robingoodfellow · M
When I was a teenager I had a girlfriend who came from an evangelical family. I'll never forget having dinner with them one night. Her father went on for 30 minutes tearfully telling me how the love of Jesus brings him to his knees, then turned around and went on a racist rant that I couldn't possibly relate here.
Sharon · F
then turned around and went on a racist rant
LOL! Had he forgotten that Jesus was Jewish?
robingoodfellow · M
@Sharon I was 16 years old and still trying to figure out the world. I couldn't understand how this man was preaching love and hate to me at the same time. I hadn't learned about hypocrisy yet.
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robingoodfellow · M
It has always been my experience that the people who hold the Bible the highest and the holiest are the ones who don't even come close to living by the teachings of Jesus.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
In 1680 the Jews of Stockholm petitioned the king that they be permitted to reside there without abandoning their creed, but the application was denied because the local consistory had refused to endorse it. On 3 December 1685, Charles XI ordered the governor-general of the capital to see to it that no Jews were permitted to settle in Stockholm, or in any other part of the country, "on account of the danger of the eventual influence of the Jewish religion on the pure evangelical faith." In case Jews were found in any Swedish community, they were to be notified to leave within fourteen days.[1]
So things are better recently, better in fact since we have become less religious.
Carazaa · F
Scandinavia was Christian for 1000 years and anyone settling there had to convert that's true. But refugees during and after the war they were protected, especially Jews, and Muslims and can keep their religions.
Scandinavia was Christian for 1000 years and anyone settling there had to convert that's true. But refugees during and after the war they were protected, especially Jews, and Muslims and can keep their religions.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Carazaa Yes, we have freedom of religion now that Christianity is less important to the majority of the population.
StyleCat · M
If someone tells you to 'Love Your Enemies' and 'Bless those that curse you', does that sound like poison ?
Carazaa · F
@ninalanyon ❤️ OK, I think you have very little understanding of THE HOLY JEHOVAH of the universe, and very little understanding of yourself in comprison.
Go outside and look at the stars and the moon at night and breathe the fresh air. Look at the sun rising in the morning; each snowflake, how different, and the beauty of the wild flowers in the spring. He made them to show you his majesty, and it does not compare to the new heaven and the new earth that he is preparing.
He knows the number of hairs on your head; everything about you. He made you to have a relationship with him because he loves you. This life is a minute, and then eternity. God is preparing something amazing for us. The real show is coming he promises!
Right now we are having birthpangs. Heads up, the birth of the new world is on it's way... Hallelujah! The pandemics, earthquakes, political war fares, violence. disasters, and tribulations Jesus told us are signs, birth pangs, to know he is at the door.
They are increasing in frequent and intensity until Jesus comes with his 100 million angels through the clouds. Please prepare 🙏🤗.
Go outside and look at the stars and the moon at night and breathe the fresh air. Look at the sun rising in the morning; each snowflake, how different, and the beauty of the wild flowers in the spring. He made them to show you his majesty, and it does not compare to the new heaven and the new earth that he is preparing.
He knows the number of hairs on your head; everything about you. He made you to have a relationship with him because he loves you. This life is a minute, and then eternity. God is preparing something amazing for us. The real show is coming he promises!
Right now we are having birthpangs. Heads up, the birth of the new world is on it's way... Hallelujah! The pandemics, earthquakes, political war fares, violence. disasters, and tribulations Jesus told us are signs, birth pangs, to know he is at the door.
They are increasing in frequent and intensity until Jesus comes with his 100 million angels through the clouds. Please prepare 🙏🤗.

This has a dangerous impact on people's mind and peace.
There is no sound logic in what Christians believe it say. If someone is doing good work in his life, never hurt anyone that is more than sufficient. They are doing good work and being kind to others because they are inspired by the teachings of their God whom they believe. But you tell them that that God is false and the world would be saved only when they believe your God is the only true God. Think logically? What purpose does it solve apart from boosting your gods ego?
Nothing. Can a truly respectable man ever say such things that they will be forgiven only when they believe he is God? No. Can we worship such a man as God? No.
This is the biggest danger my friend! Hope you understand and stop misleading people. Just believing in a person doesn't take away one's sin. That's lack of logic and stupidity.
What are the dangers of trusting in Jesus? Please be careful!
