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If Ukraine is winning against Russia, then what were the F-16's for again?

The official story here, the one that we're being asked to accept by our lame mainstream media, is that Ukraine can't possibly lose, and won't, because they've had such stunning successes against Russia. Russia is weak, we're told, they're bogged down, losing hope.

Okay, Ukraine won't be needing those fighters then. Besides, who will fly them? Ukrainians? Nope, because it takes YEARS to learn how to fly, not months or weeks, which can only mean that NATO pilots will. If NATO gets directly involved, then all bets are off, and we may as well say goodbye to the human race.

We need to stop this nonsense right now. I don't want to be a survivor in some Mad Max style post-apocalyptic nightmare, and I'm sure no other sane person wants to be either.

Edit: And I just BET that trolls here will accuse me of being a "Russbot" working for Putin, simply because I want peace!
That's how f**king stupid people have become these days! 🤬
Pfuzylogic · M
F-16 pilots are from Ukraine.
russia has a really hard time with keeping its pilots alive let alone trained! That happens when a dictator kills everyone around him.
Pfuzylogic · M
Again the only reason Australia is safe is because Joe Biden sold you new nuclear submarines. donnie didn’t care because he doesn’t know “jack” about military submarines.
You are welcome! 😌
Honestly you should serve a couple of years in the military to teach you respect for superior elders.
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@Pfuzylogic Those nuclear submarines won't even be delivered for another two decades or so (so I've heard).
Diesel submarines are just as good for whatever Australia may need submarines for. A blockade of the coasts of China is not something any Australian government has ever contemplated, but that's what the nuclear submarines would be used for, and why should we do that unless our spineless government is completely subservient to, and taking orders from, your government in Washington. The real enemy of the world is the United States, not China, the USSR, or any other made-up bogeyman.
Honestly you should serve a couple of years in the military to teach you respect for superior elders.
Wow, the entitlement on display within that sentence. Kiss my ASS! 😘 Respect is earned, not assumed simply because you happen to think you're older than I am.
Pfuzylogic · M
Your contempt for the United States of America is obvious. Those that serve have a deeper love for the country they pledge allegiance to. trump had no idea that nuclear subs were quieter and more lethal. He never did anything in the military school that his Dad sent him to besides play with plastic soldiers and stay in a detention room that was later named after him. putin has totally screwed up the russian military and economy.
If you are truly my age you would have figured out that your impulsive and immature behavior doesn’t flatter you and you can’t be over 16 years old if even that by the way that you write.
Peace? Really? Russia wants to destroy Ukraine. That is the only way there will be peace.
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@LordShadowfire No, they didn't say they were going to be there only a couple of months. I'm guessing you heard that from some Western mainstream channel, because they were also the ones who told us that, "Putin expects this to be all over after just three days".
Ukraine had a pre-war population of about 44 million, and is larger than France in area, but they expected people to actually think that this could possibly be true, that Putin thought he could "conquer Ukraine" in just three days! 😂
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Look at it this way, You still have youth and health as your strengths, you'll survive, I have a terminal cardiopulmonary disease on assisted oxygen 24/7, I'll most likely slowly and painfully die of suffocation over a period of time.
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@NativePortlander1970 Well... actually. Not anymore. My health has started to show signs of deterioration. Nothing life-threatening, that's true, but still.
In any case, I don't want these lunatics to destroy the Earth. It's the only planet we've got.
@Bellatrix2024 Sadly all megalomaniacs ASSume they'll always win, in reality they're always saved for last after all their minions have been taken out. Yeah, I know, movie and tv tropes. However, look at hitler, he took he coward's way out.
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