Do u believe it's ok for a man to hit a woman "if" it's self defense ? 🥊
Now some of you may have already seen this video right here recently. Its sad right ? So many people out here giving in to that negative energy that I was talking about before. And some are so sucked in that they cannot help but be this way.
What we have here are two issues that should and could be addressed. One here we have an African American male.
Second we have a Caucasian [b]Latina female. Ok here we go again. You have gender and then you have race.
In this video you see the woman actually hitting the man first. He is the employee, she is the customer. What do you think ?
Did he have a right to hit this woman back ? Or should he have just reported her to the authorities instead. Now you all know how I feel about domestic violence. I do not think it is fine for a man to hit a woman. But I do realize that you can't just run up to people and start attacking them out of nowhere for no reason at all. Some people will hurt you, do you understand me. Are we clear ? Good. What do you think about this ? Do you believe that it is ok for a man to hit a woman if it is self defense only. Yes or no. Explain why please. Best answer wins. 🙂
What we have here are two issues that should and could be addressed. One here we have an African American male.
Second we have a Caucasian [b]Latina female. Ok here we go again. You have gender and then you have race.
In this video you see the woman actually hitting the man first. He is the employee, she is the customer. What do you think ?
Did he have a right to hit this woman back ? Or should he have just reported her to the authorities instead. Now you all know how I feel about domestic violence. I do not think it is fine for a man to hit a woman. But I do realize that you can't just run up to people and start attacking them out of nowhere for no reason at all. Some people will hurt you, do you understand me. Are we clear ? Good. What do you think about this ? Do you believe that it is ok for a man to hit a woman if it is self defense only. Yes or no. Explain why please. Best answer wins. 🙂