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Things I've Noticed About the New Generation

I had an interesting discussion with somebody about this. I've noticed a few things about teenagers and or the younger kids. They don't seem to know how to deal with failure and I think that's because our society has become a bit too soft about it. An F becomes a E on a grading scale, talent shows end with everybody being a winner, kids get awards in sports for just participating, a friend told me some schools don't even give out report cards anymore if your kid is failing. Don't get me wrong, this is not a "my generation is better then yours" argument. This generation has it easier in a lot of ways that I didn't and that's nice to know that somethings have gotten better. But at the same time they have to deal with things that weren't as much of an issue when I was a teenager in high school because simply society was a tad bit different.

It seems like we've become a society that teaches kids how to avoid failure instead of how to actually deal with it. Which is ridiculous honestly. In life you're going to meet people who don't like you and you are going to fail at things you try harder then anyone else at. Maybe this is why a lot of teens don't drive anymore. I've seen this in my younger sister and her friends. They don't drive because their afraid of failing or they try the road test, fail and then never do it again because failing made them so discouraged. Anxiety seems to have gotten worse in general when it comes to teenage youth and this massive fear of failure might be a big reason why. Failure is something you have to deal with, you can't get around it.
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Fantabulous · 46-50, F
You raise very valid points. I think that is why so many people end up battling depression etc as they are all of a sudden faced with a reality that doesn't care about their feelings and they don't know how to cope having been molly coddled all thru school
RubySoo · 56-60, F
I work with kids. Kids today are very very different to kids of 15 years ago when I started my job. Schools niw are all about being ' inclusive'. It's the taking part that matters not the winning. the kids who shine at sport don't get their glory, the child who behaves impeccably all the time gets no credit for it but the kids with behaviour issues get rewarded for an incident free lesson. The bright kids who get good grades are not given any attention coz they are expected to perform. A less able kid having a good lesson is made such a fuss of!
All children should be given credit for their talents...In whatever area. BUT....competitiveness is a dirty work. My 22 year old son and his peers were forever trying to out do each other at Spurred them on and was mostly light hearted.

Of the children I teach now, many decide the work is ' too hard' before they even know what they are expected to do.. and actually refuse to do it....rather than get it wrong. so many classes are still taught to an ' average' standard, some of the work they are given really IS too hard for them. We support them and get them through it as we are expected to do.....but truth is...They could not do it unsupported. And..getting the support makes them lazy and unwilling to give it ago!!!!

So sorry for such a long you gather. hit a nerve. You are correct in yr obvervations....sadly....that problem is just the tip of the iceberg!
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Some of it might be to do with the fact that parents don't raise their children by way of families anymore.
Up until probably the late '70's, folk were born; worked in the same area; met their partners and raised families all within the same area.
So you always had that extended family support network around you.
Then everybody was told they all needed to work and so folk went all over the place ! Left their families behind; and tried to create lives away from those who might well have shouldered some of the caring and upbringing of the next generation. Part of the 'blame' for that goes to this idea that everybody wants their own home ! Which, of course, means moving to areas where you can actually AFFORD to live !
Then of course, the digital age happened !
Suddenly a mobile phone was essential ! Suddenly social media was essential !
and gradually over time people have turned more to these more random 'wisdom fairies' than folk they ought to know and trust !
Ever heard the expression "It takes a village to raise a man" ?
Education ? Well, that's always a mess !
Seems to me that education is the same as it's always been. Only these days schools are being told not to teach the three 'R's so much as do a whole bunch of other stuff, the logic of which often escapes the teaching body let alone the rest of us !
Cloud7593 · 46-50, F
You're part of the very generation you're criticizing. The coddling of kids got a real stronghold in the 90's. Of course there's nothing new about spoiling kids. I knew some real spoiled brats myself and saw how some of them struggled with reality as adults. They can't handle life's everyday ups and downs.
RubySoo · 56-60, F
But it really has got do much worse in the last 5 years or so.
DanniRoxi · 26-30, F
@Cloud7593: I think what i'm curious about is why am I such an exception to this rule? So many people my age say they can't do this or that or whatever. Yet I could? I'm not unique or special. Maybe because my parents pushed me so hard. They pushed me very hard to be successful. Failure wasn't an option in my house. Either you win or you try, try, try and try again until you succeed. But's that's my point. I wasn't taught to avoid failure. I was taught to conquer it.
RubySoo · 56-60, F
Parenting makes a huge difference. Many people today don't encourage their kids to have any expectations. We have high unemployment in our area. It's true to say in my class...Most parents don't work. The kids( who often just want to be like mum or dad) dont understand ' work ethic' I actually have kids ask me why I work. Lol....
Yep. Thinking we're protecting the youth, we just leave them unprepared to deal with things.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
dear, that happens with all generations.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
😂 there's always that one.

