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Thank God we have conservatives to use their executive orders on important things

like discriminating against the LGBT community rather than taking care of the high maternal deaths, a poor economy, disappearing middle class, livable wage, lack of infrastructure like high speed rails and better education. Identity politics like how good of a Bible thumping Christian you are or who can spend their time worrying about non -, heteronormative people by trying to put them in their place is def. takes more precedence over anything else.

Because things attached to your heteronormative identity matter more.

Like duh that's obvious by now 🙄
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PalteseMalconFunch · 36-40, T Best Comment
I for one am glad folks like me are gone now. We were truly the greatest threat imaginable.

I mean get this…are you sitting down?

I wore a dress once.

Thank God Trump will save us before we destroy the whole world.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@PalteseMalconFunch If you really think about it, I think they are threatened because people who are gender fluid break conservative's well crafted identity. If you've lived your life to a point of some type of OCD like rules around gender expectations, the LGBT community is very threatening. And we know that threats are activated in the same area of the brain as fear.

It makes sense, they always go on about identity politics but there's no bigger people who play at fixed identities and fixed states of living as conservative far righters. It is well crafted identity that when broken can lead to psychotic rage.
PalteseMalconFunch · 36-40, T
@SatanBurger I do think that’s part of it. I feel like they’re people living very narrow lives based on what they think they’re supposed to be and it’s making them miserable. And they react so viscerally to those that are actually living as who they want to be.

Panamared · 70-79, M
dumasme · 51-55, M
Well... Biden did nearly the exact same thing on day 1 so, this isn't really a surprise, is it?

If conservatives are crybabies then the libs would be the hateful mean girls and bullies. No room for discourse, attack if we disagree, no attempt to understand the opposing view... (certainly not saying the conservatives are much better)
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@dumasme Don't know what you're referring to but my post still stands either way as a basic truth because those issues should have been taken care of.

Also, conservatives run under the assumption that drag queens are dangerous child predators, if your beliefs are really that asinine, I can't really think what an appropriate response would be to that irrationality as an example. Therefore I fail to see your reasoning for bringing up liberals, more like you just feel the need to defend people that shouldn't be defended.
I am woman (by executive order) hear me roar😂🤣

SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@ElwoodBlues And 6 weeks is actually quite awhile so there's a point there. I also want to mention that the male chromosome is disappearing in species of animals and humans. It's happening very slowly though.

This doesn't really mean an end, it means that in the future it could either mean the end of the human species or more plausible, different species of humans in the future. So instead of one, we'd have different groups.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
They cannot even get the Christian thing right.

Whatever happened to love thy neighbor, care for the poor, be gentle and kind, and humble?
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M

He fell asleep in church.

All for show. 😁
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@JoyfulSilence Hate to say it but it's never been about that. If you trace back the Church's roots and their actions/behaviors "feeding the poor," is just feel good propaganda to gain followers.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M

I am talking about what Jesus wanted.

But it does not matter to me: I am an atheist.

I just prefer Christians to practice what they preach. Be honest about it all.

And if somebody does not want to help the poor, that is fine, too.

I do not like people, in general, and some poor, like those on the streets, smell bad, scare me, or are mental. I personally avoid them. But nobody should starve to death so I am not against devoting public resources to prevent it. But do not ask me to help. Let dedicated workers or volunteers who can deal with it do it.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
"...When you're rich, they let you do it." -DJT
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@hippyjoe1955 Oh yeah there's no such thing as rich conservatives that never do anything wrong, they're all selfless God martyrs who sacrifice and believe in the greater good.

Especially since the right has had a considerable hold in our institutions even rewriting the history books that come out of Texas that every public school has and their significant pull at parent school meetings as well as the church when they dictate marriage and rights for people.

Oh yeah never all that. You're perfect little angel 😇 who believes in love 😘

Yeah right and I'm queen Elizabeth 🥴
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@SatanBurger You missed what I said. But then again your mental illness that mascarades as leftism does that to a lot of people
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And there "Pro Life" laws will make sure more women die in childbirth. The USA, where being a new mother is either a death sentence or starting your kid off with 30k debt from day one.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow So far all their pro life laws have done is raise up all cause mortality rates for women and send men into panic mode getting vasectomies which aren't always reversible.

So they not only heightened death rates for women but they have significantly lowered the birth population of the United States cos no one wants kids in a country that doesn't provide adequate childcare, abortion in case it's not the right time and lowered health care.

They're just not the brightest bunch of people.
Should be furious not thankful
@mysteryespresso check the group 😉
Carla · 61-69, F
Hey! Owning the libs is the raw meat that feeds the cult. Most of whom have no reason to believe their lives will be made better. If everyone is as miserable as they, or dead, then all is right in the world.
It's very easy to recognize.
Weve seen this play out before.
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SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Carla They are a prime example of misery loving company
Carla · 61-69, F
@SatanBurger indeed.
The cutting off the nose analogy is also apt.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Republicans aren't actually interested in governing. They love control and getting richer.

Creating solutions to problems that do not exist.
@Crazywaterspring more like pretending to create solutions to problems that don't exist. In their attempt to outlaw transgender people, they declared every person legally female because they don't understand how sex is defined.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
So your discrimination is better than Trump's discrimination?
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@hippyjoe1955 Discrimination in courts against the LGBT community isn't mere disagreement so therefore speaking out against bigoted views isn't discrimination just because we don't take what you give laying down.

I'm going to ask you, when has there been laws against heteronormative marriages? Collectively you've had the power over institutions and you know this.

And there's no such thing as "pro" gay, it's about recognizing that not everyone is heteronormative and that's normal. If you accept that being pro makes no sense since humans "just are," which is an important phrase to consider in this context.
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Captainjackass · 31-35, M
And it’s a wonder why they have all the incels on their side.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Captainjackass incels realized they got strength in numbers, that's a little scary
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SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@CountScrofula Agreed, I also noticed that almost all their policies will genuinely kill people and that's an issue.

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