How to lose weight over the next 90 to 100 days and start a healthier lifestyle?
I have been struggling to lose weight since 2018. I get into the gym but I never stay consistent because I’ve had bad experiences at the gym. Like one time this guy walked behind me and kept smelling my air. Lol. I can get the ick really quickly. Then I tried home workouts but I get bored. Now because I have a job where I’m always in my car the majority of the day I struggle to do anything but sleep and eat. On the days I know I will eat out I will try not to eat out more than once that day. Like today I had a decent amount of water two burgers onion rings and a lemonade. Then on days when I know I can’t workout I try to eat anything healthy I can get my hands on like a good salad but then I end up putting fried chicken on the salad, or getting the quesadilla explosion salad from chilis. I kinda blame my job because I’m really never home except to sleep. That’s how I make money for the month but I’m worried about my health. I was thinking just 90days of smoothies, 30 minutes of going to the gym, and strictly healthy salad with protein and veggies. I know people won’t agree with my strict diet or food choices but when your obese and you just want to Heal I want to start somewhere and build a healthy relationship with healthy foods. The gym thing I would have to wake up at like 5:30 or 6am so I can squeeze a workout in my life. I’m working a lot because my ex husband left me and told me he cheated with his co worker. So I need to work a lot so I can afford a place and be able to pay bills on my own. It’s been almost a year since I moved to another state with no where to go, so I work so I can survive. I don’t want to make my self sick I want to make a better life. Also this affects my dating life because I tried to date when I was separating in 2019 and guy told me he thought I would be smaller than what I am. I was 165lbs and now I’m 230lbs. I carry the weight well but it just affects my mood, and I feel slowed down. I also have some guys interested in taking me out but I keep missing out because I don’t like how I fit my clothes. Also I’m sorry the truth hurts but the quality in men who liked me when I was more fit than now is a big difference. Like yes some guys try to hook up with me but they are not trying to show me off, lock me down, or treat me the way I feel I deserve. So I have not met with any men because I want to be healthier before I dare again. Also I’m not saying there’s guys who don’t like bigger women but the ones who do have a weird way of showing it. At the end of the day this is for me so I can feel like me again. I was smaller all my life I can look in the mirror and see I need to be healthier. A lot of the body positivity women I think they seem kinda self absorbed, delusional and narcissistic. Like trust me I have a friend who is over weight on oxygen can’t even walk to the mail box and she smokes and I don’t want to be like that.