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At what age should I officially allow my niece to smoke?

Anti-smoking people go away now.

My daughter was allowed to smoke from 14. Now I have a 14 yo niece to look after. She smokes anyway, this I know, but when do you make it "official"?
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BlueRain · 51-55, F
My father died from smoking. The fact that you allow it is poor parenting! Wtf!
Rosejilly · 56-60, F
@BlueRain Look at your own profile to understand the meaning of "pathetic".
BlueRain · 51-55, F
Wow! Some people like yourself will never get it! 🤦‍♀️
BlueRain · 51-55, F
Have another cigarette.
chrisCA · M
When she agrees to visit the cancer ward in a hospital.
Rosejilly · 56-60, F
@chrisCA I don't want her or my daughter to die from taking too many Es at a festival or being accosted by males because they're too drunk to resist. A cigarette now and then I think is a little less life threatening.
chrisCA · M
@Rosejilly True, but I would do my best to discourage it.
Wow, such an outstanding parent. Someone should build you a memorial.
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
lol anti-smoking people are people too :P And a variety of answers is good in terms of making a balanced decision :)

The reality is she will smoke anyway.. you know that.. but as her *parent* its still up to us to keep trying to help them break the habit as it's not good for them and it's horribly expensive, to name just a few problems.

14 is too young... their bodies are forming still... legally some countries say it's illegal until 16 or 18
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Adaydreambeliever I guess in am an anti-smoker, but as a child of 2 smokers who died very young because of it, and a health professional seeing the result in others, you should try to get her to never smoke.
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
No no....those days are long gone. You never give permission for a a teenager to smoke. Society doesn’t accept that and why would you want to help kill your niece? I love my nieces...I don’t want them risking their life. Please rethink this.
129 and not a year sooner
As a parent myself, I would never make it “official. If they were of legal age, I would make it quite clear…Not in my House.. Despite the aforementioned, I am neutral on smoking cigarettes. To each his own.
Aussieman · 56-60, M
both my parents smoked from 11 12 by sister smoked at 12 my 2 eldest daughters were smoking at 13 I think 13 14 is an ok age to be smoking
homespun2 · 70-79, M
like mountainman says you have to be over 18 in canada to buy smokes.and it is also against the law to give smokes to under aged kids.Its something i think this country has tried to do right.
Isn't the legal age 18? If so, I would not condone smoking at such a young age.
BlueRain · 51-55, F
@SW-User It is 18 and in some states 21.
chrisCA · M
@SW-User In Ontario, Canada, the legal age to purchase tobacco products is 19.
Rosejilly · 56-60, F
@BlueRain All the kids here (I'm UK, but same round Yoorp) start smoking in early teens. Suspect the same in US? No point trying to stop them. Best move is to ration it. (happy to chat to any parent in same situation) But my main aim is to keep them off the "recreational" drugs and also keep a sharp eye on alcohol intake. THEY are the ones that kill you.

Anyone else reading this, thanks for the sensible responses. Rest of you can....
mountainman1234 · 70-79, M
Here in Canada you can not buy smokes till you are 18 ,,so 18 9is when you can legally smoke in Canada ,,,
Strictgram · 70-79, C
Never. I started early, as most do, and still smoke. A few whippings might have have stopped me.
JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
It becomes official the day they can go to the store and purchase their own cigarettes
100, if she lives that long she should be able to anything she wants.
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Rosejilly · 56-60, F
@kingkyri Yeah she can afford her own.
LadyGemini · F
Are we talking weed or cigs?
Rosejilly · 56-60, F
@LadyGemini Just cigarettes, along with the rest of her school year. I'd know if she was on weed or anything else.
LadyGemini · F
@Rosejilly Well I don't agree with cigarette smoking so i can't answer your question
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
It would be best for her never to smoke.
jehova · 31-35, M
I like to go by new York state law, a 16 year old is allowed to be in possession of a cigar. Vapors and tobacco are soon to be 21 in the us so I'd think 16 is about right for those, too.
jehova · 31-35, M
I'm sorry I still think 16, because then others will understand there is nothing you can do to stop it. Yet if it is obvious anyway. You might as well make it "Official" now.
Ynotisay · M
After you talk with her parents and get the OK for her to light up in front of you.
Ynotisay · M
@Rosejilly Religion, politics, smoking, on. :)
Rosejilly · 56-60, F
@Ynotisay Oh fuck - would need a whole day off for any of them. OK so smoking's been done (1 daft cow will be messaging me forever about that). I can always get a good row going from UK users about football/soccer. Religion could get any of us targeted, literally. Have a think - I will too. Flower arranging? Dunno. You think.

