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What is one of the scariest things that ever happened in your neighborhood?

SW-User Best Comment
Years ago, a woman was screaming running down the street near a park I often went to. People heard her and no one helped. She was murdered. I don’t know if the murderer was ever caught.
@Adstar hmm i never thought of it like that considering how crazy the world is not a surprise crazy women like that exist
@Adstar yes agreed
@Adstar Domestic calls are the most fatal to first responders

LadyJ · F
I watched a hit and run outside my house which i found out later was to do with rival gangs in my city..luckily the man survived being hit by the car but i couldn't sleep for weeks afterwards
LadyJ · F
@SW-User We live in a cruel world with cruel people 😔
@LadyJ a fucked up world
LadyJ · F
@SW-User very
Carlisle · F
I was in my bedroom and heard bloodcurdling screams and I opened the bedroom window 🪟 the screams were coming from the street. I stuck my head out and some driver was trying to pull this women into a car. The car was in the middle of the road. I shouted out hey stop it and I started to call the police and I ran downstairs. I told the operator what was happening. When I came out the guy let go of the lady and drove off.
Some of my other neighbours came out too and we were all just shocked. She was legit being kidnapped. She was trembling and crumpled and all scared. We tried to pick her up but she was too scared and just batted us off.
She then grabbed her stuff and started walking down the street again. It was night. I continued talking to the police. My neighbour was like nope and started to follow her to make sure she was ok. Bless my neighbour she was in her dressing gown but she was scared for the lady too and just followed her down the street. I saw them turn the corner.
I went back in police came and then they went to look for her.
They came back later told me that someone had tried to pull her into the car.
@Carlisle you saved her life
Carlisle · F
@SW-User aw I wouldn’t say that I just did what anyone else would do.
Adstar · 56-60, M
It never really caused me any fear but a neighbour was murdered in their home by a mentally unbalanced person they have befriended and taken in.. One of those cases of a good Samaritan getting killed for being so.. Part of the risks involved in life i guess..
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@SW-User she said she was through with social
Websites after that happened. She did tell me about it. This guy played with her heart. I believe he is a sadist. He even met her in person and when he got tired of the game he pretended to have cancer and got his sister to call her and say that he died. I haven’t talked to her since. She needed to guard her heart better. I was warned about those sadist within a couple months of being on EP
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Adstar · 56-60, M
@cherokeepatti There are some people running around without a conscience that's for sure.. Nasty indeed..
Deadish · 31-35, M
Neighbor got high off meds and drunk and then started shooting at his gf cause she wouldn’t go to the bar with him. He drove off and ditched the weapon but I managed to find it later before some little wanker did.
@Deadish people sure are wild
Deadish · 31-35, M
@SW-User dude had some PTSD issues from service
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
A young man on my street who was a boxer (and had a boxer dog) was killed in his own home by someone he considered a friend.
The friend had gone to jail for drugs, and when he came out, the boxer was the only on who was willing to give him a second chance and be friendly to him.
Apparently one night the guy asked the boxer for money, and when he said “No!”, the guy stabbed him (killing him) and took some money.
A young lady who was working with me at the time had dated the boxer, and met his family at the funeral.
The other guy was caught a few days later, wasted on drugs....and headed back to prison, this time for murder.
@DragonFruit good they should have given him the chair!!
summersong · F
9/11 when I worked in Manhattan
@summersong i bet you are still traumatized
5 people were slaughtered by two people that had been on a killing spree earlier in the day
@mondayschild2 my goodness
@SW-User It was horrible and random😭
@mondayschild2 two words that describe our current world
British armed soldiers walking through. Not scary at the time, but in hindsight..? Yeesh...we're lucky we didn't get just one PTSD-stricken guy in a panic. That's all it takes - but it was a pretty nice neighbourhood.

We also had a chopper flying very low - so low as to I swear cause washing on the line to move. It was idling down vertically...trainee or equipment malfunction maybe? Probably got lucky there.
@JamieDeer good thing u survived
Home exploded during the night.
@cherokeepatti Not too sure, I think it can be used for purposes other than medical. As a cleaning solvent, and in certain production processes.
It is wickedly flammable though.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@SethGreene531 could be used to knock out people and rape them
@cherokeepatti Yeah I think it's essentially Chloroform.

Scary stuff in the wrong hands..especially neighbors.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Double murder
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
@SW-User two little girls😢
@Virgo79 sad sad world we live in
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
@SW-User very true
Belladonna · 41-45, F
A guy killed his family and himself. Scary shit.
@Belladonna tragic sad world we live in
Had a few, hr the most shocking was a guy we heard Running and swearing down the street. We went out front and heade a beeline for us.

It wasn't till he was lit by the porch light wesaw him literally covered from head to waist in fresh blood. All you could see was the whites of his eyes.

He came inside, he was in shock and babbling, we didn't know if it was his blood or someone else's. We gave him some water and a fresh towel.

We called an ambo but he took off again.... I never knew if they found him.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@OogieBoogie Sounds like he was high on something..
@Adstar he coulda been, it was a Saturday night.

It's sometimes hard to tell the difference.
They came over and said hi
Serial sniper when I was living in the DC area in 2002
@SW-User that is scary!
@SW-User It was definitely messed up and tragic. The people who got killed were innocent and didn’t deserve that. One lady was a cancer survivor, and she was shot and killed in a covered parking area while trying to put stuff in the back of her car. Nobody felt safe anywhere.
Lux127 · 26-30, F
People have been shot on my street before and knowing that, when someone pulled a gun on me, I thought I’d be dead, but it turned out to be frozen paintballs as I was shot at as they followed me home.
@Lux127 sorry to hear that
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Nothing but house fires in this neighborhood. There’s been several from various causes including one arson fire that burnt the home down.
spread out over a bit, but about 50k people were killed or wounded by gunfire.
@stound where do you live?
@SW-User not terribly far from a couple battlefields
TeenAngel · F
All the squirrels started dying on the thorn tree.
TeenAngel · F
@SW-User They're also called honey locust trees.
TeenAngel · F
@SW-User The squirrels nibble on them and sometimes the tree kills the squirrel. They're hard to navigate.
@TeenAngel hmm its too bad i dont like squirrels
a fire truck went by the house with the lights on - but that was years ago. Im OK now.
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@SW-User id say thats more of a norm these days
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@SW-User precisely
Viper · M
Parts of it flooded...
@Viper but you survived!
Viper · M
@SW-User It stopped like a block from my house, so I didn't have the problem.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Viper Exact thing happened in my area.. Flood just big enough to cause the water to come up to the fence of my property and then it stopped there.. Phewww 🤪
Idk something shocking tho is the lake is disappearing 😳
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
one odd thing that happened just one street from here in a park: some crazy dude grabbed a child and ran away with her, oddly enough a famous hockey player (don't remember who because I don't watch sports) caught the guy.
jbon85 · 100+, M
TheLordOfHell · 41-45
My area is pretty quiet. Every once in a while, a drunk will show up wanting to shovel snow, even tho it's in the middle of summer

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