awkward all day long. I've already been thru hell because of this accident, and these awful people know that. So they just pile on the stress and sadness and anger for me. I have no friends now and I have no idea how to make new ones.
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Montanaman · M
Ask one of them why? Couldn't hurt worse than not knowing 😕 😔 🤗🤗
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@Montanaman I guess so, they'll be screwing themselves though, cause then they will be short handed. It takes a long time to learn my job
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@Jenny1234 they are definitely not friends
@Lilliesandlight Look for a new job elsewhere.
Im sorry :( you can meet new friends thou though hobbies! Like painting or dancing or knitting
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@wildbill83 please do 😈
AceWarbringer · 41-45, M
@Lilliesandlight remember! 811, call before you dig!
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@AceWarbringer 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I’m so sorry. I’ve witnessed that when a coworker had to be out for months due to health issues. Some people just didn’t believe she needed to miss work, and they never would just be honest with her about the ‘drift’. Working there taught me a huge lesson….If you don’t fit there, get a job somewhere else where you do. Your coworkers make or break your job. And your job is such a large part of your life…it might as well be a good part. I hope things get better for you. Don’t take their behavior personally. I’m sure it isn’t you at all. Some people get so hung up on this crazy intense work ethic of never missing work even if you’re dying. Their priorities are skewed.
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@cherryxblossom priorities are definitely skewed. I've learned through this experience that work isn't as important as I used to think it was. Family is what matters most. I don't understand how people can be cold towards someone who is sick or injured just because they had to miss work. I used to really like working there, now I hate it.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
Honestly it’s work so you’re better off not making friends with your coworkers. Go to work, do your job and go home.
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@Jenny1234 workflow is so much better when you get along though. Since they've decided to turn on in me I'm never aware of what's going on. Makes with hard at times
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
@Lilliesandlight it’s one thing to get along with your coworkers but it’s another to be friends with your coworkers
eyeno · M
Hard and fast
Sorry to say but I've been in your shoes and it lasted ten long years, sure it hurt me inside.
How I handled it was to remind myself that Work is Work and I was there for financial reasons not make friends.
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@eyeno I'm sorry you had to go through that. I hope things are better for you now
akindheart · 61-69, F
don't look at work for friendship. they are mad because you left. that is not being supportive. be happy and find that happiness outside of work. when i first started my job, i was ostracized too because they didn't know what i did and rumor had it I made lots of money
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
Revenge is best served cold.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Simple - tell the manager you can stick your job up your arse and walk out and not returning
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@nedkelly the manager is actually the only one in the office who is supportive
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@Lilliesandlight okay, document every single time you feel like you are being treated poorly by your colleagues
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
@Lilliesandlight Good cop bad cop? 🔄
What a lousy lot
Every place of work needs a scape goat .

I'm actually typing as I'm thinking this through.
You've just made me realise something .

Work is hard . There are problems and fuck ups .
And no one want to be responsible .
And ....some people are just bored or insecure, so they NEED someone to dump on.

You were gone . Which means for everyone else, or just the insecure ones - it was damn easy to talk about you . Maybe even blame you for shit.

One starts....and influences the others.

I've had a similar thing happen . Even my best friend at work is now 'odd' in some ways .
I work really hard, I have the heaviest load of my colleagues....yet I get dumped on .

But.....Im the only one who works part time .I'm not there for half the time .
And there always seems to be something 'new' that is a problem. Or more silent withholding or something I don't know about. I'm excluded from things .

And I couldn't work it out. I try to be agreeable, flexible and help others - yet it's not enough .

But I do know one particular person doesn't like me ....although I don't know why . And I feel it is them that maybe spreads dissent while I'm not there .

I've made peace with it . If that's what they want, if that's what they need ....let them have it.

Work isn't my life or my character .
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
@OogieBoogie you are a very strong person, I hope things improve for you. Hugs.
@Lilliesandlight I hope things have improved for you too .

I'm sorry , I just realized this is an older post and by replying ove bought back and memories for you .
So coworkers won't talk to you and you make it sound like a bad thing. That's a fucking blessing. You can come in, do your work, have nobody interrupt you, nobody wanting you to do stuff. I would love that.

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