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samwithoutapath · 31-35, M
I haven't been to either in years. Not a moral thing, just don't need all that sugar and overpriced grease (also sugar, yeah, in the buns).
ExtremeNext · 31-35
@samwithoutapath there is sugar in everything we eat unless you are some kind of vegan weirdo
Nimbus · M
@samwithoutapath Exactly.

Tminus6453 · M
I wish america would boycott that trash
Tminus6453 · M
@Slade 😅I know right?...or Russia even.. lol
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Slade Yes Slade, as shocking as it may sound, even someone like you may have a slim chance of becoming healthier and less ret*rded than their current form. Once you put a limit to how much you allow FOX to pollute your mind with RW garbage, once you moderate your diet, and once you stop being Putin's little b*tch online of course. There's always hope! 😜
Slade · 56-60, M
@Elessar Just a cliche garbage throwing fest. The best you can possibly do


greaser boy
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Will people boycott the mail order brides?🤔
walabby · 61-69, M
@MrBrownstone Only the Russian ones. Ukrainian brides are better looking anyway, and don't drink as much vodka!
CestManan · 46-50, F
@MrBrownstone You know, you already KNOW that isn't gonna happen.
PatKirby · M
Yep, Ukrainian brides are hotter compared to the Russian mail order bride at work who hit the wall but doesn't know it yet.
4meAndyou · F
I have been boycotting Coca Cola ever since the 2020 elections in Atlanta , Georgia. Major League baseball LEFT Atlanta at that time, and moved to California, and Coca Cola, though not going quite that far, condemned the Atlanta elections, along with Delta airlines.

Did NOT know that McDonalds was among the creepsters, but I will eat elsewhere if I am looking for fast food.
Nimbus · M
@4meAndyou Me too 👍
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
I boycotted them years ago for health reasons
Nimbus · M
@MrBrownstone Best reason ever.
No I won't. They provide food and drink, they don't need to speak out about it, they're not political organisations and as long as they operate within the law they're fine by me. In fact I commend them for sticking to their remit
ExtremeNext · 31-35
@Tinkles ✌️
Tython · 31-35, M
They're businesses. Not political parties. No judgement from me.
Nimbus · M
@Tython 👍
My dad has been boycotting mc donalds since the 90’s

Personally im not anti russian.. i dont agree with the war but why should the people suffer just cause they have an evil leader .. idk the world is fucked up

Why not remove the bad leader instead of letting thousands of innocent people suffer? Its bs
Nimbus · M
@SStarfish 👍
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I don’t consume any of their products anyway.
Nimbus · M
@cherokeepatti Good :)
I boycotted them both years ago in favor of my health. Don't care if both go under, which probably won't happen
Nimbus · M
@SW-User Good enough reason :)
ExtremeNext · 31-35
No I love maccas I'm having it for lunch today with a large coke

So there 🙃
Nimbus · M
@ExtremeNext Enjoy :)
ExtremeNext · 31-35
@Nimbus I will maccas in Australia just tastes different to other country's
AbbeyRhode · F
I don't eat at McD's or drink Coke, anyway.
I do boycott Netflix, though, because they support kiddie porn.
Nimbus · M
@nedkelly Could be worse.
Could be Chivas and cigars :)
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@Nimbus Could be worse we both could support Liverpool and you are married to Touzie
Nimbus · M
@nedkelly Heaven forbid! :)
MarineBob · 56-60, M
I'll stick with boycotting the WNBA since their player was in the wrong
Nimbus · M
@MarineBob 👍
Slade · 56-60, M
@MarineBob I think the entite world has boycotted WNBA since day 1😴
deadgerbil · 22-25
Real change is effected when companies get behind movements, although it usually aligns with their own selfish interests to make money off of the various issues as opposed to having their moral compass being recalibrated.

Having said that, I only get burger king over McDonald's and I rarely drink pop so I kinda already boycott them lol
Nimbus · M
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Nah. Boycotts won’t stop Putinman.
Nimbus · M
@wilderflower Well, no one knows for sure.
@Nimbus Those protests have done a great job tho right?
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Can't exactly boycott products you don't use to begin with.
comfi1 · 61-69, M
I don’t like either of them.
Nimbus · M
@comfi1 Me neither.
I shall continue not to use either...
No I’ll be getting drunk on Russian Vodka with a Coca Cola chaser .. then going to McDonald’s for a Big Mac .. then Fap myself to sleep
Nimbus · M
@SW-User 😛
MrAboo · 36-40, M
Two companies I already don’t like. Yea have no problem not buying from them.
Nimbus · M
@MrAboo 👍
Elessar · 26-30, M
Huh? I've been boycotting those two by default since forever, lol
Nimbus · M
@Elessar 👍
Bri89 · 31-35, M
Why should they care? A business' main goal is making money.
Monday · F
Yes as long as needed
Nimbus · M
@Monday Yay!
Monday · F
Nimbus · M
@Monday 👍
They are major companies the point is to make money they wont care if they are selling Big Macs to Satan himself as long as they making that money
CestManan · 46-50, F
@ExperienceDLT Money talks, BS walks.
CestManan · 46-50, F
I do not buy much of either.
Even if I did, I would not boycott because I just do not make purchasing decisions based on some bull that is going on with the other side of the planet.
I do anyway for their environmental practices. This makes it easier (also I hate Coca Cola)
not done biz with either of them a long time.
caccoon · 36-40
I don't eat/drink that stuff anyway.

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