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My really bad car crash back in March

I did already make a post about this, but I want to add and clarify some things.

On March 10th I was in a pretty gnarly car accident. In my other post I showed the pictures of my car after the fact, but here’s one again:
I don’t remember what happened at all, but some time after the crash the incident report was released, which I read. According to the report,
I was driving on the freeway when I came upon a mustang stopped up ahead. This car had been in a previous accident. I slowed down to not hit it, however a speeding Ram truck slammed into me, forcing me into the mustang pretty hard. A witness says that he saw the man, whom he described as bald and about middle aged, get out of his truck, hop over the center freeway divider, get in some Lexus going the other direction, and take off. I know, weird shit, I have SO MANY questions. The gal in the mustang was taken to the same hospital I was and also reportedly did not remember what happened.

About not remembering:
So, they (police or paramedics, I’m not sure which) found me unresponsive. I didn’t hit my head on anything, but the whiplash gave me a pretty significant concussion (assuming they didn’t reach me within 60 seconds, that would indicate it was a grade 4 concussion).
As a result of the head trauma, I had both retrograde and anterograde amnesia. The last thing I remember prior to the crash was getting in my car to leave and go home. I do not remember the crash itself, or the days I spent in the hospital, or a few days after being sent home. So a period of at least 5 days, if not 6 or 7, is completely missing; I don’t remember a single thing from that period. I’m not exactly sure at what point I became aware of what was going on, I just remember being at home (parents’ house) and understanding that I was in a car crash. I was in quite a bit of pain, and up to that point I had needed to use a walker. I remember seeing the walker in the corner of the room, but I have no memory of actually using it. It’s so strange.

Once I was in the hospital they contacted my mom by finding her info on the vehicle registration, or something like that. She came, and I guess at some point she reached out to my boyfriend and he came to visit me. I don’t know how many times he came or how long he was there for.

My mom has told me a little bit about how I was in the hospital, and I don’t even know how to feel about it. She said that I seemed aware of what was going on, however I acted in ways I would never act if I were actually self aware. I don’t know what I was doing, but mom said that at one point they literally had to call in backup to restrain me. I was constantly crying and carrying on, and would literally scream anytime a nurse or doctor would touch me at all, even just a light touch. I was in a shared room with multiple beds and multiple patients, and I was being loud and obnoxious as fuck, just crying, screaming, and carrying on. My mom was embarrassed. One night my mom went home to get some sleep, and literally 1 hour after she left, she got a phone call. I had begged a nurse to let me call her. I was asking where she was. So I guess I was aware enough to realize that she was there before but wasn’t there anymore.

The only tests I’m aware that they did at the hospital are the CT scan (which came out fine, no major bleeds or skull fractures), and the blood test. They informed my mom that they would be sending the toxicology report to the DMV, because of what they found in my system. I’m an addict, yes, however the crash was in no way my fault, and I was not driving high. Hopefully no restrictions will be placed on my license… I haven’t heard anything in regard to that so I think that’s a good sign…

This post ended up being A LOT longer than I intended, but I still have so much to talk about. For other posts they’ll have to be.
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OldBrit · 61-69, M
So glad you are telling us about it. Take care.

My son in law's aunt has been in hospital following an operation that had problems. It was nearly done but she bled out badly. They couldn't stop it. She had to be shocked 3 times. She was in icu for 7 weeks. She remembers hardly anything. She like you was really agitated and had to be restrained at times. I presume it's how some of us process a deep deep trauma.
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@OldBrit oh gosh, what was the operation for?
OldBrit · 61-69, M
@Zeuro Crohns disease, well the consequences of it.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
I'm not doubting your story in any way whatsoever, but it seems a little bit strange that you don't remember anything and you make a point to emphasize that, but you do remember you were not at fault in any way and that something was found in your toxicology report worthy of sending to the DMV and you are now worried about restrictions being placed on your license. There are just some loose ends that seem frayed and not fitting together.

Anyway, glad to hear you are recovering. Welcome back.
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Zeuro · 26-30, F
@MarkPaul read my reply.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@Zeuro Look, I'll admit you have constructed your story with rationale, threads of innocence, and the remnants that come from a victim's interpretation of the story. And again, it's not like I'm saying your anecdote didn't happen or that you have, you know, some other motive behind your interpretation of events. It's interesting though you completely run-over the parts of your story that I expose as sus. Like...

1. You said you don't remember anything AND you seem to know the accident could in no way (no how) be your fault. That has nothing to do with remembering what you were doing BEFORE the alleged accident. It has EVERYTHING to do with you suddenly seeming to remember chosen parts of what happened AFTER and in a defensive way. Let me break this down further... if you don't remember anything after the accident because of a concussion of some sort, then how can you be 100% certain you played no part in causing the accident? I mean, that just doesn't add up. If you insist on NOT remembering anything after the accident, then you don't know for certain if you caused the accident. That's an observation with a logical conclusion on my part based on common sense. Even you need to and must admit that.

