It’s okay to do your best. I suspect your problem is that you feel like your best is never good enough. That’s not true. When you do your best, you are enough. Comparing yourself to others is deceiving. None of us are perfect, all of us are gifted in different ways and you never know enough to determine someone else’s efforts are better.
Continue to do your best but choose to accept the results and be “enough”.
Continue to do your best but choose to accept the results and be “enough”.
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JustChill · 26-30, F
@trackman11 No problem, and you're spot on. That's exactly what I'm dealing with at the moment. I'm yearning to reach that point when I'm content with my best.
trackman11 · 61-69, M
@JustChill several points and I will stop rambling on. 🙂
1. It speaks to your strength of character that you want to do all things well
2. You are “good enough” and those around you know it. (Your mind reading ability is not good enough 🙂)
3. You have a purpose and it’s not to be perfect.
4. Your beauty lies in your uniqueness, not a comparison.
5. Thank you for all you do, it has, does and will make a difference.
1. It speaks to your strength of character that you want to do all things well
2. You are “good enough” and those around you know it. (Your mind reading ability is not good enough 🙂)
3. You have a purpose and it’s not to be perfect.
4. Your beauty lies in your uniqueness, not a comparison.
5. Thank you for all you do, it has, does and will make a difference.
JustChill · 26-30, F
@trackman11 Haha it's fine thanks for your time and encouraging words. But I guess I need a good and serious talk with myself about all of that. Because now that you brought it up, I think that my mind right now is that storm of thoughts that is adamant on comparison, and most of my "perfectionist" attitude stems from exactly that. Boy this is going to require some big efforts to get over. Thanks again.
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
Perfectionism can be quite deep-rooted. I got a book on breaking those patterns and worked on it for weeks and weeks. I did progress though, too.
Yulianna · 26-30, F
i want to do and be the best i can in every aspect of my life. success and achievement are my ambitions. i do not want to change this in any way.
TexChik · F
Don’t give in to mediocrity ... stick to your guns . Don’t see it as pressure . See it as a challenge ( with yourself)! Always strive to give your best effort . Even with that you don’t always win, but you are close . That pays dividends with others perception of you and in your personal growth and ability to handle more complex issues
SubstantialKick · 36-40, M
As someone else mentioned, we have to be realistic. The best thing to do is find your niche.

I used to be that way.... a perfectionist then I “mentally crashed and burned”
It’s ok to ask for help ♥️
It’s ok to ask for help ♥️
JustChill · 26-30, F
@SW-User Sorry for that. How is it going now?

Now I’m getting my head around my work closing and life coming to a halt for so many of us in the world and I am calm yet weary 🥀@JustChill
xixgun · M
Never underestimate the power of "good enough".
quitwhendone · M
Just chill...relax.
JustChill · 26-30, F
@quitwhendone Well that's basically the purpose of the name. Let go of that for sometime and Just chill.
quitwhendone · M
@JustChill Exactly!
Bushmanoz · 61-69, M
Be realistic, there will be things you excel at and other things you won't. You will burn out if you try and be the best at every single thing you do, pick the things you love to do