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Islamic terrorism

Have you noticed how Islamic terrorists seem to choose music festivals and the like to maximise their murders?
We had the Manchester Arena, the Hammas atrocity in Israel in October last year and more recently Moscow.
All attacks on innocent young people and then they stand back and whine about Islamophobia when people object.
I have no time for terrorists.
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Richard65 · M
Well terrorists spread terror, and what better way of spreading terror than to target your children? That's the point.

The West, for its own sins, has massacred tens of thousands of young people in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention the Palestinian children who've also died in their thousands, and still are doing. But we apparently did that legitimately and called it "collateral damage". But let's not mention that.
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wonkywinky · 51-55, M
@Richard65 We dont kill based upon your interpretation of fairy tales do we?
Richard65 · M
@wonkywinky well, I'm not sure there's much difference between killing for a belief in fairy tales and killing to steal natural resources or to enforce cultural differences or regime change. Are you suggesting there's a moral difference for mass slaughter under any circumstances? Like, the West's reasons are more acceptable than anyone else's?
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
A surprise visit on ramadan.

plungesponge · 41-45, M
The Moscow one doesn't even make much sense. Terrorism is more effective in societies where people can openly protest, because it can sway the disapproval rating of a leader, and even this is 50/50 at best because often the people just rally under an attack. Attacking a building or facility that affects the functioning of city can be effective, hitting a concert, horrific as it is to civilians, does very little to a country overall. There hasn't even been a clear set of demands raised, which is bizarre given the amount of planning that goes into these things.
Richard65 · M
@plungesponge they're designed to sow anger and disenchantment with the government. Putin acts like the hard man of Europe, he calls western leaders weak and Russia strong. When civilians are attacked in Moscow it's an attempt to destabilise the public's faith in their leaders to protect them. They're also designed to force the public into questioning their government's foreign policy, to shake them from their apathy.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@plungesponge those peasants don’t look capable of pulling it off.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@plungesponge pootin did it.
Puppycat23 · F
It’s obvious that any terrorist is going to chose a place where there are the most people to murder
Wait till they start picking gun free zones…

If Islam is a religion of peace, then extremist islamies should be extremely peaceful.
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
Some of my friends still want revenge for the Manchester Arena attack.
MandyMitchell · 80-89, F
@MaryDreamilton hardly surprising. Some people are still seething over the mass rapes in Rochdale as well.
MaryDreamilton · 46-50, F
@MandyMitchell Any rapist who ventures into my part of the city won't be going home again.
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Nice propaganda you recite. Too bad it is not true. I am not defending Muslims or terrorists or Islam but I am pointing out that the guys who shot up Moscow were likely not ISIS or even Muslim. They used the wrong hand to signal loyalty to Allah. In Israel more Jews were killed by Israel on Oct 7 than by Hamas.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@MandyMitchell Yeah it is USA now. The USA is trying to defeat Russia. Maybe you missed that report.
MandyMitchell · 80-89, F
@hippyjoe1955 unlikely that devout Islamics allow the USA to use them - the reverse I could believe
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@MandyMitchell I agree. They were not devout Muslims.
Preach Mandy! At least Russia beat those young men senseless. Bet they soon knew they messed up there. They lead the example in how to deal with terrorists!
@MandyMitchell I’m not pro Russia by any means. It’s just impressive how little they tolerate terrorists!
MandyMitchell · 80-89, F
@NoGamesTolerated I certainly won't argue with that! We should be the same.
@MandyMitchell absolutely
Shadyglow · F
I notice racism ignorance and violence right here on the nice-peoples forum....
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Those 4 rube looking peasants do not look capable of doing it .
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MandyMitchell · 80-89, F
@jshm2 Can't think of any recent act of terrorism in Christ's name - can you?
If you mean the jewish incursions into hospitals in gaze, which were used to launch missiles at civilian targets - well two edged sword there.
Buddhist terrorists in Myanmar - agree with you. That has been a violent place for some time.
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