2. As you know from prior evidence with my insights, I do know how human activity works and after a major accident, some random guy who allegedly caused the accident is not going to jump out of his vehicle, run to the other side, flag down a random car going the other way and be free and clear. That literally makes no sense. Again, my keen observation is able to deduct something is not setting right in this part of your story. Again, this is like a dream sequence that doesn't stand up in the light of day.

3. Okay, I will admit I have no first-hand experience with hard drug usage and withdrawal, but your defensive attitude suggests there are some holes in this part of the story as well and at the very least. Let me be specific...

a. If you were knowingly going through withdrawals, the responsible thing would have been not to drive in the first place.
b. I didn't say you were high while driving. I mean how would I even know? I think you will agree, I'm not one to jump to conclusions. Instead, I suggested you were coming "down" off something. That's literally what withdrawal is.

My point is as careful as you were to thread your story, there are obvious holes that even an inexperienced detective would immediately see through. My points are hardly nitpicked inconsistences; they are literally gaping holes. Again, I'm not trying to cast doubt on what happened, take away from the seriousness of your situation, or claim some game points in your imagined battle of wits you have with me. I'm only trying to help as a friend. And, instead all I get in return is being yelled at. If anything that is what is getting old. After all, I'm just trying to help.
scooogy · 31-35, MVIP
Once when we were involved in a similar car crash when my older sister was driving, she was at 60 mph and wasn't sure whether or not to pass the traffic lights already showing yellow. The slightly distracted guys in the car behind us had assumed her to go through, and it was like a 4 seconds thing where I usually heard small "boom" noises with things falling off the seats, suddenly there was a metallic loud "BOOM", I looked through the window and saw these guys rolling by, having hit our car at the corner where I was actually seated. The driver seemed nervous, until he opened up confessing that this was the car of his girlfriend. Nevertheless my sister was still upset wondering if she was about to get her driver's license restricted since she should have passed the traffic lights. But in my case it seems to be this typical "brake or speed" question at traffic lights. I guess I'm mentioning this because maybe the girl in your case must have lacked of attention.
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@scooogy the girl in the mustang? Or you mean the guy who hit me?
scooogy · 31-35, MVIP
@Zeuro Sorry, since I didn't read the first post of this, I thought it was only two cars and the girl in the mustang was hitting you
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@scooogy oh lol nope
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
The guy that jumped the divider and drove off in another car, that almost sound coordinated. What would be the chances of his friend just happening to drive past going the other way, but maybe they were going same direction on the highway and the buddy turned around at the next exit after the crash and came back. At least that sort of makes sense. The driver was probably prohibited, or high or something. Maybe had no license or insurance or something. Did police ever find him?
Sounds like you came out of that very lucky, considering the damage.. cripes, that is some hit.
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@JamesBugman my guess is that he just flagged down a random car acting like he needed help and some random person in a Lexus was like oh what’s up with this dude seems like he needs help
It must be so weird to find this all out afterwards and not remember anything... But I'm glad you didn't sustain any permanent damage.
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@NerdyPotato it is super weird lol
@Zeuro I can imagine. I forget plenty of things too, but when I hear about it again, at least a partial memory resurfaces. It must feel really strange if absolutely nothing comes back no matter how many details are given.
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@NerdyPotato you’re absolutely right. It feels like they’re not even talking about me. And my mom told me that at the hospital it seemed like I was aware of what was going on, but I acted in a way that there’s no way in hell I would had I been aware. I think I said this in my other post but at the hospital, at one point, they literally needed to call in backup to restrain me. Like WTF was I even tryna do??? And I would scream and cry at every little thing, in the common room where there were other patients… so embarrassing. I cringe at the thought and am glad I don’t remember.

But yeah. Obviously the weird behavior was due to something more than just amnesia, but I’m sure it didn’t help.
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
That is quite a story and I’m glad you are still with us. The amnesia is strange to say the least. I wonder if any of it will eventually come back to you.
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
Thank God you are alright and that you're absolutely lucky to be alive!!! You probably suffered some post traumatic concussion due to the accident. We hope they catch the guy who hit you from behind. He needs to be charged with hit and run and attempted vehicular manslaughter.
From the looks of that car, it's amazing you survived that crash.
OverTheHill · 61-69, M
God had angels watching over you.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Ashly · 26-30, F
Girl… 🫣
I’m glad you’re ok now but damn… 😱

No wonder I haven’t seen you around 🥺
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
Goddamn that picture is horrifying. I'm happy you're in one piece.
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Zeuro · 26-30, F
@Mmiker not quite lol. I’m getting better, but I think I have post-concussive syndrome (still need a follow-up with my neurologist though). I think I’ve gotten to a point cognitively where I could drive, at least on familiar routes, the mental confusion is for the most part gone, however I am still having difficulty with both short term and long term memory.
Mmiker · 46-50, M
@Zeuro unimaginable. What a story. And really unfortunate. Hopefully, you can get the treatment and therapy needed for your memory. Praying
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@Mmiker thank you. And luckily I feel that my memory has gradually been getting better, especially these last couple weeks, and I expect that even without treatment I will (eventually) return to normal.
That said, I am quite content to never remember the crash or my time at the hospital. Unnecessary would-be trauma lol. And my behavior I hear was embarrassing.
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