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Thoughts on fat shaming

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CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Christ I feel sorry for your kids.
Why the fuck would you want to shame anyone?
@deadgerbil Don’t bother.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@JennyGa again the pandemic lasting is because people are not following public health guidelines and not being vaccinated.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@JennyGa I guess we should shame everyone who has an autoimmune disease like diabetes, arthritis, lupus, etc. Those people aren’t healthy and according to your thoughts extends the pandemic 🙄
JupiterDreams · 31-35
You shouldn't shame anyone. Besides, it's no one's fluffin' business 😐
@JennyGa tf? Being fat does not cause the virus nor does it lengthen the time it stays around. I think you mean the unvaccinnated. Which now make up 90 percent of new cases and could lead to a worse mutation.
Now if you could infect someone with fatness you might have a point. But you can't and dont. Also I'm tired of this cause it always leads to a slippery slope. Many normal weight people are called fat. Even people underweight have been called fat. Society is constantly moving the goalposts and therefore anyone with this opinion can go fuck themselves.
JennyGa · 46-50, F
@canusernamebemyusername Nice. I see that you’ve used profanity in your argument. You must really know what you’re talking about.

From the CDC website

And the link to an article listing obesity as a high risk pre existing condition for Covid.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@JennyGa how is this putting you at risk? You asked about fat shaming and then turned your POV to obesity and the pandemic.
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
Nobody should be fat shamed, it’s rude
justanothername · 51-55, M
@JennyGa it’s the persons decision not yours.
JennyGa · 46-50, F
@justanothername was it my decision not to wear a mask during the heart of the pandemic? No. They are putting themselves at greater risk and thus extending the pandemic by being in the state they are in. So it’s everyone’s business
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@JennyGa this makes no sense. How is someone being fat putting you at risk? The people that are extending the pandemic are those that don’t follow public health guidelines and don’t get vaccinated.
It’s a shame that body shaming exists.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@JennyGa your comments on this post suggest otherwise.
@iamonfire696 hope you weren’t offended by the “c” bomb but that was necessary. People just need to stop being shallow.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@SW-User oh no not at all. Thanks for making the point 💕
A pretty good rule of thumb is never make a comment about another person’s appearance that they can’t change in 15 seconds. Spinach in their teeth? Go for it. A dryer sheet stuck to their pants? Let them know! Something weird stuck in their hair? Help them get it out.
Otherwise keep your damn mouth shut! It’s really that easy.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@ProdigalSummer You can lie about what I wrote but no matter how high you shove your head you'll still be a liar.
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SteelHands · 61-69, M
@ProdigalSummer I don't need to tell you, such genius that you think you are. That hurling random unfounded psychiatric diagnosis at people because you are basically a disagreeable person is what's best described as borderline social incompetence.

Then when you add profanity to that class act of yours it becomes more like a sign of a foul mouthed gutter slag.

And that's just the part that you allowed to hang out in the internet for all the world to observe. You're probably even nastier in real life. A gigantic lard assed nasty snail track laying river pig that no self respecting person would want to be seen in a family photo with.

You asked for it when you called me names. Now go stick that tiny dick of yours up your own ass.
This is one of those things that has too many criterias to be able to judge accurately.

Some people are just big, they have the stocky body type.
Some have conditions,,some its just ignorance or even poverty that encourages them to eat badly.

But I think there is a point that if you can't get out of bed, or wash and dress yourself...then its a problem that needs fixing.

Thing is ....everyone can see if someone is addicted to food.

But they can't see addiction to shopping, or gambling or being a violent spouse.

Its easy to shame these people.

And ignore our own weaknesses .😣
@SteelHands really!?!

That's terribly sad to learn .
It's like a life sentence not only for the ones that love them, but for themselves as well.🥺
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@OogieBoogie If you ever see a mom appease a temper tantrum...

You will be seeing a future abuser in the making.

Anyone from a large family knows this. The lastborn in the pecking order is most commonly the one that is never broken of their "little inner tyrant"

I have a 59yo brother that still has a problem.
@SteelHands wow!
I can speak from my experience, that I know someone just like this. They were bought stuff to make them happy, never told off doing wrong .
Never made to confront tjeir feelings or wrong doing .
And now I see that they never emotionally grew up .

When things get hard they run away, they lie and cheat to get out of responsibility or accountability.

Its not fair that there are people that get to be parents , but shouldn't be allowed to be .
I don't know why anyone would be obsessed with what someone else does to their body
ImRileyTheDog · 22-25, F

If it doesn’t directly affect one, why do it
Graylight · 51-55, F
Finding humor in other people's struggles is a really good indicator of somebody with s*** self-confidence.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@Graylight agreed
MasterLee · 56-60, M
So much better things to shame for
Solana · 36-40, F
I watch 600lb life and there’s literally always some type of trauma that spirals into a food addiction. Be kind. Mind your business. Worry about yourself.
justanothername · 51-55, M
It’s not good.
JennyGa · 46-50, F
@justanothername how should it be approached? And I was just asking for opinions on the issue
justanothername · 51-55, M
@JennyGa by discussing rather than shaming.
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TakenDown232 · 46-50, M
You don't post such in public. This is only for closed circle.
SmallMack · 31-35, M
I don’t fat shame I fat embrace because they are all beautiful souls
JennyGa · 46-50, F
@SmallMack embrace them into an early grave then
Mrballs · 70-79, M
Healthy to a certain extent
Hahaha its cute
Nanori · F
I wouldn't unless they try to rub their pride in my face but that'd apply to anyone
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reubles · 41-45, M
You try being my size Jenny, you don't know what it's like
Peaceful · F
Shaming people is bullying. Fuck bullies.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I think it's a misinterpretation. I'm not judging anyone, as I could stand to drop a few pounds myself. However, if someone looks like the people above, it becomes a health concern. "Shame" really doesn't enter into the equation. If it's a friend or relative, be supportive of their efforts. My now exwife struggled with her weight(it WAS a health problem) and I stood by her as she lost nearly 70 pounds. It was causing a circulatory issue and was nothing to mess with. For someone to look in the mirror and not see a problem...that's another issue entirely. But, I'd never "shame" anyone.
Selah ·
People still make fun of fat people? How retro.
@Selah What is this, the 90s?
Azlotto · M
It's a shame that anyone would do that.

SteelHands · 61-69, M
I wouldn't be ashamed either. If that happened to me I'd be pissed off and punish my body by starving it.
Doomflower · 41-45, M
Fat People already often already feel like shit about themselves and do not need other people helping.

That said I fat shame myself mercilessly.

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