Tempted now to post "My daughter has smoked cigarettes from 10yo but now wants me to buy her cigars". Some idiot will respond. Save that for a few days...

Jill XX
Ynotisay · M
@Rosejilly HA. My eyes will be open for that one. Mention that you taught her how to inhale, ok?:)
midnightsun · 26-30, M
Hehe do it whenever your want

Lost cause anyways
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Rosejilly · 56-60, F
@Starhorse Thanks for a nice reply, unlike some others. There are worse habits than smoking cigarettes.
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Synyster · 51-55, M
When they can buy tobacco legally, which is 19 here in Ontario,Canada.
Bluesky52 · 61-69, M
I started at 14 quit at 22,we're the same age so you knew much they were back then,
homespun2 · 70-79, M
i hear its 8or 9 dollars for a 20 pack.
jehova · 31-35, M
@homespun2 cheapest in NY is like $9.25 any name brand packs $11.50 at least hell even USA gold is like $10.20 a pack
mathsman · 70-79, M
Have you asked your niece's parents?
homespun2 · 70-79, M
Smokelover15 · 31-35, F
Should of got her to start at a younger age, for me it should be 8
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Smokelover15 tell me about it in 20 years when you are suffering from COPD, heart disease, peripheral artery disease, etc. Ask for help with y9ur medical bills at that time, claiming it wasn't your fault!!
Rosejilly · 56-60, F
@Jlhzfromep Translate please
Rosejilly · 56-60, F
@eMortal Well I was going for 16 but thanks for non-abusive answer!
TakenDown232 · 46-50, M
When she is 34 D 😆
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
homespun2 · 70-79, M
i would never let a kid smoke.Ever...Its a great way to ruin their lives.It ruined mine.
Rosejilly · 56-60, F
@homespun2 Hi - not a question of whether I "let" her smoke. She and her friends already do. My original question should've used the phrase "at what age do you let them get away with it?"

Sorry the fags messed you up. May do that to me too.

My more serious concern is her potential alcohol/drug consumption.

Jill. And thanks for replying.
homespun2 · 70-79, M
@Rosejilly CANT TELL KIDS THAT AGE ANYTHING.But i really hope you can.And i will hope that she grows out of it.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
If you love her, Never!
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
Cigarettes are bad for a person at any age. I used to smoke 15 cigarettes a day or more when I was 17 years old. It ****** my stamina and when I gave up smoking, I knew the hell I went through to give it up.
You never make if official. You do everything you can to discourage her. Smoking is disgusting and it kills.
I don’t know if you live in the U.S., but here’s it’s illegal to allow minors to smoke. Meaning, CPS could end up getting involved. It’s comparable to letting her drink alcohol.
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
I would make it official, when they start earning their own money and can legally buy cigarettes 😊
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Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
I just saw your reply to Bluerain...obviously you have something rotting up your ass.
BlueRain · 51-55, F
@Keepitsimple Thank you!
Rosejilly · 56-60, F
Thought I said anti-smoking people go away now. So FUUUCCCKKKOFFFF!!!!
Rosejilly · 56-60, F
@Keepitsimple You want a battle of wits? You need to come armed. You thick yank arsehole. (apologies to US friends but you understand).

Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
It’s asshole. Bitch.@Rosejilly
Rosejilly · 56-60, F
@Keepitsimple Sorry, forgot you're a colonial. "You say tomato.. I say Stupid Yank Cow".

Do you know, I think we'd get on together.

You cunt.

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