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To the peds doctor who always gives me shit

If you don't like seeing patients just quit. Don't give me push back for every appointment I schedule. I Work Hard!!! Appointments are limited. I saw an opening and took it. You can talk to my manager if you have a problem with me scheduling a kid with a peeling rash to see a peds doctor. I follow the rules but it's no good i can't make you happy. Go jump in a lake.
Allelse · 36-40, M
Oh as in pediatrician. I was thinking why is she seeing a doctor who is a known pedophile.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@Allelse me too. I had to read it twice
IKR.... some of these "prima-donnas" don't give a hoot about their patients and somehow think that they are "overworked".....
Doomflower · 36-40, M
@Threepio yeah I'm not a fan. This particular peds doc is famously lazy too.
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
I once told a doctor he should have been a vet because he treats people like dogs. Then thought better of it after because dogs deserve good treatment also.
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
What!? What a dick. Poor kiddo. 😔
Doomflower · 36-40, M
@Jeephikelove idk they tell me appointments are only going to get more difficult to schedule. So what? I'm dealing with now, now. We can deal with then when we get there.
How dare you ensure that they earn their wages!!! 🤣
MougyWolf · 36-40, M
I think most doctors are actually worth about a third of their own supposed net worth. In some cases, like Dr. Anthony Fauci, for instance, even less than that.
Doomflower · 36-40, M
@MougyWolf They think they're soooooo smart
MougyWolf · 36-40, M
@Doomflower I feel for yah, I hear doctors often speak down to nurses, or pretty much anyone "below" them
Doomflower · 36-40, M
@MougyWolf I hate myself
GerOttman · 61-69, M
well kids are smaller than adults. You should be able to more of them into a schedule.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
Can you find another paediatrician?

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