The biggest danger is the very threat to humanity that @rob19 had already pointed out. Christians abuse other people's culture and tell them their belief is wrong, the God whom they worship is false. This has a dangerous impact on people's mind and peace.
There is no sound logic in what Christians believe it say. If someone is doing good work in his life, never hurt anyone that is more than sufficient. They are doing good work and being kind to others because they are inspired by the teachings of their God whom they believe. But you tell them that that God is false and the world would be saved only when they believe your God is the only true God. Think logically? What purpose does it solve apart from boosting your gods ego?
Nothing. Can a truly respectable man ever say such things that they will be forgiven only when they believe he is God? No. Can we worship such a man as God? No.
This is the biggest danger my friend! Hope you understand and stop misleading people. Just believing in a person doesn't take away one's sin. That's lack of logic and stupidity.
Carazaa · F
God says that "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom"
God holds the key to your fate, and I hope that your soul will live forever with Jesus in heaven one day. I hope that babies will too, if they die young. I know God is very fair and does not want any to perish. We can't understand fully why things happen in the world, but I know that we have a loving and fair God!
Then even if proven to exist your god is not worthy of worship. To require people to live in fear of destruction because they happen to be within the blast radius of a bolt intended to punish one person's hubris is psychological abuse of the worst order.
God says that "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom"
God holds the key to your fate, and I hope that your soul will live forever with Jesus in heaven one day. I hope that babies will too, if they die young. I know God is very fair and does not want any to perish. We can't understand fully why things happen in the world, but I know that we have a loving and fair God!
Punches · 46-50, F
When I was a kid and in some religious class, I remember not being able to make heads or tails of half the things I read.
Plus there was talk of forgiveness, how anger was a sin, turn the other cheek... but YET the people who claimed to be religious were the angriest, most hollering, screaming jack asses I had ever seen.
But they were sure proud that they didn't drink nor smoke.
Plus there was talk of forgiveness, how anger was a sin, turn the other cheek... but YET the people who claimed to be religious were the angriest, most hollering, screaming jack asses I had ever seen.
But they were sure proud that they didn't drink nor smoke.
Punches · 46-50, F
@Deserthiker It should also be noted that on our bus route, we passed by some Catholic school. BTW I went to a public school.
For some odd reason, they would flip us off and we would flip them off. No idea why. I thought, "Aren't they religious and should not be flipping the bird?"
For some odd reason, they would flip us off and we would flip them off. No idea why. I thought, "Aren't they religious and should not be flipping the bird?"
Deserthiker · 61-69, M
@Punches Hahaha. I grew up in the ghetto we had some really religious parents and lots hoodlums. There is a Catholic high school in the area which when I was young was a sports powerhouse, especially basketball.
I don’t think many of the students who got scholarships from alumni were very religious.
I went to public school too. I ran track and we kicked their ass.
Flipping birds was the least anyone did and has nothing to do with the Bible
I don’t think many of the students who got scholarships from alumni were very religious.
I went to public school too. I ran track and we kicked their ass.
Flipping birds was the least anyone did and has nothing to do with the Bible
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
It has been said that "The Bible is 100% accurate. Especially when thrown at close range."
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Elevatorpitches · F
@rob19 hope that qualified 😆
rob19 · M
Elevatorpitches · F
@rob19 I was "Ohpuhleeeze" by the way..
Rhodesianman · 56-60, M
Well said Entwistle never a truer word said .
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kodiac · 22-25, M
But it's holding up the couch where the leg fell off!!
Deserthiker · 61-69, M
I would not be considered very religious. Or a ‘good’ Christian. I am filled with human faults and have done much wrong and much right. I do not go to church. However, I find the Bible to be a great source of wisdom and inspiration.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Not sure about Denmark.
Scandinavia still have Christian Government,
No they don't. Both Sweden and Norway have disestablished the Lutheran church.Not sure about Denmark.
Carazaa · F
@ninalanyon Not true. The Swedish church still has been helping the refugees by the borders and is still active in every country.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Carazaa But the governments are secular.
Sharon · F
I certainly wouldn't want any child of mine reading it.
Sharon · F
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NortiusMaximus · M
You're right. It's a load of rubbish, there are much better things to read.
