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What Was Your Favorite Job?

I worked a couple of years as a park ranger. I miss it. Now I work in family restaurant. Not sure if it is a step down or out. 😒
Firefighting (33 years)
Shaneishere · 31-35, M
@soar2newhighs Wow. I feel about an inch tall now. 😉 Appreciate you though.
Nah! No reason to feel an inch tall or anything like that. It was a profession I chose. And by the grace of god, unlike many others in that profession, I left unscathed. Nothing wrong being in a restaurant...where else would we eat outside of home?@Shaneishere
4meAndyou · F
I have always loved REALLY helping people. My job at the Homeless shelter was good, but I couldn't help in any way that was truly meaningful.

My favorite job (meaning the most gratifying to me personally) was my job at Harvard Pilgrim Health.

I began as a rep, but became so trusted they programmed my computer so that I could pay claims directly from my computer while speaking to customers with claims problems. To be able to pay a bill for someone who was on the phone agonizing about it was probably ONE of the best experiences of my life.
Shaneishere · 31-35, M
@4meAndyou 😉
Indulge · 36-40, F
mine wasnt a paid job but I loved doing it..volunteered in homeless, and animal shelters
Rocknrod · 61-69, M
When I was in the Army. We were a tight team. Now I miss that.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
I miss working at the pool. I was a lifeguard. Also I trained young kid's to swim.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Not even an official part of the job, but when I worked for a County Mental Health Department I had to fill in on their "Hotline" every so often and I found it very fulfilling to be trying to help people, refer them to professionals, or simply just talk to them and try to reassure them. The feeling that I'd done something positive for someone made it a wonderful part of the job.
My favorite has been my current job, working at a bank.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Worked at a book store with all of my best friends.
My current one. I work at a call center.
BestMeow · 26-30, F
Tae Kwon do instructor (4 years) 😊
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Park ranger sounds like a cool job.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Shaneishere Having to deal with poachers seems like a pain though. I watch a couple of ranger shows.
Shaneishere · 31-35, M
@cherokeepatti The worse thing I dealt with was rowdy weekenders. 😆
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Shaneishere same in this area...drownings, people stepping on broken beer bottles in the swimming area of the lake and needing an ambulance, couples drunk fighting, etc.
Why don’t you try for a similar job again?
Shaneishere · 31-35, M
@Gingerbreadspice I may but my family owns a restaurant and they needed me. 😩
Montanaman · M
Did you have to have college for that?
Shaneishere · 31-35, M
@Montanaman Associates and civil service exam.
Montanaman · M

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