MarthaTheMaid ยท 56-60, F
deadgerbil ยท 26-30, M
When I was little for the movie Fox and the Hound
Those days are long gone thankfully lol
Those days are long gone thankfully lol
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deadgerbil ยท 26-30, M
@nightjourney I'd die of embarrassment if that ever happened to me lol
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Lolol... yes, just very recently... I think Im getting old...
Piper ยท 61-69, F
Yeah, I've sobbed over many of those during the movie or TV show. Usually movies, and often but not always when the character that died was a non-human animal.
XDHyperGirlXD1 ยท 31-35, F
@Piper who died that you cry about
Piper ยท 61-69, F
@XDHyperGirlXD1 One of many, is John Coffey in The Green Mile.
caPnAhab ยท 26-30, M
I shed some tears when Boromir died protecting Merry and Pippin from the orcs
In Lord of the rings
In Lord of the rings
XDHyperGirlXD1 ยท 31-35, F
@caPnAhab yeah im saw that he got arrow not once not twice but 3 times
Pinkstarburst ยท 51-55, F
John Coffey in The Green Mile. Every single time I watch it I ugly cry.
So many others too.
So many others too.
XDHyperGirlXD1 ยท 31-35, F
@TexChik i though not sharing chocolate with you hurt your feels tho ๐ค
TexChik ยท F
@XDHyperGirlXD1 Nah. I have a hubby that loves booty calls and sending me flowers and chocolate. My supply is unending!๐
XDHyperGirlXD1 ยท 31-35, F
@TexChik not if i eat it on you ๐
When Hans Gruber dropped outta that window ๐ฉ
When Hans Gruber dropped outta that window ๐ฉ
Thevy29 ยท 41-45, M
Of course. Movies, Tv and Books have that effect.
Gusman ยท 61-69, M
Yes, Ole Yeller contracted Rabies and his teenage owner had to put him down.
LostOrchid ยท F
A few
XDHyperGirlXD1 ยท 31-35, F
@LostOrchid who
LostOrchid ยท F
[image/video deleted]
XDHyperGirlXD1 ยท 31-35, F
@LostOrchid covid ๐ฆ

I do and I did today.
Sharky86 ยท 36-40, M
When I was 4 yeah.
Jeffrey53 ยท 51-55, M
Yes I have
Pretzel ยท 61-69, M
Henry Blake
kentex35 ยท 100+, M
Just old yeller. He was a good dog. Vaxxed too.
AllAboutLaffs ยท 80-89, M
Not died but when ET went home, it got a little weepy .... ๐ข
bijouxbroussard ยท F
Heck, yeah. The idea of the show is to get invested, I imagine. No shame.
bijouxbroussard ยท F
@XDHyperGirlXD1 Downton Abbey, Matthew. It was so sad and shocking.
Fluffybull ยท F
@bijouxbroussard I was so angry that they killed off Mathew!!!!
bijouxbroussard ยท F
@Fluffybull I was so sad that Dan Stevens decided to leave, right mid-arc.
HoraceGreenley ยท 61-69, M
I wept terribly when Ironman died
Degbeme ยท 70-79, M
@HoraceGreenley hmm... good point. ๐ค
XDHyperGirlXD1 ยท 31-35, F
@HoraceGreenley yeah i know the feelings im a marvel nerd so i know ironman death feeling
HoraceGreenley ยท 61-69, M
@XDHyperGirlXD1 Sorry for your loss
SarahAndSamantha ยท 51-55, T
I bawled like a baby when Ivy died in Audrey Rose. Same for Zhaan in Farscape. And Stormy in Odd Thomas. Probably more, but those are the big ones.
I bawled like a baby when Ivy died in Audrey Rose. Same for Zhaan in Farscape. And Stormy in Odd Thomas. Probably more, but those are the big ones.
GoneSilent ยท 26-30, F
Yes. Last time I cried while watching coco (animated movie)
Starcrossed ยท 41-45, F
@GoneSilent I cried watching Encanto
GoneSilent ยท 26-30, F
@Starcrossed Thought i was the only one crying while watching animated movies ๐
Starcrossed ยท 41-45, F
My Girl ๐ญ
My Girl ๐ญ
Starcrossed ยท 41-45, F
@XDHyperGirlXD1 the. Worst.
XDHyperGirlXD1 ยท 31-35, F
@Starcrossed ๐ฅบ
Starcrossed ยท 41-45, F
@XDHyperGirlXD1 *the bee scene, I loved the move even though it made me cry.
TrunkZ ยท 56-60, M
It's been known to happen occasionally ๐ฌ๐ฌ
Fluffybull ยท F
Yes. I get more upset at TV deaths than I do with many real life ones.
XDHyperGirlXD1 ยท 31-35, F
@Fluffybull how many tv deaths did you experience who was the hardest one ๐ค
Fluffybull ยท F
@XDHyperGirlXD1 First one was when I was in primary school and the class watched "Charlotte's Web" ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ท๏ธ๐ธ๏ธ๐
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XDHyperGirlXD1 ยท 31-35, F
@nightjourney but who death killed you the most besides Mcdonald fries ads death lol
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OnePatheticClown ยท 51-55, M
Apart from Edgar the computer, no

ChipmunkErnie ยท 70-79, M
Son of Kong -- every time I see the movie

Yep. When the hillbillie got bow and arrowed in Deliverance
Degbeme ยท 70-79, M
.... maybe... ๐ฅบ
XDHyperGirlXD1 ยท 31-35, F
@Degbeme ๐ฆ
PassingThrough ยท 46-50, M

XDHyperGirlXD1 ยท 31-35, F
@SW-User who died on you ๐
HowtoDestroyAngels ยท 46-50, M
Sweetpoison ยท 41-45, F
I do ๐ญ
XDHyperGirlXD1 ยท 31-35, F
@Sweetpoison for who ๐ฆ
JustEd ยท 41-45, M
Johnny 5

NoGamesTolerated ยท F
Yesโฆ Iโm a softyโฆ
WhateverWorks ยท 36-40
Only once when Downton Abbey suddenly killed off Matthew.

Barbossa in the first and 5th Pirates of the Caribbean, and Tony Stark in Avengers: Endgame
I have, furthermore when thereโs emotional/happy endings. ๐
Pfuzylogic ยท M
When they killed John Wayne in
โThe Cowboysโ.
โThe Cowboysโ.
MoonaNorth86 ยท 36-40, F
I don't cry in movies or tv shows I don't know why
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SkeetSkeet ยท 100+, F
Where the Red Furn Grows
empanadas ยท 31-35, M
I forgot the last time I did