NortiusMaximus · M
@Entwistle The whole christian god mythology needs Satan as a scapegoat for everything that goes wrong. It's funny how, according to the mythology, this "almighty god's" plans were foiled by Satan and a mere woman.
n.b. I say "mere woman" because christianity views women as inferior. That is not a view I subscribe to.
n.b. I say "mere woman" because christianity views women as inferior. That is not a view I subscribe to.
Sharon · F
A lot of Christians are destitute - even the church is always on the scrounge for money.
Good point. Their so-called "almighty god" can't even support himself! 🤣
Carazaa · F
It will bless you and make you successful if you love God and keep his word! 1 Josh 8-9
Carazaa · F
@NortiusMaximus For a minute but nope!
NortiusMaximus · M
@Carazaa As I said, you're wrong. You're also very arrogant to think you know these people are not well off when you don't even know who they are! Your attitude is causing me to seriously doubt the veracity of your fantastic stories!
Sharon · F
@NortiusMaximus She's possibly one of the most hateful, arrogant christians here. Her posts aren't worth reading, just a total waste of bandwidth.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Flames to purify it
Carazaa · F
@rob19 We must tithe to the Gospel. God doesn't need our money but he wants to see our faith. Then he will bless us. There is a godly man who tithes 90% of his money, and now he is a millionaire. I try to tithe more every year and when I thought I might be out of a job during lockdown so I tithed double. And then I made double. Read my 5th post on answered prayers.
You just hate it because you cannot comply lol
Elevatorpitches · F
@ammelee We are an international crowd. I know some "religious" remarks here sound really crude...but u have to understand how SECULAR it is here!!! Not a very holy life 4 sure.
but many of us work on it ourselves....
but many of us work on it ourselves....
usher · 41-45, F
I believe in some of the stories of the bible. I also believe that it's metaphorical and not literal. I believe in the gospels and the book of revelations 100%. But there is a lot of truth and double meanings too. I have read most of it
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pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@SW-User they may have identified as women but were forced to hide their real self
greenmountaingal · 80-89, F
At least, besides the Bible, you've obviously read some of Dorothy Parker.
bijouxbroussard · F
@greenmountaingal Lol, yes. 😄
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
We all have something to believe in
Carazaa · F
@Havesomefun2 Why what?
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
] @Carazaa lack of fun
Carazaa · F
@Havesomefun2 I was joking!
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Ian123 · 61-69, M
You are entitled to your opinion but you could say that about every book that’s been written, there will always be someone who doesn’t like it
Allelse · 36-40, M
Well said!!! Good man!!! That's the spirit!
Jake966 · 56-60, M
No it’s not poison
Carazaa · F
@Jake966 Absolutely true. The greatest countries are based on the Bible. Most Nobel prize winners come from very Christian families. It brings success.
Josh 1:8 Meditate on this book of the Law Day and night and make sure that you do everything written in it, then you will be prosperous and have much successful.
Josh 1:8 Meditate on this book of the Law Day and night and make sure that you do everything written in it, then you will be prosperous and have much successful.
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@entwistle] i understand this is an opinion which i respect but why 🤷♂️ what is your logic and reason
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
some of us are based allies on the Bible and we have lived very fulfilled and blessed lives
And many of us have lived fulfilled and blessed lives without the bible or any other religious text or learning.
Elessar · 26-30, M
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Elevatorpitches · F
I wonder what Thomas Merton would say to a remark like this.
1354swrdt · 70-79, M
A statement that shows you are spiritually and intellectually bankrupt. You poor soul!
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OogieBoogie · F
I dont think its purely poison , but i think the veneration of it is.
All myth holds some element of truth .
But when truth is bastardised and then held as literal fact, it becomes (like you say), a poison .
People isealise phrases and passages not understanding that metaphor and analogy has been used for comprehension for historic peoples .
The bible has elememts of truth , its just we take it too literally to comprehend it .
All myth holds some element of truth .
But when truth is bastardised and then held as literal fact, it becomes (like you say), a poison .
People isealise phrases and passages not understanding that metaphor and analogy has been used for comprehension for historic peoples .
The bible has elememts of truth , its just we take it too literally to comprehend it .
Carazaa · F
@OogieBoogie Josh 1:8 Meditate on this book of the Law Day and night and make sure that you do everything written in it, then you will be prosperous and have much successful.
OogieBoogie · F