Let's just say, it is IMPOSSIBLE to make a generalization on this scale. Anything will happen in every generation when we're 7 billion people on earth.
Cierzo · M
You are making a very good point here. It is funny this is happening in times when so many business gurus are telling that failure is even good or necessary because it is the only way to learn.

We live in a very competitive world. Probably it is more competitive than ever. Many people think that in such a world a small mistake is a catastrophe.
Pherick · 41-45, M
One thing, trophies is always brought up when talking about younger generations.

Are the younger generations going out and buying their own trophies? NOPE. Its the older generations buying and giving these trophies. So maybe not blame the younger generations for acting like how we treated them?
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Starlight016 · 36-40, F
Can not drive is not really a big issue to define a "failure". U can buy a car & then hire a driver ;)
cycleman · 61-69, M
is part of keeping the general public passive and entertained.
enjoyingitnow · 61-69, M
You are spot on my friend.
Goralski · 56-60, M
Everyone gets a trophy
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
You're looking at it from the wrong perspective.
It's not our capability of handling others expectations that is wrong;
it's their expectations that are wrong.
DanniRoxi · 26-30, F
@MartinTheFirst: I wasn't aware that "kiddo" made you feel insulted. If you feel insulted, I could call you something else? In all honesty. I don't necessarily want or have to have your respect. As I have enough people that love and respect me in my own life. Though it never hurts to make new friends and you seem intelligent and well minded enough to be my friend. Chances are you don't like me or are inclined not to like me because i'm challenging your beliefs. That's called cognitive dissonance. The angry that you feel when people don't mean you any harm but still challenge and dispute your beliefs? Cognitive dissonance.

What I like to do is help people that feel the same way I felt once. People like you. I know, you really don't like the idea that people think they understand you. Neither did I. But the truth is that a lot of people feel the same way you do. Angry, out of place, hating the system or society they were born into. But what you don't see is that you can in fact, still live the life you want to live. I'm living proof of that as well as many other people like me.

I think we've taken up too much room on this post. If you would really like to keep talking then feel free to message me. Or don't, it's your choice.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Sorry but I do not make friends with people who are as delusional to think their wild assumptions about someone they do not know are correct, even though one keep telling them they're incorrect.

And I do not private message with people who will not even listen to basic arguments without becoming furious, using language such as "sit your ass down" and calling them "kiddo" in order to belittle them.

I'm done here.
DanniRoxi · 26-30, F
@MartinTheFirst: I think you're pretending to be insulted by my "offensive language" as an excuse to get out of the conversation. If you aren't pretending then your being overly sensitive. But that's fine, most people are in a lot of ways. I'm not sure when I became "furious". Was it the part before or after I tried giving you well meaning life advice and wisdom? lol You sounded pretty furious when you compared a well meaning adult life to "eating shit" and pretty sad when you called yourself a weak person. But even though I pointed it out afterwards i'm delusional?" I'm delusional for pointing out things you've said to me? It also sounds a bit delusional on your part to somehow think i'm furious when all of I've been doing is talking about my life experiences and yet you excuse yourself for saying horrible disgusting things like that.

Yeah at this point you're just projecting your problems on me. Face you're problems. Don't put them on other people. Maybe people might take your beliefs more seriously if you have a consistent thought process, instead of just running out of things to say to me then rewind and somehow try to make me a horrible person. Your delusional because you think that because you can't find happiness other people can't. Your delusional because you've convinced yourself that the system does all these horrible things when it really just seems to keep horrifically negative people like you out of the way of promising people which is fine in my book.

You know I really did empathize with you because you reminded me of a younger me. But even when I was at my lowest low, when I was at my most angry. I would have still given other people a chance. But you've denied yourself even that. I guess that's the difference between me and you. Why I am where I am now living a good happy life and why you carry this anger inside you while talking about long lasting peace being an impossibility and lashing out in hatred for any adult expectation you can't fulfill. Yeah I don't think I can help you. Still, thanks for the chat!
This is true.
Theyre all gona be pussies I'm afraid to say... It seems very deliberate from the powers that be

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