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The war in Ukraine is actually a struggle to control trillions of dollars worth of natural gas and rare earth minerals.

Anyone shocked? It's not oil this time.
Nitedoc · 51-55, M Best Comment
This whole war is caused by greed. Pure and simple greed.

Good old Lindsey Grahamnesty clued is in on the valuable minerals. No doubt that's one of the reasons BlackRock is buying up so much land. The Ukrainian grain belt is valuable to the globalists as well. Of course, that isn't the only reason for the Russian invasion...senator Obama (2005) was instrumental in setting up the biolabs that Victoria Nuland initially denied existed, and then had to eat crow and admit existed because of the threat once the Russians took control. And, of course, the 2014 coup that installed a pro-western gov't in Ukraine, that led to civil war in the east was the final straw.
It’s always about energy..
putins pipelines run thru syria..
now it makes sense why they tried getting rid of Assad and slipping in a pro - UN leader right?
Etc etc.
it’s either taking over control of energy. Or limiting putins ability to supply to customers.

@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout and Russia has about $80 trillion of petroleum and NG in the ground...globalist want to take down Putin and install a pro-western gov't.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Things aren’t always what they seem. What we see is too often a cleverly manufactured distraction designed to keep us from seeing what’s really going on.
4meAndyou · F
@Heartlander And when we realize this is nothing but a grab for rare minerals so that we can compete with the Chinese, and a grab for natural gas, it negates ALL of those sob sister pleas for "help for the brave Ukrainians."
No doubt it's for Putin to get his greedy hands on Ukrainian resources, as well as claim land he is not entitled too.
4meAndyou · F
@BritishFailedAesthetic It's not just Putin who wants those resources. Ever wonder about the USA involvement? The USA wants the Ukrainians to win so they can set up a puppet government, and then cash in on the natural gas and rare earth minerals. The rare earth minerals will help them become competitive with China, which currently controls the world's entire supply of gallium, which is used to make computer chips.
@4meAndyou For me as a European, I'm grateful to US military aid to thrawt the Russians, to stop the war spilling over.

Plus, Russia is an enormous persecutor of Christ's Church and where they enter in Ukraine, believers get persecuted and worse, tortured.
4meAndyou · F
@BritishFailedAesthetic I just wish Biden could have been honest about our reasons for getting involved. It's basically a raid. USA Pirates trying to cash in.
AndysAttic · 56-60, M
And food, Ukraine is a bread basket.
4meAndyou · F
@AndysAttic I suppose it could be, again, if the Russians stop bombing it.
No, not shocked at all.

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